DearWidgets aim to produce useful Widgets particulary useful on Graphics (Image Processing, 3D, ...). DearWidgets aim to provide helper to simplify creation of custom widgets.
DearWidgets is 6 collections of helpers:
- DrawLists
- Interactions
- Widgets
- Math Helpers
- 'Shape' (2D Geometry)
- Helpers to have type independent "Scalar"
Dear Widgets is a collection of help to simplify the develoment of application.
DearWidgets add some helpers which allow us to create Custom Widget independently of the try. A Scalar is stored as an ImU64, which is a memcpy of any type supported by ImGui {Im{U|S}{8, 16, 32, 64} | bool | float | double}.
- bool IsNegativeScalar
- void EqualScalar
- float ScalarToFloat
- ImU64 FloatToScalar
- ImU64 AddScalar
- ImU64 SubScalar
- ImU64 MulScalar
- ImU64 DivScalar
- ImU64 Normalize01
- ...
DearWidgets is using ImPlatform.
PR & Discussion are open.
- Is Hovered
bool IsPolyConvexContains( ImVec2* pts, int pts_count, ImVec2 p );
bool IsMouseHoveringPolyConvex( const ImVec2& r_min, const ImVec2& r_max, ImVec2* pts, int pts_count, bool clip = true );
bool ItemHoverablePolyConvex( const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, ImVec2* pts, int pts_count, ImGuiItemFlags item_flags );
bool IsPolyConcaveContains( ImVec2* pts, int pts_count, ImVec2 p );
bool IsMouseHoveringPolyConcave( const ImVec2& r_min, const ImVec2& r_max, ImVec2* pts, int pts_count, bool clip = true );
bool ItemHoverablePolyConcave( const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, ImVec2* pts, int pts_count, ImGuiItemFlags item_flags );
With Hole (warning rely on 'thick' scanline)
bool IsPolyWithHoleContains( ImVec2* pts, int pts_count, ImVec2 p, ImRect* p_bb = NULL, int gap = 1, int strokeWidth = 1 );
bool IsMouseHoveringPolyWithHole( const ImVec2& r_min, const ImVec2& r_max, ImVec2* pts, int pts_count, bool clip = true );
bool ItemHoverablePolyWithHole( const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, ImVec2* pts, int pts_count, ImGuiItemFlags item_flags );
- Background
void SetCurrentWindowBackgroundImage( ImTextureID id, ImVec2 imgSize, bool fixedSize = false, ImU32 col = IM_COL32( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
- Triangle Pointer
Used internally for HueSelector
void DrawTriangleCursor( ImDrawList* pDrawList, ImVec2 targetPoint, float angle, float size, float thickness, ImU32 col );
void DrawTriangleCursorFilled( ImDrawList* pDrawList, ImVec2 targetPoint, float angle, float size, ImU32 col );
- Signet Pointer
void DrawSignetCursor( ImDrawList* pDrawList, ImVec2 targetPoint, float width, float height, float height_ratio, float align01, float angle, float thickness, ImU32 col );
void DrawSignetFilledCursor( ImDrawList* pDrawList, ImVec2 targetPoint, float width, float height, float height_ratio, float align01, float angle, ImU32 col );
- Hue Band
- Luminance Band
- Saturation Band
Used Internally to implement HueSelector.
