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WaveShader is a sketchpad for writing functions that generate audio waves and for visualizing those waveforms. You can export and save sounds as .WAV files. You can also save/link to a sketch by clicking the share button and copying the URL.

Wave functions are written in GLSL - the OpenGL shader language.

If a wave generation function is expressed in the form:

amplitude = f(time)

it can be easily parallelized. And because it's pure number crunching, it's a perfect candidate for the GPU, by way of WebGL.

I should note that mid-way into development I discovered that ShaderToy was already doing this very thing, though its UI is geared more toward creating visuals than shaping audio waves. WaveShader borrows some naming conventions to make it a bit easier to be able to write similar code in both.

Note that for the sake of quick prototyping, WaveShader does not buffer wave generation/playback, so sound duration is limited to 60 seconds for now. This was originally conceived as a tool for sketching tones, sound effects and for visualization rather than for composing full tracks.

Only single-channel audio is supported for now.

Local Development Install

npm install

Recommended VSCode Extensions

  • tslint
  • eslint
  • stylelint
  • postcss-sugarss-language
  • EditorConfig

(Or equivalents for your preferred editor/IDE.)

Run & Develop

npm start

Then go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser

Build Minified

npm run build

Outputs compiled JS to public/js and CSS to public/css.

© 2019 by spacejack

Built with:

  • Mithril
  • stackgl
  • CodeMirror


This was a very helpful resource for getting output data from shaders:


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