Deploy your neural network locally with just a few easy commands!
We will use a pretrained sentiment analysis neural network from HuggingFace.
To make things as easy as possible, we will download models from HuggingFace on container startup.
- Install Docker
- Clone this repository
Position your shell in the root of this repository, and execute (be patient, some heavy packages are required :)
$ docker build -t sentiment_analysis .
$ docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 sentiment_analysis
Advance Usage:
- Set number of workers running inside a Docker container by adding a flag (default is 1):
--env WORKERS=2
\ - Change application port by adding flag (defalut is 8000), don't forget to change ports in
docker run
as well:--env PORT=8001
- You can limit resource allocation for Docker container by adding these flags:
--gpus "device=0" --cpus="2.0" --memory="4g"
- First flag gives access to GPU with ID=0. Without this flag, no GPUs are accessible inside docker container. If you want a container to have access to all GPUs on a system, write
--gpus all
. You must install additional Nvidia packages to allow GPU usage inside containers - Second flag limits access to 2 CPU cores, without this flag container can use all CPU cores
- Third flag limits memory access to 4GB, without this flag container can use entire memory
- First flag gives access to GPU with ID=0. Without this flag, no GPUs are accessible inside docker container. If you want a container to have access to all GPUs on a system, write
API endpoints can be accessed, and are documented, here
Install python3.11
For Debian based linux distributions:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install python3.11-full
Create 'venvs' folder if if doesn't exist
$ mkdir ~/.venvs
Create virtual environment
$ python3.11 -m venv ~/.venvs/sentiment-analysis
Activate a virtual environment
$ source ~/.venvs/sentiment-analysis/bin/activate
Install development packages
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Format and check code
$ isort . && black . && ruff --ignore E501 . && bandit -c bandit.yaml -rq . && mypy .
Install application packages
$ pip install -r requirements.txt