- If there are two files in a directory one ending in .py and one in .ipynb that denotes that there should be some modular functions in the .py file and .ipynb should be used for tests
- Utils should have no code for the members to fill
- Not sure what to do? Check the Issues tab on github
To create your conda environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
To export your conda environment (remeber to do this if you change the packages)
conda env export | grep -v "^prefix: " > environment.yml
- We will be using PEP8
- Use copious type hinting
If you notice that your file doesn't commit the first time, this is because it failed the linting or formating step. Re-stage your files and commit them again, if that fails edit your code to pass the coding guidelines.
- Push to branches
- At least 2 code reviewers before merge