Easily define your routes in your ASP.NET Core MinimalAPI with TypedResults
⚠️ This library is in beta state
NuGet package available:
$ dotnet add package FSharp.MinimalApi
💡 You can check a complete sample HERE
open FSharp.MinimalApi
open type TypedResults
let routes =
endpoints {
get "/hello" (fun () -> "world")
get "/inc/{v}" (fun (v: int) -> v + 1)
get "/secret" (fun () -> "I'm secret") (fun b -> b.ExcludeFromDescription())
get "/double/{v}" produces<Ok<int>> (fun (v: int) -> Ok(v * 2))
get "/even/{v}" produces<Ok<string>, BadRequest> (fun (v: int) (logger: ILogger<_>) ->
(if v % 2 = 0 then
// the `!>` is necessary for implicit conversions between result types
!> Ok("even number!")
logger.LogInformation $"Odd number: {v}"
!> BadRequest()))
// RouteBuilder access
set (fun b -> b.MapGet("/health", (fun () -> "healthy")))
mapGroup "user" {
tags "Users"
get "/" produces<Ok<User[]>> (fun (db: AppDbContext) ->
task {
let! users = db.Users.ToArrayAsync()
return Ok(users)
get "/{userId}" produces<Ok<User>, NotFound> (fun (userId: Guid) (db: AppDbContext) ->
task {
let! res = db.Users.Where(fun x -> x.Id = UserId userId).TryFirstAsync()
match res with
| Some user -> return !> Ok(user)
| None -> return !> NotFound()
post "/" produces<Created<User>, Conflict, ValidationProblem>
(fun (userInfo: NewUser) (db: AppDbContext) ->
task {
match NewUser.validate userInfo with
| Error err -> return !> ValidationProblem(err)
| Ok() ->
let! exists = db.Users.TryFirstAsync(fun x -> x.Email = userInfo.Email)
match exists with
| Some _ -> return !> Conflict()
| None ->
let userId = Guid.NewGuid()
let newUser =
{ Id = UserId userId
Name = userInfo.Name
Email = userInfo.Email }
db.Users.add newUser
do! db.saveChangesAsync ()
return !> Created($"/user/{userId}", newUser)
delete "/{userId}" produces<NoContent, NotFound> (fun (userId: Guid) (db: AppDbContext) ->
task {
let! exists = db.Users.TryFirstAsync(fun x -> x.Id = UserId userId)
match exists with
| None -> return !> NotFound()
| Some user ->
db.Users.remove user
do! db.saveChangesAsync ()
return !> NoContent()
let main args =
let builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args)
// ... builder configuration ...
app.MapGroup("api").WithTags("Root") |> routes.Apply |> ignore
// ... app configuration ...