A work in progress for plain-text based search method using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) that aims to preserve semantic relationships within structured data entries. The focus so far is to maintain data coherence and enhance retrieval accuracy through use-case specific splitting and processing.
The current implementation achieves the following:
Semantic Document Splitting: Preserve meaningful relationships in structured data.
Coherent Information Retrieval: Related information is kept together during processing, for improved context. Document metatada is also utilized to further improve context.
kgsandagents branch:
- A first, admittedly basic and naive implementation of Knowledge Graphs enhancements and agents to the already demo'd code. It is just a mock version of a KG and agents, to more or less show how i think about these tools in the context of the project.
On the cloned directory:
# Linux or macOS
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# Windows (Command Prompt)
python -m venv venv
# Windows (Powershell)
python -m venv venv
then install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- If you get
'python' is not recognized
: Ensure Python is added to your PATH. - If PowerShell execution policy blocks activation: Run
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Now you can place your JSON data files in the OKWs directory, and then import and use the semantic RAG implementation. I assume each 'document' to follow the following structure:
"title": "Your Title",
"description": "Your Description",
"keywords": ["keyword1", "keyword2"],
"inventory-atoms": [...],
"product-atoms": [...],
"tool-list-atoms": [...]
from preprocessing import load_and_process_documents
from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings
from langchain.vectorstores import Chroma
#load and process docs with semantic splitting
documents = load_and_process_documents('./OKWs/')
#init embeddings and vector store
embeddings = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(
vectorstore = Chroma.from_documents(
retriever = vectorstore.as_retriever(search_kwargs={'k': 5})
# to perform a search
question = 'your search query here, whether just keywords or complete sentences'
results = retriever.get_relevant_documents(question)
# Process results
for doc in results:
print(f"Title: {doc.metadata.get('title', 'No Title')}")
print(f"Content: {doc.page_content}\n")
- Integration with Knowledge Graphs (Supply trees) for enhanced relationship mapping, alternative paths computation, memory concerns, etc. OKH -> OKW matching should return an array of supply trees.
- Integration of specialized agents for highly domain-specific tasks. (too soon for this)
- Auto-RAG? To automatically detect appropriate methods of query search. (too soon for this)
- Improve and refactor chunking methods to further enhance retrieval, thinking about other matching scenarios.