| 1 | +# Generative AI for Software Architecture Diagrams |
| 2 | + |
| 3 | +## Exercises |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | +### PlantUML |
| 6 | +- [PlantText.com](https://planttext.com/) |
| 7 | +- [PlantUML Webserver](https://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/) |
| 8 | +- [Sequence diagram exercise image](../exercises/sequence-exercise.png) |
| 9 | +- [PlantUML Sequence diagrams](https://plantuml.com/sequence-diagram) |
| 10 | + |
| 11 | +### Mermaid |
| 12 | +- [Mermaid Live](https://mermaid.live) |
| 13 | +- [Mermaid Chart](https://www.mermaidchart.com/play) |
| 14 | +- [Sequence diagram exercise image](../exercises/sequence-exercise.png) |
| 15 | +- [Mermaid Sequence diagrams](https://mermaid.js.org/syntax/sequenceDiagram.html) |
| 16 | +- [Customise Mermaid theme](https://mermaid.js.org/config/theming.html#customizing-themes-with-themevariables) |
| 17 | + - For this exercise you can optionally look at changing *actorBkg*, *actorBorder*, *actorLineColor*, *activationBkgColor*, and *activationBorderColor* |
| 18 | + |
| 19 | +### Structurizr |
| 20 | +- [Structurizr DSL Demo](https://structurizr.com/dsl) |
| 21 | +- [Structurizr alternatives](https://structurizr.com/products) |
| 22 | +- [Context diagram exercise image](../exercises/context-exercise.png) |
| 23 | +- [Container diagram exercise image](../exercises/container-exercise.png) |
| 24 | + |
| 25 | + |
| 26 | +## Further Links |
| 27 | +- [JacquiRead.com](https://jacquiread.com) |
| 28 | +- [The KataLog](https://github.com/TheKataLog) |
| 29 | +- [C4 Model](https://c4model.com) |
| 30 | +- [List of text-to-diagram tools](https://xosh.org/text-to-diagram/) |
| 31 | +- [Kroki (API endpoint for diagrams-as-code)](https://kroki.io/) |
| 32 | + |
| 33 | +### PlantUML |
| 34 | +- [PlantUML website](https://plantuml.com/) |
| 35 | +- [Render PlantUML on GitHub](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32203610/how-to-integrate-uml-diagrams-into-gitlab-or-github/32771815#32771815) |
| 36 | +- [C4-PlantUML](https://github.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML) |
| 37 | +- [PlantUML Standard Libraries](https://github.com/plantuml/plantuml-stdlib) |
| 38 | +- [PlantUML stying (replacing skin params)](https://plantuml.com/style-evolution) |
| 39 | +- [PlantUML Skin Params](https://plantuml-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/formatting/all-skin-params.html#) |
| 40 | +- [PlantUML Icons](https://plantuml.com/creole#041a1eb0031c373d) |
| 41 | +- [PlantUML Activity diagram colours](https://plantuml.com/activity-diagram-beta#5d50889672f6f860) |
| 42 | +- [HMTL colour names](https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp) |
| 43 | +- [CSS colour names](https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp) |
| 44 | + |
| 45 | +### Mermaid |
| 46 | +- [Mermaid website](https://mermaid.js.org/) |
| 47 | +- [Mermaid diagram breaking](https://mermaid.js.org/intro/syntax-reference.html#diagram-breaking) |
| 48 | +- [Mermaid Flowchart styling](https://mermaid.js.org/syntax/flowchart.html#styling-and-classes) |
| 49 | +- [Mermsid styling issue on GitHub](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/issues/523) |
| 50 | +- [Mermaid (horrible) hack for styling sequence diagrams](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63587556/color-change-of-one-element-in-a-mermaid-sequence-diagram) |
| 51 | +- [Mermaid Theming](https://mermaid.js.org/config/theming.html) |
| 52 | + |
| 53 | +### Structurizr |
| 54 | +- [Structurizr website](https://structurizr.com/) |
| 55 | +- [Structurizr DSL basics](https://docs.structurizr.com/dsl/basics) |
| 56 | +- [Structurizr DSL language reference](https://docs.structurizr.com/dsl/language) |
| 57 | +- Styling: |
| 58 | + - Elements: [DSL Cookbook](https://docs.structurizr.com/dsl/cookbook/element-styles/) | [DSL language reference](https://docs.structurizr.com/dsl/language#element-style) |
| 59 | + - Relationships: [DSL Cookbook](https://docs.structurizr.com/dsl/cookbook/relationship-styles/) | [DSL language reference](https://docs.structurizr.com/dsl/language#relationship-style) |
| 60 | +- [Structurizr workspace scope](https://docs.structurizr.com/workspaces/scope) |
| 61 | +- [Structurizr exporter comparison](https://docs.structurizr.com/export/comparison) |
| 62 | +- [Strucutrizr Docs](https://docs.structurizr.com/ui/documentation/) |
| 63 | +- [Strucutrizr ADRs](https://docs.structurizr.com/ui/decisions/) |
| 64 | + |
| 65 | +### Draw.io & Diagrams-as-code |
| 66 | +- [Draw.io](https://app.diagrams.net/) |
| 67 | +- [Draw.io keyboard shortcuts](https://viewer.diagrams.net/#Uhttps%3A%2F%2Fviewer.diagrams.net%2Fshortcuts.svg%23%7B%22pageId%22%3A%22150dc974-5404-6732-309c-fd6db42db779%22%7D) |
| 68 | +- [PlantUML in Draw.io](https://www.drawio.com/blog/plantuml) |
| 69 | +- [Mermaid in Draw.io](https://www.drawio.com/blog/mermaid-diagrams) |
| 70 | + |
| 71 | +--- |
| 72 | +[> Home](../README.md) |
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