void DrawHueBand( ImDrawList* pDrawList, ImVec2 const vpos, ImVec2 const size, int division, float alpha, float gamma, float offset );
void DrawHueBand( ImDrawList* pDrawList, ImVec2 const vpos, ImVec2 const size, int division, float colorStartRGB[ 3 ], float alpha, float gamma );
void DrawLumianceBand( ImDrawList* pDrawList, ImVec2 const vpos, ImVec2 const size, int division, ImVec4 const& color, float gamma );
void DrawSaturationBand( ImDrawList* pDrawList, ImVec2 const vpos, ImVec2 const size, int division, ImVec4 const& color, float gamma );
- Graduations
Linear Line
void DrawLinearLineGraduation( ImDrawList* drawlist, ImVec2 start, ImVec2 end, float mainLineThickness, ImU32 mainCol,
int division0, float height0, float thickness0, float angle0, ImU32 col0,
int division1 = -1, float height1 = -1.0f, float thickness1 = -1.0f, float angle1 = -1.0f, ImU32 col1 = 0u,
int division2 = -1, float height2 = -1.0f, float thickness2 = -1.0f, float angle2 = -1.0f, ImU32 col2 = 0u );
Linear Circular
void DrawLinearCircularGraduation( ImDrawList* drawlist, ImVec2 center, float radius, float start_angle, float end_angle, int num_segments,
float mainLineThickness, ImU32 mainCol,
int division0, float height0, float thickness0, float angle0, ImU32 col0,
int division1 = -1, float height1 = -1.0f, float thickness1 = -1.0f, float angle1 = -1.0f, ImU32 col1 = 0u,
int division2 = -1, float height2 = -1.0f, float thickness2 = -1.0f, float angle2 = -1.0f, ImU32 col2 = 0u );
Log Line
void DrawLogLineGraduation( ImDrawList* drawlist, ImVec2 start, ImVec2 end,
float mainLineThickness, ImU32 mainCol,
int division0, float height0, float thickness0, float angle0, ImU32 col0,
int division1 = -1, float height1 = -1.0f, float thickness1 = -1.0f, float angle1 = -1.0f, ImU32 col1 = 0u );
Log Circular
void DrawLogCircularGraduation( ImDrawList* drawlist, ImVec2 center, float radius, float start_angle, float end_angle, int num_segments,
float mainLineThickness, ImU32 mainCol,
int division0, float height0, float thickness0, float angle0, ImU32 col0,
int division1 = -1, float height1 = -1.0f, float thickness1 = -1.0f, float angle1 = -1.0f, ImU32 col1 = 0u );
- Shape
void ShapeTesselationUniform( ImShape& shape );
void DrawImageShape( ImDrawList* pDrawList, ImTextureID tex, ImShape& shape );
** Gradients
void ShapeSRGBLinearGradient( ImShape& shape, ImVec2 uv_start, ImVec2 uv_end, ImU32 col0, ImU32 col1 );
void ShapeOkLabLinearGradient( ImShape& shape, ImVec2 uv_start, ImVec2 uv_end, ImU32 col0, ImU32 col1 );
void ShapeOkLchLinearGradient( ImShape& shape, ImVec2 uv_start, ImVec2 uv_end, ImU32 col0, ImU32 col1 );
void ShapeLinearSRGBLinearGradient( ImShape& shape, ImVec2 uv_start, ImVec2 uv_end, ImU32 col0, ImU32 col1 );
void ShapeHSVLinearGradient( ImShape& shape, ImVec2 uv_start, ImVec2 uv_end, ImU32 col0, ImU32 col1 );
void ShapeSRGBRadialGradient( ImShape& shape, ImVec2 uv_start, ImVec2 uv_end, ImU32 col0, ImU32 col1 );
void ShapeOkLabRadialGradient( ImShape& shape, ImVec2 uv_start, ImVec2 uv_end, ImU32 col0, ImU32 col1 );
void ShapeOkLchRadialGradient( ImShape& shape, ImVec2 uv_start, ImVec2 uv_end, ImU32 col0, ImU32 col1 );
void ShapeLinearSRGBRadialGradient( ImShape& shape, ImVec2 uv_start, ImVec2 uv_end, ImU32 col0, ImU32 col1 );
void ShapeHSVRadialGradient( ImShape& shape, ImVec2 uv_start, ImVec2 uv_end, ImU32 col0, ImU32 col1 );
void ShapeSRGBDiamondGradient( ImShape& shape, ImVec2 uv_start, ImVec2 uv_end, ImU32 col0, ImU32 col1 );
void ShapeOkLabDiamondGradient( ImShape& shape, ImVec2 uv_start, ImVec2 uv_end, ImU32 col0, ImU32 col1 );
void ShapeOkLchDiamondGradient( ImShape& shape, ImVec2 uv_start, ImVec2 uv_end, ImU32 col0, ImU32 col1 );
void ShapeLinearSRGBDiamondGradient( ImShape& shape, ImVec2 uv_start, ImVec2 uv_end, ImU32 col0, ImU32 col1 );
void ShapeHSVDiamondGradient( ImShape& shape, ImVec2 uv_start, ImVec2 uv_end, ImU32 col0, ImU32 col1 );
- Color Ring
TODO: Ring HueSelector
TODO: Add support for 2D (angle, radius)
void DrawColorRing( ImDrawList* pDrawList, ImVec2 const curPos, ImVec2 const size, float thickness_, ImColor1DCallback func, void* pUserData, int division, float colorOffset, bool bIsBilinear );
- Custom Color Ring
- Chromatic Plot{Bilinear, Nearest}
- Chromatic Point
- Chromatic Line
void DrawChromaticityPlot( ... );
void DrawChromaticityPoints( ... );
void DrawChromaticityLines( ... );
- DrawColorDensityPlot (aka ShaderToy)
Use carefully that can have impact on your performances for HighRes canvas or/and expensive lambda.
