docker run -d -e PROJECT_ID=unique_id_on_gce -e GS_ID=gs_access_key_id -e GS_SECRET=gs_secret_access_key -e MONGO_HOST= -e MONGO_USER=user -e MONGO_PASS=password -e BUCKET=storage-bucket -e CRON_TIME="0 1 * * *" startupjs/mongo-backup:master
PROJECT_ID - Demo(3)
The project id on Google Cloud, need be the default.
GS_ID - Demo(4)
The Access Key of Interoperability session.
GS_SECRET - Demo(4)
The Secret Key of Interoperability session.
The bucket name, need create the bucket on Google Cloud Console before.
The IP or domain of your Mongodb server, with the port (
If your server need authentication, set the user of current database.
Like before but for the password.
If you are using authentication, set the authentication database
The cron time, the frequency that will generate a new backup, default is 0 1 * * *
every day at 1am (GTM).
Here is a good cron generator.