Generates weekly contribution overviews for tscircuit contributors. Check out all the contribution overviews here
- All PRs in the tscircuit org are scanned/summarized via Claude Haiku
- Claude classifies each Diff/PR as a Major, Minor or Tiny contribution
- All the PRs, summaries, and classifications are organized into charts and tables
The current week is shown below. There are 3 major sections:
"tscircuit/circuit-to-svg" : 2
"tscircuit/circuit-json" : 1
"tscircuit/footprinter" : 7
"tscircuit/props" : 1
"tscircuit/cli" : 5
"tscircuit/schematic-symbols" : 1
"tscircuit/" : 2
"tscircuit/graphics-debug" : 1
"tscircuit/runframe" : 4
"tscircuit/capacity-node-autorouter" : 1
"tscircuit/jscad-electronics" : 1
"tscircuit/core" : 2
"tscircuit/circuit-json-viewer" : 1
"tscircuit/contribution-tracker" : 3
"tscircuit/circuit-json-to-bom-csv" : 1
"tscircuit/prompt-benchmarks" : 3
Contributor | π³ Major | π Minor | π Tiny | β | Issues Created |
seveibar | 2 | 6 | 0 | βββ | 21 |
ShiboSoftwareDev | 1 | 2 | 0 | ββ | 5 |
techmannih | 1 | 3 | 0 | ββ | 5 |
ArnavK-09 | 1 | 3 | 1 | ββ | 1 |
imrishabh18 | 0 | 3 | 0 | β | 7 |
Abse2001 | 0 | 3 | 0 | β | 2 |
AnasSarkiz | 1 | 1 | 0 | β | 1 |
kom-senapati | 1 | 1 | 0 | β | 2 |
Ayushjhawar8 | 1 | 1 | 0 | β | 1 |
MustafaMulla29 | 1 | 0 | 0 | β | 1 |
Anshgrover23 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3 | |
siva222003 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Contributor | Reviews Received | Approvals Received | Rejections Received | Approvals | Rejections | PRs Opened | PRs Merged | Issues Created | Bountied Issues | Bountied Issue $ |
techmannih | 13 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 32 |
imrishabh18 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 7 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 7 | 2 | 27 |
seveibar | 1 | 1 | 0 | 19 | 3 | 11 | 8 | 21 | 20 | 322 |
MustafaMulla29 | 9 | 4 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
AnasSarkiz | 3 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 5 |
Anshgrover23 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 4 | 9 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Abse2001 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 10 |
ShiboSoftwareDev | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 100 |
kom-senapati | 14 | 6 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
ArnavK-09 | 6 | 6 | 0 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 5 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Ayushjhawar8 | 21 | 2 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
siva222003 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
AayushSaini101 | 15 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
deekshatomer | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
PR # | Impact | Contributor | Description |
#170 | π³ Major | techmannih | Adds support for silkscreenline, silkscreencircle, and silkscreenrect in the PCB SVG conversion process. |
#172 | π Minor | Anshgrover23 | Fix incorrect bounds calculation for PCB silkscreen elements in the Circuit-to-SVG conversion. |
PR # | Impact | Contributor | Description |
#135 | π Minor | techmannih | Add stroke width for silkscreen circle and silkscreen rectangle |
PR # | Impact | Contributor | Description |
#184 | π³ Major | MustafaMulla29 | Implemented VSSOP-8-0.65mm footprint |
#148 | π Minor | techmannih | Adds a new footprint for the SOD123W package. |
#135 | π Minor | techmannih | Adds the sod323 footprint to the project. |
#204 | π Minor | AnasSarkiz | Added support for male and female pin headers in the pinrow footprint. |
#208 | π Minor | Abse2001 | Fixed NaN in sot23 silkscreen. |
#207 | π Minor | imrishabh18 | Add a build workflow for the Bun runtime |
#209 | π Tiny | Anshgrover23 | Add a test for the dip_0.1in component. |
PR # | Impact | Contributor | Description |
#186 | π³ Major | seveibar | Introduce layoutMode , pcbLayout and schLayout properties to the <group /> component to allow flexbox layout and grid layout inside the component. |
PR # | Impact | Contributor | Description |
#88 | π³ Major | seveibar | Switch from tsup-node to bun build to bundle the application, resulting in a massive reduction in install size. |
#89 | π Minor | seveibar | Removes all the "import @tscircuit/core" statements from the codebase. |
#96 | π Minor | imrishabh18 | Upgrades the @tscircuit/core dependency from version 0.0.249 to 0.0.323 |
#95 | π Minor | ArnavK-09 | Detect the new "bun.lock" file to identify the Bun package manager. |
#92 | π Minor | ArnavK-09 | Patch the DevServer to send an error message to runframe if saving a snippet fails. |
PR # | Impact | Contributor | Description |
#256 | π Minor | seveibar | Removes unused directories from the package output |
PR # | Impact | Contributor | Description |
#688 | π Minor | seveibar | Changes all references to the "/ai" URL to "". |
#685 | π Minor | siva222003 | Adjust the layout of UI cards and badge on the /quickstart page for improved responsiveness on small screens. |
PR # | Impact | Contributor | Description |
#24 | π Minor | seveibar | Add support for stroke dash array and line cap to the Line component. |
PR # | Impact | Contributor | Description |
#250 | π³ Major | Ayushjhawar8 | The pull request fixes an issue with the RunFrame component by improving error handling and providing better error messages when the input files or entrypoint are missing or empty. |
#270 | π Minor | seveibar | Allow standalone bundle to display CLI version of RunFrame |
#273 | π Minor | ArnavK-09 | Tweaks various aspects of the RunframeForCli, including the use of alert dialog, notification for export processing, text styling, export naming, tab menu density, and a new clickable NotSync badge. |
