Mumbai and Nairobi support
What's Changed
- Mock response block data by @vkresch in #644
- Update RPS for TzKT API by @dmirgaleev in #645
- Added Vlad1mir-D into list of contributors by @Vlad1mir-D in #647
- Set gas limit for tz1-to-tz1 transactions to 1001 by @denver-s in #646
- GitHub Actions: update to Node v16 by @denver-s in #648
- docs: add rvermooten to contributors list by @rvermootenct in #650
- Refactor batch payer by @rvermootenct in #639
- Refactor/configure by @rvermootenct in #651
- fix: confirm all zero balance accounts are dealt with by @rvermootenct in #652
- fix: remove docker arguement for configure by @rvermootenct in #654
- fix: baker address should not be required to be known to the signer by @rvermootenct in #656
- Added multisig doc by @utdrmac in #658
- Bugfix: Founders and Owners balance correctly updated + Reactivate zero by @jdsika in #660
- HotFix Reward API argument by @vkresch in #662
- Fix ignore infinite tests by @vkresch in #665
- disable RPC after Mumbai by @nicolasochem in #664
- adapt ghostnet constats + deprecate -R --release-override by @jdsika in #661
- fix adjusted_early_payout argument by @nicolasochem in #668
- Update by @ericlavoie in #671
- Feat/better exit messages by @rvermootenct in #657
- release/v11 cont. by @jdsika in #677
- Mumbai & Nairobi Support by @jdsika in #667
New Contributors
- @dmirgaleev made their first contribution in #645
Full Changelog: v11.0...v11.1