Learning Golang, step by step:
(Image by Renee French, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 Attributions license.)
- Go packages
- Create documentation with
go doc
- Go oriented programming, oop in go
- Error handling
- Testing
- Working with files
- Working with a database, connecting to a mysql database
- RabbitMq
- Web development, web server
- Concurrency, channels, race conditions, mutex...
- Package management
- Docker with a Go app & RabbitMq
- DDD in go
- Web/Api with go
- Functional programming
- Golang.org
- Go By Example
- GolangBridge Forum: A great forum to ask questions
- Pocket Gophers
- Golang user groups *
- Go group google+
- SOLID Go design, Dave Cheney
- Learn To Code - Golang Training (youtube playlist)
- Build web apps with Golang (youtube playlist)
- How do you structure your Go apps?, Kat Zien
- Go Programing, Derek Banas
- Go best practices, Ashley McNamara + Brian Ketelsen
- Go-lang.cat-v.org: Talks
- Steve Francia talk
- Production Ready for a Go Service in 30 Minutes
- The Go Gopher, A Character Study. Renee French
- An introduction to programming in go
- The way to go
- The Little Go Book
- Go Bootcamp book
- Learning Go
- Build web application with Golang
- Webapps in Go the anti textbook
- Building Web Apps with Go
- Essential Go (html)
** https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Books
** https://github.com/dariubs/GoBooks
- Golang wiki
- Golang spec
- Go Programing tutorial, Derek Banas
- Go build vs go install
- Contribute your time, expertise to Go
- All posts ArdanLabs blog
- Dave Cheney blog
- Google golang-dev forum
- Golang code
- Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs
- Domain driven design and Go
- Golang Challenge
- Learn How To Code: Golang, Todd McLeod
- Introducción a Go: Tu primera app. (Friends Of Go in Codely.tv, Spanish)
- Web Development with Golang, Todd McLeod
- Golang course outline, Tutorialedge.net
- Modern Golang Programming, O'Reilly
- Use golang, Jon Calhoun
- Test with go, Jon Calhoun
- Gophercises. FREE online coding exercises for budding gophers (Jon Calhoun)
- Gophercises Youtube videos
- Exercism.io, Code practice and mentorship for everyone Level up your programming skills
- ArdanLabs, Go reading
- Resources for new go programmers, Dave Cheney
- Everything you need to know to start with go
- Go training github repo
- Go-search.org
- Godoc.org: Standard libraries and third-party packages
- Awesome-go: A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
Top 6 web frameworks for Go as of 2017*
7 frameworks to build a rest api in go **
- Friends of Go Tech (spanish)
- Golang BCN
- Gopher Academy
- Go, official golang.org
- Cool Go, Auto-retweeting and forwarding cool Go stuff
- Gopher Academy, a community organization focused on promoting the Go programming language.
- Daily Go / #golang news and links
- Golang Go, Stuff on #golang
- Go news, Keep up to date with the latest Go news from HackerNews
- Golang News & Libs
- Francesc Campoy
Do you want to recommend me some topics about Golang?