This repository provides a starter pack for deploying custom reasoning engines to Vertex AI using source code or a GitHub repository. It includes a basic agent that retrieves exchange rates using the Frankfurter API as an example.
├── .github/
│ └── workflows/
│ └── deploy.yaml # GitHub Actions workflow for deployment
├── app/
│ └── # Main application code (Agent definition)
├── # Utility functions for deployment
├── tests/
│ └── unit/
│ └── # Unit tests for the agent
├── dependencies/
| └── requirements.txt # Project dependencies
│ └── extra_packages.txt # Project extra packages
├── # Project README
└── LICENSE # Apache 2.0 License
- Google Cloud Project: You need a Google Cloud project with billing enabled.
- Vertex AI API: Enable the Vertex AI API in your project.
- Cloud Storage Bucket: Create a Cloud Storage bucket to be used as the staging bucket for Vertex AI.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.