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An Open Source 3D Game Editor written in C++ with Qt


This project is open to any community developed pull-requests and we encourage all skill levels to contribute.

NOTE: All code submitted to HatchitEditor will subject to license under GPLv3

##Build Instructions

All build instructions are subject to change


All Linux development has currently been done on Ubuntu 16.04 XENIAL

Install the following dependencies:

  • Qt 5.7 SDK (installed in home ~/Qt)
    • Prefix path must be located ~/Qt/5.7/gcc_64
  • All dependencies of Hatchit

Then follow these simple directions:

  • Clone down the repo with git clone --recursive
  • Make a build dir (e.g. mkdir build)
  • cd into build/ and run cmake ..
  • Now just run make to build HatchitEditor
  • Optional
    • sudo make install to install to /usr/local/bin
      • NOTE: Qt 5.7 libraries must be in path


This is a bit more of a pain. All dependencies are either submodules in the Third Party directory or submodules of Hatchit and will need to be built before you build the editor.

All testing and development has been done on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2015

Install the following dependencies:

  • Install CMake (must be in system path)
  • Qt 5.7 SDK
    • Add Qt binaries to system path C:\Qt\5.7\msvc2015_64\bin

We recommend using some sort of cmd replacement in Windows such as cmder or some sort of bash shell

  • Make sure that you can run msbuild.exe from your shell. If it's not there try running the vcvarsall.bat file located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat for Visual Studio 2015
  • Clone down the repo with git clone --recursive
Third Party

Next up is building all the dependencies. This should only have to be done once for your machine. After this you won't have to worry about vcvarsall.bat but you will need CMake.

  • Run the setup.bat file. This should configure AND BUILD all your dependencies

This is the easy part!

  • cd into build
  • Open the HatchitEditor.sln solution file or execute it with MSBuild.exe to build all targets


An Open Source 3D Game Editor written in C++ with Qt







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