This is a simple REST interface for doing CRUD ops with Couchbase (get,set,add,replace,incr,decr). I need to add a few more, but it has a solid set of features. It can also do CAS with storage ops.
Note: there isn't any authentication of any sort in this for consumers (although that's not hard at all to add)
It's recommended to not expose Couchbase or any database to the public directly, keep everything behind firewalls and VPC's, etc. I only use this thing on my home computers locally. You have been warned! :)
( Create an environment that has host and port values for the rails app after it's running
Couchbase Server Settings are in /config/yettings.yml
GET | /:key | GET document with key from "default" bucket |
GET | /:bucket/:key | GET key from specified bucket |
PUT | /:bucket/s/:key | SET creates or updates a document with key, post data is raw JSON |
PUT | /:bucket/r/:key | REPLACE document with key, post data is raw JSON |
POST | /:bucket/a/:key | ADD operation for document, post data is raw JSON |
PUT | /incr/:key | INCR key by 1 default bucket |
PUT | /incr/:key/:amount | INCR key by amount, default bucket |
PUT | /incr/:key/:amount/create | INCR key by amount, or create if needed, default bucket |
PUT | /:bucket/incr/:key | INCR key by 1, specify bucket |
PUT | /:bucket/incr/:key/:amount | INCR key by amount, specify bucket |
PUT | /:bucket/incr/:key/:amount | INCR key by amount, specify bucket, create if needed |
PUT | /decr/:key | same ops as incr, but decr in url |
DELETE | /:key | DELETES document, default bucket |
DELETE | /:bucket/:key | DELETES document from specified bucket |
GET | /ddocs | retrieve Design Documents for default bucket |
GET | /ddocs/all | retrieve Design Documents for all buckets |
GET | /:bucket/ddocs | retrieve Design Documents for specified bucket |
// Simple Value
"post": {
"value": 1,
"options": {}
// JSON Document as Value
"post": {
"value": {
"name": "Heimerdinger",
"hero_type": "Mage"
"options": {}
// Want Expiration/TTL? add to options
"post": {
"value": "my string",
"options": {
"ttl": 30
// Optimistic concurrency with CAS add to options, if provided it uses it
"post": {
"value": "my string",
"options": {
"ttl": 30,
"cas": 17480574146356051968
- Add Observe possibilities for Storage Operations (tricky with REST)
- Add append/prepend operations
- Add View Querying Route