Scriptless scripts is an approach to designing cryptographic protocol on top of Bitcoin which avoids execution of explicit smart contracts.
WARNING: Unless specified otherwise, the presented schemes are ad-hoc constructions and have no formal security model or security proof. They may miss crucial details, are outright insecure or seriously flawed in other ways.
- Adaptor Signatures and Atomic Swaps from Scriptless Scripts
- This document describes adaptor signatures and multisignatures, which are the original building blocks of scriptless scripts. It also describes an atomic swap protocol using these building blocks.
- Partially Blind Atomic Swap Using Adaptor Signatures
- In this scheme one of the participants of the swap does not learn which coins are being swapped.
- Atomic Pedersen Swap Using Adaptor Signatures
- An atomic Pedersen swap exchanges a coin with the opening
(r, x)
of a Pedersen commitmentr*G + x*H
- An atomic Pedersen swap exchanges a coin with the opening
- Multi-Hop Locks from Scriptless Scripts
- Multi-hop locks are protocols that allow two parties to exchange coins and proof of payment without requiring a mutual funding multisig output (also known as "Lightning with Scriptless Scripts").
- Non-Interactive Threshold Escrow (NITE)
- NITE allows non-interactively setting up certain threshold policies on-chain, as well as off-chain if it is combined with multi-hop locks.