La app de Teranga Go!( quiere facilitar la movilidad de los migrantes. Por eso, hemos puesto en marcha una red social que pone en contacto a personas que comparten vehículo en los desplazamientos entre sus países de origen y acogida. Teranga Go! es una Plataforma de economía colaborativa para la movilidad entre España y Senegal desarrollada bajo la financiacion del CEI BioTIC de la Universidad de Granada y en colaboración con la empresa granadina Acento comunicación
Este repositorio aloja los plugins desarrollados y adaptados por Rosana Montes, profesora de la Universidad de Granada, que personalizan un Elgg para convertirlo en una comunidad social activa para compartir vehículo.
El mundo se mueve: GO. Y precisa mucha hospitalidad: Teranga. Por eso, nace Teranga GO!
- 16 de octubre, Día Europeo del Coche Compartido
- 18 de diciembre, Día Internacional del Migrante
- 24 de mayo, Dia de África
Más información en
- Download & Install elgg-1.12.x (read more information bellow)
- Log-in with the admin account
- Go to the admin/plugins zone. Enable/Disable the plugins as follows. Note that we have start by moving Elgg Developer Tools 1.0 to the top position. Plugins list:
- Elgg Developer Tools 1.0 [Enabled] - Optional
- Blog 1.8 [Disabled]
- Bookmarks 1.8 [Disabled]
- Site-wide Categories 1.8 [Disabled]
- Custom Index 1.8 [Enabled]
- User Dashboard 1.8 [Disabled] - Optional
- Diagnostics 1.8 [Disabled]
- Embed 1.8 [Disabled]
- Site Pages 1.8 [Disabled]
- File 1.8 [Disabled]
- Garbage Collector 1.5 [Enabled] - Optional
- Groups 1.8 [Disabled]
- HTMLawed 1.8 [Enabled]
- Invite Friends 1.8 [Disabled] - Optional
- Likes 1.8 [Enabled] - Optional
- Log Browser 1.8 [Enabled]
- Log Rotate 1.5 [Enabled]
- Members 1.8 [Enabled]
- Message Board 1.8 [Disabled]
- Messages 1.8 [Enabled]
- Notifications 1.7 [Disabled] - Optional
- Pages 1.8 [Disabled]
- Profile 1.8 [Enabled]
- Reported Content 1.8 [Disabled] - Optional
- Search 1.8 [Disabled] - Optional
- Tag Cloud 1.0 [Enabled] - Optional
- The Wire 1.8 [Disabled] - Optional
- TinyMCE 1.8 [Enabled]
- Twitter API 1.8.15 [Disabled] - Optional
- User Validation by Email [Disabled] - Optional
- Web services 1.9 [Enabled]
- Zaudio 1.8 [Disabled] - Optional
- Visit to download and enable "at the bottom" the following recomended plugins for Teranga Go! under elgg 1.12.x
- elgghtml5 (HTML5 1.0)
- google-fonts (Google Fonts v1.1)
- fontawesome
- elggx_userpoints (Elggx Userpoints v1.8.5)
- language_selector (Language Selector v2.0.1)
- Clone
- Make simbolic links for the previous plugings in order that they appear as inside the mod/ directory cd $SITE git clone cd $SITE/mod ln -s ../teranga.go/mod/externalpages externalpages ln -s ../teranga.go/mod/mytrips mytrips ln -s ../teranga.go/mod/profiles_go profiles_go ln -s ../teranga.go/mod/rename_friends rename_friends ln -s ../teranga.go/mod/teranga_theme teranga_theme ln -s ../teranga.go/mod/terangapp terangapp ln -s ../teranga.go/mod/trip_companions trip_companions ln -s ../teranga.go/mod/teranga_idss teranga_idss
- Enabled current plugins following the next order (that's is, the last is placed at the bottom of the list):
- Teranga External Pages 1.9 (from externalpages)
- Teranga Rename Friends 2.0 (from renamefriend)
- Teranga App Ad 1.2
- Teranga Trip Companions 1.8
- Teranga WebService 1.0 (from Antonio Moles repository)
- Teranga Buscador Viaje 1.0 (from Antonio Moles repository)
- Teranga IDSS (Intelligent Decision Support System - Toma de Decision con Valoraciones linguisticas difusas 1.8)
- Teranga Go! My Trips 1.8
- Teranga Custom Index 2.0 (substitutes teranga_theme)
- Teranga Go! Profiles 1.8
- Teranga Trip Filtering 0.9 (under development)
- Update your plugin preferences (those set up by you)
- Publish your trip plannings
Elgg is managed by the Elgg Foundation, a nonprofit organization that was founded to govern, protect, and promote the Elgg open source social network engine. The Foundation aims to provide a stable, commercially and individually independent organization that operates in the best interest of Elgg as an open source project.
The project site can be found at
The Elgg project was started in 2004 by
- Ben Werdmuller ([email protected],
- Dave Tosh (
Elgg is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2 and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT-X11) License. See LICENSE.txt in the root of the package you downloaded.