A weather app that show weather from various cities. Initially there are three preloaded cities: Urubici-BR, Nairobi-KE and Nuuk-GL.
- Create a new folder in Desktop.
- Open the prompt command windows (CMD) or PowerShell and navigate at folder created and run the command "
git clone htpps://github.com/thiagocorbalan/weathernow .
. Or do you prefer get download the project". - Run the command
npm start
on a Prompt Command Window to install all needed packages. This command will automatically initialize the App.
- Browserify - Used to write better the modules.
- Browsersync - Used to build the project without reloading browser.
- Gulp - Automate tasks as for example, compile the SASS to CSS.
- SASS - Compile CSS.
- TypeScript - compile Javascript.
- Field to add weather conditions from more cities.