Releases: tjni/langgraph-checkpoint-mysql
Releases · tjni/langgraph-checkpoint-mysql
Changes since checkpointmysql==2.0.11
- Add MariaDB support.
- Simpler connection pool support.
- Update Pregel tests.
- Add optional task_path arg for put_writes()
- Handle calling .list on async checkpointer.
Changes since checkpointmysql==2.0.10
- Better fix for collation error in select query.
- Adding tests to prevent empty migrations.
- Minor updates to tests from upstream.
Changes since checkpointmysql==2.0.9
- Release 2.0.10.
- add a shallow checkpointer
- Move aiomysql references out of
- Clarify in README that we require MySQL >= 8.0.19.
- Merge pull request #43 from iamxinxin/main
- Test MySQL 9.x, 8.x, and 8.0.19.
- fix 'unknown column checkpoints.thread_id in on clause'
- Use checkpoint_ns_hash in a few more places.
- Add back hash of checkpoint_ns to primary keys.
Changes since checkpointmysql==2.0.8
- Remove checkpoint_ns from primary keys.
- Move pregel tests around to match upstream.
- fix mysql migration
- extend checkpoint_ns to 255
- change checkpoint_ns to longtext
Changes since checkpointmysql==2.0.7
- Release 2.0.8.
- Support SQLAlchemy pools in sync checkpointer.
- Support a Callable for a sync connection pool.
- Add sync support for the AIOMySQLStore.
Changes since checkpointmysql==2.0.6
- Add lock to single-connection store.
- Move the new checkpoint_id index to the end.
- added create index checkpoints.checkpoint_id
- Add and fix pregel tests for langgraph 0.2.58.
Changes since checkpointmysql==2.0.5
- Create indexes on checkpointer tables.
- Add tests for multiple interrupts per node.
- Update tests to replace GraphCommand with Command.
- Handle interrupt/resume for subgraphs
- Fixup initial provisioning of aio postgres db
- Update postgres-checkpoint min bounds
- Refactor after vector search feature.
- Add in-mem vector search
Changes since checkpointmysql==2.0.4
- Release 2.0.5.
- lib: Add Command(graph=Command.PARENT, ...)
- Fix race condition, and add pool support to store.
- Add more langgraph tests.
- Set charset on connection from AIO pool.
- Extract connection string parsing to method.
Changes since checkpointmysql==2.0.3
- Release 2.0.4.
- Merge pull request #17 from asanger/as-fix-socket-connection
- fix(connection): Fixes connection string parser to allow connecting via socket.
Changes since checkpointmysql==2.0.2
- Merge pull request #16 from tjni/vb/fix-attestations
- ci: turn off release attestations
- Release 2.0.3.
- Add tests to catch colon in channel name regression.
- Add tests to catch this regression.
- Refactor base64 decoding null check.
- Merge pull request #12 from asanger/as-fix-json-extract
- fix(query): Fixes json_extract query when path has ':' in key. #9
- fix(blobs): Fixes error when channel_values contain a null. #10
- Order pending sends returned by task ID.