#Facedetect batch processesing example
This example has been worked from the haar detector originally bundled with the opencv 2.1 documentation. Its been hacked to act as a batch slurper. It is given a directory and goes through and systematically tags/moves all the images it thinks have faces in them.
This program is demonstration for face and object detection using haar-like features. The program finds faces in a camera image or video stream and displays a red box around them. Original C implementation by: ? Original Python implementation by: Roman Stanchak, James Bowman
##Usage: python facedetect.py some/directory
This program will go through all the images found under some/directory
and look for any that
contain faces. If it finds one, it'll create a copy with face_ prepended to the file name.
any interesting features will be highlighted by a red rectangle
##Detecting other things: I have enclosed sample haar aml definitions that were bundled with opencv. They have a 3 clause BSD license which can be seen here: Here to use them in this programme simple change the cv.load() function to use an XML file of your choice. (line 54) The enclosed definitions are well labeled.