Test your coding skills in a game show like environment and allow employers to create their own challenges.
A)Clone to your local machine. B)Cd into the Rails folder and run rails server ($ rails s) C)Cd into the codeChallenge folder and run npm install ($npm install) D)Once npm install has ended start the npm server ($npm install) - Type y when asked "Would you like to run the app at another port instead? [Y/n]" E) If the browser hasn't opened automatically open your browser in localhost 3001
- Server Side - Rails 5 API
- Front End - React , Redux , Redux Forms
##Sneak Peeks
###Overview :
####Displaying statists for every completed game and all time stats per each question individually.
####Adding a new category with an open ended question that will require user to code the answer:
####Adding a multiple choice question and an additional open eneded question to the category each with different difficulty:
####Adding a board with categories that are currently in the database along with the one we jsut created (Arrays) :
####Playing with the newly added board
Avram Billig - https://github.com/abillig
Kellye Greene - https://github.com/drakeltheryuujin
Tal Goldfus - https://github.com/talgoldfus
Kevin Hernon - https://github.com/khernon1