This git repository helps you get up and running quickly w/ a Wordpress installation on OpenShift Express. The backend database is MySQL and the database name is the same as your application name (using $_ENV['OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME']). You can call your application by whatever name you want (the name of the database will always match the application).
Create an account at
Create a php-5.3 application (you can call your application whatever you want)
rhc-create-app -a wordpress -t php-5.3
Add MySQL support to your application
rhc-ctl-app -a wordpress -e add-mysql-5.1
Add this upstream wordpress repo
cd wordpress
git remote add upstream -m master git://
git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master
# note that the git pull above can be used later to pull updates to Wordpress
Then push the repo upstream
git push
That's it, you can now checkout your application at (default admin account is admin/admin):
GIT_ROOT/.openshift/action_hooks/build: This script is executed with every 'git push'. Feel free to modify this script to learn how to use it to your advantage. By default, this script will create the database tables that this example uses.
If you need to modify the schema, you could create a file
GIT_ROOT/.openshift/action_hooks/alter.sql and then use
GIT_ROOT/.openshift/action_hooks/build to execute that script (make susre to
back up your application + database w/ rhc-snapshot first :) )
Wordpress Security: If you're doing more than just 'playing' be sure to edit wp-config.php and modify the Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. You can use the Wordpress site auth key generator @ to help.