Tezos Reward Distributor: Florence (Update 1)
Here is a link to the Agora post explaining the changes in more detail.
Additional Features:
Breaking: New reward_type ideal introducing payouts like Backerei. Old ideal has been renamed to estimated. The discussion in #415.
old new ideal estimated actual actual ideal -
Payment reporting:
Important debugging advice:- New payment status: skipped
- e.g. liquidated ovens are skipped
- Payments to kt1 accounts are skipped if fee > payment_amount as a precaution and marked as skipped
- Consider redirecting kt1 payments to the entitled tz1 address through the configuration
- Done and failed payouts are now split into two files
Docker images now available HERE
Optimization of fees, gas limits and batch sizes ordered by transaction type (tz, kt)
frozen rewards can now be payed out using RPC
Log archives are using gzip now
- Major: Introduction of a finite state machine, FSM to increase application safety and prepare storing application states for program recovery
- Breaking: -C --initial_cycle has now a default value of -1 meaning start at last unfrozen cycle and now only allows ""positive cycle values**
- Breaking: -R --release_override is now restricted to [-11,0]
- Breaking: -M --run_mode 4 does honor the -C parameter and runs all failed payments by default
- Breaking: fee.ini has been removed
- Bug: tzkt is not paying out accusation rewards. Rationale: The option will be configurable in the future and now in most cases bakers return it due to honest mistakes
- Resolved issue when payments resulted in an invalid branch error
- Unit testing has been increased
- Improved logging
- Exception handling and robustness has been increased
- Documentation improvements
- Using gh-actions now
- Fixed several bugs (see PR list)
- When using ideal: Tzkt counts missed baking fees, but because it also counts the missed block reward more accurately, it can end up lower than tzstats. Therefore, we currently encourage users when using ideal, to use tzkt. We will reach out to the tzstats team.