Tools for converting data from ViS to tjommi
Add a local .env
file and configure it for your environment
VIS_USERNAME=username # add this to use basic auth
VIS_PASSWORD=password # add this to use basic auth
Sometimes there's the need (for speed) to add some extra groups/students/teachers permanently temporarily.
If you feel this need, add a extras.json
file in the root of the project with this schema:
"groups": [
"id": "1327096",
"groupId": "SMI:1STA",
"type": "basisgruppe",
"name": "1STA",
"description": "Basisgruppe 1STA ved Skolen for sosiale og medisinske institusjoner",
"schoolId": "38321",
"schoolName": "Skolen for sosiale og medisinske institusjoner",
"validFrom": "2021-08-01",
"validTo": "2022-07-31",
"adminPeriod": "2021/2022",
"memberIds": [
"students": [
"id": "01010101011",
"ssn": "01010101011",
"type": "student",
"username": "tes0101",
"sasUsername": "15203410",
"givenName": "Test",
"familyName": "Testesen",
"fullName": "Test Testesen",
"birthday": "2001-01-01",
"email": "[email protected]",
"personalEmail": "",
"phone": "",
"address": {},
"mainGroupName": "SMI:1STA",
"level": "VG1",
"utdanningsprogrammer": [],
"groups": [],
"groupIds": [
"schoolIds": [
"basisgruppeIds": [
"kontaktlarergruppeIds": [
"undervisningsgruppeIds": [],
"utdanningsprogramIds": []
"teachers": [
"id": "10101010101",
"ssn": "10101010101",
"type": "teacher",
"username": "tes1010",
"sasUsername": "tes1010",
"givenName": "Test",
"familyName": "Testesen2",
"fullName": "Test Testesen2",
"birthday": "2010-10-10",
"email": "[email protected]",
"personalEmail": "",
"phone": "81549300",
"address": {},
"mainGroupName": false,
"level": false,
"utdanningsprogrammer": [],
"groups": [],
"groupIds": [
"schoolIds": [
"basisgruppeIds": [
"kontaktlarergruppeIds": [
"undervisningsgruppeIds": [
"utdanningsprogramIds": []
The extras.json
file will be read and merged into export.json
when script add:extras
is executed
These are the individual scripts used to manipulate and structure the data from ViS
It is important to run the scripts in the listed order, as their results depend on each other!
Downloads constructed files from IDM
$ npm run vis:files
Extracts various groups of data
Extract all
npm run extract:all
Or extract each part
$ npm run extract:grep
$ npm run extract:groups:skoler
$ npm run extract:groups:basisgrupper
$ npm run extract:groups:undervisningsgrupper
$ npm run extract:groups:kontaktlarergrupper
$ npm run extract:groups:utdanningsprogrammer
$ npm run link:groups:utdanningsprogrammer
$ npm run merge:groups
$ npm run extract:persons:students
$ npm run extract:persons:teachers
$ npm run extract:export
$ npm run add:extras
$ npm run add:export:timestamps
Flush database and add all entries from export.json
$ npm run export:full
Creates pifu-temp
Drops pifu-previous
Adds all entries from export.json to pifu-temp
Renames the current prod collection pifu
to pifu-previous
Renames pifu-temp
to pifu
to be the current prod collection
$ npm run export:full:rename
Compare data in database and export.json and add
$ npm run export:delta