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Debian Ubuntu compilation

cdumez edited this page Aug 25, 2012 · 2 revisions

This How to will guide you though the compilation of qBittorrent svn and libtorrent-rasterbar. I wrote it for Ubuntu/Debian but there shouldn't be much difference for other Linux distributions.

Table of Contents

Required dependencies

  • General build dependencies
 sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool automake autoconf subversion
  • Boost and SSL libraries
 sudo apt-get install libboost-date-time-dev libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev \
 libboost-iostreams-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev \
 libboost-serialization-dev libboost-signals-dev libboost-test-dev \
 libboost-thread-dev libssl-dev
  • Qt4 libraries
 sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev
  • Python (Run time only dependency, for the search engine)
 sudo apt-get install python

Optional dependencies

  • Geoip Database (For peer country resolution, strongly advised)
 sudo apt-get install geoip-database
  • Libnotify (for system notifications)
 sudo apt-get install libnotify-dev

Compiling libtorrent

Libtorrent is a library written by Arvid Norberg that qBittorrent uses for the bittorrent part. It is necessary to compile and install libtorrent before compiling qBittorrent.

First you should get libtorrent-rasterbar from SVN:

 mkdir -p qBittorrent_compiling
 cd qBittorrent_compiling
  • Libtorrent v0.16
 svn co libtorrent

You should now have the latest libtorrent svn branch in libtorrent/ folder. You will notice that there is no configure file provided. Hence, you must generate it yourself by issuing the following commands:

 cd libtorrent

Ok, Now you have a configure file, just type the following command:

 ./configure --disable-debug --prefix=/usr && make clean && make

Then you can install libtorrent using the following commands:

 make uninstall
 make install-strip

For more information on building libtorrent, see libtorrent downloading and building

Compiling qBittorrent (with the Qt4 graphical interface)

Now, let's get to the interesting part: compiling qBittorrent.

Grab latest qBittorrent from GIT:

 cd .. (to go back to qBittorrent_compiling/ folder)
 git clone

Ok, now let's compile it:

 cd qbittorrent
 ./configure --prefix=/usr

And to install it:

 make install

That's it! qBittorrent should now be installed. You can now run qBittorrent using the following command:


Compiling qBittorrent (without the Qt4 graphical interface)

Now, let's get to the interesting part: compiling qBittorrent.

Grab latest qBittorrent from GIT:

 cd .. (to go back to qBittorrent_compiling/ folder)
 git clone

Ok, now let's compile it:

 cd qbittorrent
 ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-gui

And to install it:

 make install

That's it! qBittorrent should now be installed. You can now run qBittorrent using the following command:


Since you disabled the graphical user interface, qBittorrent should be controlled via its Web UI. As a default, you can access it from:

 Username: admin
 Password: adminadmin

A documentation about running qBittorrent 2 without GUI is available here.


  • If you experience any problem with this how to, do not hesitate to contact me at chris(at)qbittorrent(dot)org.