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Group IB Threat Intelligence

Publisher: Group-IB
Connector Version: 2.0.0
Product Vendor: Group-IB
Product Name: Threat Intelligence
Product Version Supported (regex): ".*"
Minimum Product Version: 5.4.0

This app ingests incidents and IOCs from Group-IB Threat Intelligence

Asset configuration

1). Find Group IB Threat Intelligence app, click CONFIGURE NEW ASSET button, in Asset Settings tab enter your credentials and configure necessary collections.

  • Group-IB API URL is
  • Username is the login for the Group-IB TI portal.
  • Verify server certificate - Whether to allow connections without verifying SSL certificates validity.
  • API key can be manually generated in the portal:
    The old version of the portal: log in to the TI -> click on your name in the right upper corner -> choose the Profile option -> click on the Go to my setting button under your name -> under the Change password button you will see API KEY generator . Do not forget to save the API key .
    The new version of the portal: log in to the TI -> click on your name in the right upper corner -> choose the Profile option -> click on Security and Access tab -> click on Personal token tab -> click on Generate new token button -> enter your password, copy token and click Save button.
  • Every collection has a poll starting date and enable checkbox.

2). If you are using a proxy to connect to the Group IB TI server, you can specify the appropriate settings. You need to expand the Advanced section on the bottom, find the Environment section and click + Variable . NAME must be HTTPS_PROXY, VALUE is your proxy server.

3). In the Ingest settings tab choose the polling interval you need.

SDK and SDK Licensing details for the app


This app uses the cyberintegrations module, which is licensed under the MIT License (MIT), Copyright (c) 2023-24 Group-IB.

Configuration Variables

The below configuration variables are required for this Connector to operate. These variables are specified when configuring a Threat Intelligence asset in SOAR.

username required string Username
api_key required password API key
base_url required string Group-IB API URL
insecure optional boolean Verify server certificate
ioc_common optional boolean IOC_COMMON
ioc_common_start optional string Date to start
compromised_account_group optional boolean Compromised Accounts
compromised_account_group_start optional string Date to start
compromised_breached optional boolean Compromised Breached
compromised_breached_start optional string Date to start

Supported Actions

test connectivity - Validate the asset configuration for connectivity using supplied configuration
on poll - Callback action for the on_poll ingest functionality

action: 'test connectivity'

Validate the asset configuration for connectivity using supplied configuration

Type: test
Read only: True

This action make a simple API request to Group-IB with provided credentials to validate them.

Action Parameters

No parameters are required for this action

Action Output

No Output

action: 'on poll'

Callback action for the on_poll ingest functionality

Type: ingest
Read only: True

Action Parameters

container_id optional The parameter isn't used in this app string
start_time optional Start of time range, in epoch time (milliseconds) numeric
end_time optional End of time range, in epoch time (milliseconds) numeric
container_count optional Maximum number of container records to query for numeric
artifact_count optional Maximum number of artifact records to query for numeric

Action Output

No Output