This is a test book on GitHub. From here you can:
- Read the book online (note the TOC button on the top-left and the Annotation buttons on the top-right of the page)
- Download the PDF!
: updated every time the book is changed
- Edit the Book online! : takes a while to load but close the login to just play around
- Download the book by clicking the "Download ZIP" button on this page
You've been warned! These are just notes I jotted down when building this repository.
Anatomy and Physiology test data
Install ghostscript (gs
) and inkscape:
brew install ghostscript inkscape
Then, for each EPS file:
echo "$1" # Path to the EPS file (mminus the extension)
gs -dEPSCrop -dEPSFitPage -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o temp.pdf "$1.eps" 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
/Applications/ --export-plain-svg="$1.svg" -z temp.pdf 2> /dev/null
Full script:
echo "Converting EPS files to SVG"
find $1 -name "*.eps" -print0 | while read -d $'\0' EPS_PATH
FILE_PATH=$(dirname "${EPS_PATH}")
FILE_NAME=$(basename "${EPS_PATH}" .eps)
#echo "${EPS_PATH}"
echo "${FILE_PATH}/${FILE_NAME}"
gs -dEPSCrop -dEPSFitPage -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o temp.pdf "${EPS_PATH}" 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
/Applications/ --export-plain-svg="${FILE_PATH}/${FILE_NAME}.svg" -z temp.pdf 2> /dev/null
# Copy to resources and prettify (for easy diffing) the SVG
xmllint --nsclean --pretty 2 "${FILE_PATH}/${FILE_NAME}.svg" > "${RESOURCES_DIR}/${FILE_NAME}.svg"
# Failed attempts:
#gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o output.pdf ~/Downloads/art-unzipped/A\&P_Chapter10_Final_Arts/1003_Thick_and_Thin_Filaments.eps
#/Applications/ --export-plain-svg=output.svg -z output.pdf
#gs -dEPSCrop -dEPSFitPage -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o temp.pdf "$1.eps" 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
#/Applications/ --export-plain-svg="$1.svg" -z temp.pdf 2> /dev/null
#rm "$1.png"