Finagle 22.2.0
318 commits
to develop
since this release
New Features
- finagle-logging: Introduced finagle-logging, a new module for SLF4J-integrated
filters. 0e6a3b68 - finagle-logging: Introduced SlowTracesFilter, which observes your requests and
logs the slowest ones that are also sampled for tracing. 0e6a3b68 - finagle-core: Introduced MinSendBackupAfterMs to the stack param Configured in
BackupRequestFilter and propagated changes to MethodBuilder by adding new versions of idempotent
function. When traffic load is low, this is useful to increase the delay when backup requests are
sent and prevent the client from sending unnecessary backup requests. b0b8a6bb - finagle-core: Added a new annotation clnt/has_dark_request in tracing and Finagle
Local context. The new annotation can be used to indicate whether or not the request
has a span that is sent to dark service. dab1e48d
Bug Fixes
- finagle-netty4-http: On a Request, adding multiple cookies with the same name
to a CookieMap preserves all of them. Only cookies on Responses are
deduplicated. Previously, adding a Request cookie with the same name would
overwrite the old value with the new value. 6a49bfda - finagle-postgres: Fixed a bug where a single framer instance was shared across all
connections to a host when using TLS. 185e2115
Breaking API Changes
- finagle-core: Changed the shouldInvoke parameter in method serviceConcurrently
and sendDarkRequest in AbstractDarkRequestFilter to be a Boolean instead of a
function of (Req => Boolean). dab1e48d - finagle-core: Renamed the existing clnt/dark_request to clnt/is_dark_request in
Runtime Behavior Changes
- finagle: Bump version of Caffeine to 2.9.3. c42cea2c
- finagle: Upgrade to Netty 4.1.73.Final and netty-tcnative 2.0.46.Final.cccbae40
- finagle-core: in TimeoutFilter, only transform a timeout exception caused by TimeoutFilter. This also
changes the type of exception raised by the TimeoutFilter from a java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
to a com.twitter.finagle.RequestTimeoutException. 6a95f37d - finagle-mux: Exceptions raised when Mux negotiation has failed have been
moved to a Debug log level as the stack trace is generally long and not
necessarily helpful. The logged message now includes the remote address and
that is logged at both the Debug level (with the exception and stack trace)
and Warning level (without). 712878ef - finagle-core: c.t.f.ssl.SslConfigurations.initializeSslContext now creates an engine which includes TLSv1.3 as a supported protocol. cc6c9db8
- finagle-netty4: c.t.f.n.ssl.client.Netty4ClientSslConfigurations.createClientContext and c.t.f.n.ssl.server.Netty4ServerSslConfigurations.createServerContext now create contexts using the provided cipher suites. 9c6898ef