Welcome to Contributed Repo Finder, a React application that allows you to fetch and explore the contributed repositories of a GitHub user. With this app, you can easily discover the repositories and their details with just a few clicks.
- Enter the GitHub username in the input field and click on "Fetch" to retrieve the contributed repositories.
- Each repository card displays the name(which is linked to that repo url), description, number of stars, and number of forks.
- Use the pagination buttons to navigate through the repositories. Click the "Previous(<)" button to go to the previous page, and the "Next(>)" button to move to the next page.
- Use Search New User button to search for another user.
- A sticky "Back to Top(⏏)" button appears when you scroll down, allowing you to quickly return to the top of the page.
To run the Contributed Repo Finder locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/soumwadeep/contributed-repo-finder.git
Install the dependencies:
cd contributed-repo-finder npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
Open your browser and navigate to
to access the Contributed Repo Finder.
- React
- Axios
© 2023. All rights reserved by Contributed Repo Finder.