Release 29.1.0
🌱 Upgraded ExifTool to version 13.17. Note that this release includes seventeen ExifTool version bumps (from November 2024 through January 2025--Phil Harvey has been busy!). Although I haven't seen any breaking changes in the Tags generation or test suite with the new versions, please do your own validation.
✨ Thanks to Mert for adding forceWrite to binary tag extraction.
✨ ExifTool's Geolocation feature seems to work around some obscure GPS encoding issues where the decimal sign gets ignored. This project now leverages that "corrected" GPS location by adopting the hemisphere signs, which seems to fix this issue.
🐞 Removed
from the list of Timezone offset tags we infer tz from. Thanks for the heads-up, Carsten Otto! -
📦 Updated to the latest
, which required rewriting the config, and delinting the new nits -
📦 Deleted most of the
config to accept their defaults. This created a huge no-op commit but now it's over.
- deflake spec (fe10c32)
- chore(CHANGELOG): fix missing bullet (8930477)
- Pull in ExifTool v13.17 (198fa44)
- prep v29.1.0 (da86aaf)
- chore(docs) (b9210a8)
- chore(Timezones): fix tests that referenced OffsetTime (finishes #220) (700567e)
- feat(BinaryExtractionTask): support forceWrite. Thanks for the PR, mertalev! Fixes #222 (067e6d6)
- chore(File):fix compareFilePaths specs for POSIX filesystems (27fe4d8)
- fix(Timezones): addresses #220 (f053e5e)
- feat(ReadTask): improve SourceFile validation (7aa9cc4)
- chore(docs): rebuilt (5715e63)
- export WritableGPSRefs (480293e)
- chore(delint): remove unused eslint-disable directive (9033fda)
- chore(prettier): remove non-standard semi: false and trailingComma prettier configs and reformat. (622e8a8)
- prettier (e41f64c)
- chore(Tagss): rebuild with new ExifTool version (e456349)
- feat(ReadTask): enhance GPS metadata handling to address XMP parsing from buggy Apple output (c558a32)
- feat(Timezones): improve zone parsing and test coverage (9fdbe57)
- style(tests): prettier (26fd672)
- feat(Number): add isInteger and isFloat functions; enhance tests for number validation (0c42417)
- chore(prettier) (757232f)
- chore(mktags): improve error handling by using unknown type for uncaught exceptions and unhandled rejections (6a30470)
- chore: update deps (3501af6)
- chore(delint): update to new eslint and address grumpings - replace 'any' with 'unknown' - improve type safety - replace some string[] with keyOf - remove unused/incorrect eslint-disables (55ae70f)
- es2022 (f77b0f0)
Full Changelog: v29.0.0...v29.1.0