2025/03/09 Attending Haxe Roundup Roundup
2025/04/01-02 Attending FediForum
- 🔭 I’m currently working on: interesting fediverse integrations
- 💬 Ask me about: synthesizers
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- 😄 Pronouns: they/them
I'm a software engineer. I consult through Osaka Red LLC.
I blog on tech stuff here and here and live stream open source coding on twitch.
I'm behind the open source haxe audio libs haxe grig, plus some other stuff.
I'm into audio programming, machine learning, server, client, web, hit me up if you have similar interests.
Talks (not exhaustive, let me know if any other talks I've done are publicly available):
- Domain-Specific Languages in Haxe - HaxeHybrid 2022 (which I put on and ended up being primarily online)
- Bringing Back The Sound Chip - GameSoundCon 2021 (just the slides, the talk is not available)
- Real Time Audio Programming in Haxe - HaxeIn 2020
- Audio Development With Haxe - Haxe Summit Seattle 2019
プログラマーです。Osaka Red LLCとしてソフトウェアコンサルチングしています。
建材、haxe grigというオープンソース音響ソフトウェアを作っています。
I have been into photography my whole life and you can see a steady stream of my photos at my flickr or a more curated feed at my photography blog. Self-hosted pixelfed at @[email protected]
and the wordpress at @[email protected]
on the fediverse. I shoot both digital and film and develop b&w myself to control the kinds of results I get.
I am a drummer, synth player and composer. I am a certified Bitwig instructor and have made a 🎹 controller script for it. I can also instruct on sound design, how synthesizers (of all types) work, etc. I also record music sometimes - check out my 💿 new single, my 💿 release from a couple of years ago and music video for it. See also the linktree for my music and other stuff.
Check out some vegan recipes on this website and in this repo. Also check out this ig and my occasional food booth.
I do small batches of all-grain brewing. See my recipes here and also the profile on untappd. My personal favorites are the piñon nut brown and campfire in your eyes.