Fetches and displays the price of a stock ticker and other relevant data. downloads the data to CSV file
Objective: This program displays the price of a stock ticker and other relevant data such as market capitalization,
# P/E, average volume, today's volume, percent change, and earnings per share.
# This program also creates a CSV file of the stock tickers from the user input
# please install yahoo-finance package
# You can easily install the package in the terminal.
# Example: pip install yahoo-finance --user
# follow the instructions in the terminal to complete
# I have also provided the package in the zip drive to manually install if you have trouble using the terminal to install with pip
# Once you have installed the package, type python stock_quote.py followed by the ticker that you want from the command line.
# you can request multiple symbols
# Example: python stephan_s_stock_quote.py goog ibm