Hi there! I'm Sami Khalaf, and I've developed this app with plain HTML + CSS + Javascript ES6.
This is mainly an exercise for me to polish my skills as a front-end developer, so I hope you check this out and enjoy it as much as I did programming it.
This is a simple task list. The fun thing is that saves all data in users browser's local storage, so once is deployed you can actually use it for traking your own ToDo's!
- Write down some tasks.
- You can either mark them as done, or delete them from the list.
Maybe I'll add some cool features in the future, such as:
- Light/Dark mode
- Drag and drop ToDo's for rearranging the order
- Dynamic columns
- Plain JavaScript (ES6) programming, no frameworks and no crazy libraries 💪🏿.
- Mobile first / responsive design, with CSS variables and cool stuff.
- Usage of BEM methodology for organising styles.
- All your tasks are stored in your localStorage's browser. Only you have access about the things you write down.
- No cookies and no surveillance, this website stores 0% of user data 👌🏿