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@jansenbe jansenbe released this 30 Jun 11:57
· 910 commits to dev since this release


  • Support for adding, removing and re-ordering list view columns #1144 [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Support for replacing the site collection admins #1184 [mloitzl - Martin Loitzl]
  • Support to delete list item versions (IListItemVersion) [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Admin Library: Tenant hub site join method GetSharePointAdmin().ConnectToHubSiteAsync #1193 [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]


  • Recognize editor component (CK4/CK5) being used in pages and allow developer to act on that IPage.EditorType [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Retain extra page settings (isSpellCheckEnabled, globalRichTextStylingVersion, isEmailReady, rtePageSettings and htmlAttributes) [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Fix to enable empty text parts to be added to a page #1164 [cnesmark - Christian Nesmark]
  • Use new syntax for inserting inline images when the page is using CK5 [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Fixed issue where section collapsibility is not set correctly when provisioning a page with a collapsible section containing a webpart. #1167 [mmi-wp - Mikkel Bukholt Mikkelsen]
  • IconAlignment cannot be used to infer collapsibility of a page section #1168 [mmi-wp - Mikkel Bukholt Mikkelsen]
  • Vertical sections should not be collapsible #1169 [mmi-wp - Mikkel Bukholt Mikkelsen]
  • Added CreatedDateTime property to ITeamChannel [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Support DateTime and DateTimeOffset types in OData filters #1173 [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • AddAvailableContentTypeFromHubAsync throws Exception, even on success #1175 [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Correctly handle ContentTypeHub when the original context was created for the root site collection [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Fixed FieldLink handling when ContentTypeHub was used [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Fixed AddTaxonomy field methods when ContentTypeHub was used [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Handle the CSOM limitation of not being able to set an empty RestrictedAccessControlGroups property on ISiteCollectionProperties.Update [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Localized names for a TermSet can now be added #1188 [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Using GetTermById on ITermStore now loads the additional ITerm properties needed to enable operations on the loaded term #1189 [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • GetCommentsAsync throws InvalidClientQueryException #1191 [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Ensure CultureInfo.InvariantCulture is used when translating dates to string #1201 [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Admin Library: do not return already approved permission requests #1202 [mloitzl - Martin Loitzl]
  • Ensure TermStore.DefaultLanguage is loaded before using it [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Fixed: Incorrect url for getting IRoleAssignment by principal id #1207 [JakeStanger - Jake Stanger]
  • Fixed: AddAvailableContentTypeFromHubAsync does not work on lists that are located in subsites - more broadly the 'site id' value used in Graph queries was not considering sub sites in multiple locations #1210 [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Fixed: Calling UpdateOverwriteVersion or SystemUpdate methods on ListItemAllFields when that was loaded from a IFolder resulted in error: "Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes" #1213 [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
  • Fixed updating multiple propertybag values doesn't work #1218 [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]