#274 | π Tiny | ArnavK-09 | Bump versions of GitHub Actions used in the project's CI workflows |
PR # | Impact | Contributor | Description |
#2 | π Minor | seveibar | Improve the High Density Autorouter by combining the visualizations of successful and failed solvers. |
PR # | Impact | Contributor | Description |
#89 | π³ Major | AnasSarkiz | Introduce Female headers 3D model and added example |
PR # | Impact | Contributor | Description |
#639 | π Minor | Abse2001 | Adds silkscreen text for component names in the PCB layout. |
#640 | π Minor | imrishabh18 | Adds the subcircuit_id property to the output traces in the Group component. |
PR # | Impact | Contributor | Description |
#3 | π Minor | Abse2001 | Updated the version of the @tscircuit/runframe dependency from 0.0.12 to 0.0.189 . |
PR # | Impact | Contributor | Description |
#76 | π³ Major | ArnavK-09 | The pull request requires approval for points by processing reviews for merged and non-merged pull requests. |
#72 | π³ Major | kom-senapati | Introduce workflows to automate format checking, testing, and type checking on push and pull request events. |
#58 | π Minor | Ayushjhawar8 | Fixes an issue with the special honor for full-time contributors in the contributor overview component. |
PR # | Impact | Contributor | Description |
#6 | π Minor | kom-senapati | Adds support for interpreting LCSC part numbers in the JLCPCB Part # column |
PR # | Impact | Contributor | Description |
#42 | π³ Major | ShiboSoftwareDev | Renaming and refactoring the project structure, including the AiCoder interface and related code. |
#44 | π Minor | ShiboSoftwareDev | Added more tests for various utility functions |
#43 | π Minor | ShiboSoftwareDev | Added more tests for various utility functions |
PR # | Impact | Description |
#170 | π³ Major | Adds support for silkscreenline, silkscreencircle, and silkscreenrect in the PCB SVG conversion process. |
#135 | π Minor | Add stroke width for silkscreen circle and silkscreen rectangle |
#148 | π Minor | Adds a new footprint for the SOD123W package. |
#135 | π Minor | Adds the sod323 footprint to the project. |
PR # | Impact | Description |
#186 | π³ Major | Introduce layoutMode , pcbLayout and schLayout properties to the <group /> component to allow flexbox layout and grid layout inside the component. |
#88 | π³ Major | Switch from tsup-node to bun build to bundle the application, resulting in a massive reduction in install size. |
#256 | π Minor | Removes unused directories from the package output |
#688 | π Minor | Changes all references to the "/ai" URL to "". |
#24 | π Minor | Add support for stroke dash array and line cap to the Line component. |
#270 | π Minor | Allow standalone bundle to display CLI version of RunFrame |
#89 | π Minor | Removes all the "import @tscircuit/core" statements from the codebase. |
#2 | π Minor | Improve the High Density Autorouter by combining the visualizations of successful and failed solvers. |
PR # | Impact | Description |
#89 | π³ Major | Introduce Female headers 3D model and added example |
#204 | π Minor | Added support for male and female pin headers in the pinrow footprint. |
PR # | Impact | Description |
#172 | π Minor | Fix incorrect bounds calculation for PCB silkscreen elements in the Circuit-to-SVG conversion. |
#209 | π Tiny | Add a test for the dip_0.1in component. |
PR # | Impact | Description |
#208 | π Minor | Fixed NaN in sot23 silkscreen. |
#639 | π Minor | Adds silkscreen text for component names in the PCB layout. |
#3 | π Minor | Updated the version of the @tscircuit/runframe dependency from 0.0.12 to 0.0.189 . |
PR # | Impact | Description |
#207 | π Minor | Add a build workflow for the Bun runtime |
#640 | π Minor | Adds the subcircuit_id property to the output traces in the Group component. |
#96 | π Minor | Upgrades the @tscircuit/core dependency from version 0.0.249 to 0.0.323 |
PR # | Impact | Description |
#184 | π³ Major | Implemented VSSOP-8-0.65mm footprint |
PR # | Impact | Description |
#76 | π³ Major | The pull request requires approval for points by processing reviews for merged and non-merged pull requests. |
#273 | π Minor | Tweaks various aspects of the RunframeForCli, including the use of alert dialog, notification for export processing, text styling, export naming, tab menu density, and a new clickable NotSync badge. |
#95 | π Minor | Detect the new "bun.lock" file to identify the Bun package manager. |
#92 | π Minor | Patch the DevServer to send an error message to runframe if saving a snippet fails. |
#274 | π Tiny | Bump versions of GitHub Actions used in the project's CI workflows |
PR # | Impact | Description |
#72 | π³ Major | Introduce workflows to automate format checking, testing, and type checking on push and pull request events. |
#6 | π Minor | Adds support for interpreting LCSC part numbers in the JLCPCB Part # column |
PR # | Impact | Description |
#250 | π³ Major | The pull request fixes an issue with the RunFrame component by improving error handling and providing better error messages when the input files or entrypoint are missing or empty. |
#58 | π Minor | Fixes an issue with the special honor for full-time contributors in the contributor overview component. |
PR # | Impact | Description |
#685 | π Minor | Adjust the layout of UI cards and badge on the /quickstart page for improved responsiveness on small screens. |
PR # | Impact | Description |
#42 | π³ Major | Renaming and refactoring the project structure, including the AiCoder interface and related code. |
#44 | π Minor | Added more tests for various utility functions |
#43 | π Minor | Added more tests for various utility functions |