Build your own smart home ecosystem based on Raspberry Pi. Use the guideline and/or bash scripts, which is tested and verified on real hardware and software.
Why do you need it? It a great chance to build own smart home, which is customing as you want and all the features as you want.
- added Base configuration for the single-board computers
- add all scripts based on Base Configuration and tested it.
- Base congifuration for the single-board computers
- Main server based on Raspberry Pi Modeb 3b+
- Camera monitoring based on Raspberry Pi Zero W
- Monitoring home state with different sensors
- Local internet customising based on Orange Pi R1
- Backup server on Raspberry Pi Zero W
Full description ⬆️ Go Top.
- Download Raspbian OS. All the guidelines describe the case with Raspbian Stretch Lite, the image with the only command line.
- Get microSD card on 16GB+. I prefer SanDisk 16GB.
- Format microSD card to FAT32 format. I use CD Card Formatter on MacOS.
- Install downloaded image on microSD. I use balenaEtcher to do it.
- Implement Base Configuration
- Install torrent-downloader(to be added)
- Mount USB-storage
- Install own cloud
- to be added
- Implement Base Configuration
- Install MotionEye using next guidelines or use our bash script
- This raspberry can be used for other needs, too. On demand can be chosen features from list.
⬆️ In a nutshell:
- CO2 Sensor
- Humidity sensor
- air temperature sensor
- etc
To be added. Zero W should be enough to be a backup server.
- Implement Base Configuration
- Mount USB-storage and connect it to USB 2.0
- Install Samba.
⬆️ To be added
⬆️ Step by step these guidelines can be used for creating own smart home ecosystem.
You can use two ways to do it.
- First is to go step by step throws the description.
- Second is to run bash scripts, which are based on the guidelines.
- media server
- Wi-Fi printer
- gaming center
- torrent-downloader
- etc... to be added
⬆️ If you have any ideas of how to improve this approach or you have ideas about new features - welcome! Full description can be found HERE
⬆️ This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.