This repository contains resources for Jacqui Read's workshops, talks and courses.
- Design Patterns for Software Diagramming
- Hands-on Visual Communication for DDD
- Hands-on Visual Communication for Software Architecture
- Communicating Software Architecture - O'Reilly online training
- Generative AI for Software Architecture Diagrams
- The Basics of Visual Balance - Alvalyn Lundgren
- Spoon Theory
- WCAG - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (applicable to diagram and other visuals)
- Simplified English
- Chromatic Vision Simulator (iOS, Android & Web)
- Color Oracle (macOS, Windows, Linux)
- Sim Daltonism (macOS)
Require a paid subscription or free trial to access
- Gregor Hohpe’s The Software Architect Elevator
- Know Your Audience pattern for presentations
- The Monkey Book by Vlad Khononov
- Learning System Thinking by Diana Montalion
Jacqui Read's Resources by Jacqui Read @ The Ministry of Software Design is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0