void DrawProceduralColor2DNearest( ImDrawList* pDrawList, ImColor2DCallback func, void* pUserData, float minX, float maxX, float minY, float maxY, ImVec2 position, ImVec2 size, int resolutionX, int resolutionY );
void DrawProceduralColor2DBilinear( ImDrawList* pDrawList, ImColor2DCallback func, void* pUserData, float minX, float maxX, float minY, float maxY, ImVec2 position, ImVec2 size, int resolutionX, int resolutionY );
- Button
bool ButtonBehaviorConvex( ImVec2* pts, int pts_count, ImGuiID id, bool* out_hovered, bool* out_held, ImGuiButtonFlags flags );
bool ButtonBehaviorConcave( ImVec2* pts, int pts_count, ImGuiID id, bool* out_hovered, bool* out_held, ImGuiButtonFlags flags );
With Hole
bool ButtonBehaviorWithHole( ImVec2* pts, int pts_count, ImGuiID id, bool* out_hovered, bool* out_held, ImGuiButtonFlags flags );
- Hue Selector
bool HueSelector( char const* label, float hueHeight, float cursorHeight, float* hueCenter, float* hueWidth, float* featherLeft, float* featherRight, int division = 32, float alpha = 1.0f, float hideHueAlpha = 0.75f, float offset = 0.0f );
- Slider 2D Float A version for Slider2DScaler is available for (Im{S|U}{8,16,32,64}, Float and Double)
bool Slider2DScalar( char const* pLabel, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* pValueX, void* pValueY, void* p_minX, void* p_maxX, void* p_minY, void* p_maxY );
bool Slider2DFloat( char const* pLabel, float* pValueX, float* pValueY, float v_minX, float v_maxX, float v_minY, float v_maxY );
- Slider 2D Int
bool Slider2DInt( char const* pLabel, int* pValueX, void* pValueY, int v_minX, int v_maxX, int v_minY, int v_maxY );
- SliderN
bool SliderNScalar( char const* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* ordered_value, int value_count, void* p_min, void* p_max, float cursor_width, bool show_hover_by_region );
bool SliderNFloat( char const* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, float* ordered_value, int value_count, float v_min, float v_max, float cursor_width, bool show_hover_by_region );
bool SliderNInt( char const* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, int* ordered_value, int value_count, int v_min, int v_max, float cursor_width, bool show_hover_by_region );
Notice some DrawList are purely calling DrawList from Dear ImGui. So based on your parameters a non-negligeable impact on performance can be notice. Do not put an unreasonable resolution.
The Gradient rely on the vertex blending with the default shader. So to have a smooth gradient it may require lot of vertices via tesselation, that may impact performance and limit of vertices and imply a use of ImDrawIdx in 32 bits.
C++ features (optionaly) used internally:
- std::map<T, K> used for ImTesselator can be enabled with #define DEAR_WIDGETS_TESSELATION
Removed feature:
- AnalyticalPlotEx
- AnalyticalPlot Just explode the number of vertices
- CenterNextItem
- DragFloatLog TBD
- RangeSelect2D didn't find a proper control
- Slider3D no real use case
Removed C++ feature dependencies:
- template
- constexpr
- if constexpr
- Lambda from template
- auto
- std::vector<float>, std::vector<bool> for isoline
Future feature:
- Add more color space for gradient
- Hue Ring select
- Slider2DWithRingConstraint // Only only a circular region on the 2D selector
- InputFloatUnit cf. History of Dear Widgets
- Add Shape from SDF with ImShader cd ImPlatform (only if IM_SUPPORT_CUSTOM_SHADER)
- Guizmo2D{Translate, Rotate, Scale}
- Gauge