This is a website for the Assassin game.
To download and import the database:
- Start MAMP and click Open WebStart page in the MAMP window.
- In the website you're taken to, select phpMyAdmin from the Tools dropdown.
- Select the Import tab.
- Note that it's important to make sure you're not importing to a database that already exists, so make sure that a database with the same name as the one you're importing isn't already present.
- Select your database file, and click Go.
To make your own database in MySql shell:
- CREATE DATABASE assassins;
- USE assassins;
- CREATE TABLE contracts (id serial PRIMARY KEY, game_id INT, assassin_id INT, contract_start DATETIME, contract_end DATETIME, is_fulfilled INT, weapon TEXT);
- CREATE TABLE games (id serial PRIMARY KEY, team_name TEXT, password TEXT, is_start INT, is_end INT);
- CREATE TABLE players (id serial PRIMARY KEY, is_alive INT, assassin_id INT, name TEXT, password TEXT, email TEXT, code_name TEXT, game_id INT, spoon_score INT, sock_score INT, phone_number TEXT, image_url TEXT, is_admin INT);
- Open via GitHub repository by going to
- In your command line (Terminal or another program), navigate to your desktop.
- In your command line, type "git clone" to clone the repository to your desktop.
- Open MAMP, or your equivalent. Start your servers. Navigate to the "Import" tab, and choose assassin.sql in the top level of the Assassin folder. Click "go" to import this database.
- In your command line, navigate into the new folder "Assassin", then into the subfolder "Assassin".
- Once inside "Assassin," type "dotnet run", and your terminal will inform you that the program is running on http://localhost:5000.
- Finally, put the url http://localhost:5000 into your web browser and the program will open.

Behavior | Input | Output |
Create a new game | Click "Start a new game" | redirected to new game instance create page |
Create an account to play a game of assassin | Click "Sign Up" | redirected to join game view with game lobby authentication |
Login to view your account details | Click "Login" | redirected to account authentication page |
Review rules of the game | Click "Rules of the Game" | Taken to Rules page |

Behavior | Input | Output |
No user interactability Required | Effort | Knowledge |

Behavior | Input | Output |
Input new lobby group name and password and personal player information | lobby name: -u Epicodus -p isgreat Player info: ... -CodeName Agent 007 | New Game Lobby: Epicodus with one agent, Agent 007 as Admin |

Behavior | Input | Output |
Prompts user for game lobby name and password | -u Epicodus -p isgreat | Shows signup page |
Allows player to create new agent for that specific game instance | Name: Oliver K. Email: [email protected] Password: pa55w0rd ... Code Name: Bobbers | Creates new Agent Bobbers in Epicodus game |

Behavior | Input | Output |
Input email and password to enter agent player portal | Email: [email protected] Password: pa55w0rd | returns Agent Bobber's player view |
- URL security; any user can navigate through URLs into restricted views without any authentication given they know correct routing values
- IsGameOver() with one player will never evaluated to true and end the game. There must always be (n > 1) players.
- Using numbers as agent names confuses some of the Model references and will create infinite contract generation loops, resulting in an unwinnable game
- End game accolades ignore ties for kill-count awards and will grab the first instance without a tiebreaker or split
- Lots of missing authentication checks for form inputs throughout
Should any problems occur, or any bugs discovered, please contact Brooke Kullberg at [email protected]
_This program was written in C#/.Net with Entity Framework Core, using MVC and MySql.
This software is licensed under MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2019 Brooke Kullberg, Reese Lee, Katlin Anderson, and Stuart McKay