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@stanavdb stanavdb released this 18 Nov 18:23
· 30 commits to main since this release

For the latest release see 0.2.1
You can find instructions to set up the system here.

Release 0.2.0

We’re thrilled to share v0.2.0, which brings exciting new features, improvements, and bug fixes to the system.

Radiant Paths Are Here!

Radiant paths have arrived, introducing surges and key features to support other Investiture systems. This update brings the iconic powers of the Knights Radiant to life while laying the groundwork for the wider Cosmere.

What’s New?
  • Radiant Paths & Surges: Radiant paths and surges are now available through the latest version of the playtest materials module.
  • Powers: A new, flexible item type for magical abilities, starting with surges and scalable for future Investiture systems.
  • Path-Linked Skills: Paths can now be configured to display linked skills alongside the path on the character sheet, offering clarity and flexibility.
  • Automated Rewards: Goals can now be set up to automatically grant specific rewards upon completion.


Talent Trees

Talent trees mark the first step toward implementing advancement and leveling in the system. Developed alongside Radiant Paths, they provide a more accurate way to model how the Cosmere RPG handles talents. As a result, Specialty items are now deprecated and should no longer be used.


Chat Message Styling

Chat message cards have been revamped for a cleaner look and improved functionality.


Additional Features

  • Natural Deflect: Actors now support natural deflect, used when no armor is equipped.
  • Roll Enhancements: Added modifier key functionality and fast-forward options for quicker gameplay.
  • Alternative Graze Damage: Damaging items can now override graze damage for greater flexibility.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Armor: Fixed an issue where always-equipped armor wasn’t always being counted as equipped.
  • Character Sheet: Goals and connections list items now adapt dynamically to text size.
  • Attack Rolls: Damage rolls now correctly respect their skill/attribute configurations.
  • Fonts: Resolved an issue with the Penumbra font not loading properly.

We can’t wait to hear your feedback on this release! Try out the new features and let us know what you think.