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Double tunnel to Fedora and Solr servers

Thomas Scherz edited this page Dec 7, 2022 · 5 revisions

The VLANs that IT@UC created for our servers limit which machines can access certain ports. Solr and Fedora can now only be accessed from the web servers. This requires us to set up an ssh tunnel that starts on our local computer, passes through the jump server, through the web server, and ends on the Solr or Fedora server.

E.g. Your computer -> jump server -> Scholar web server -> Fedora or Solr server

Example to access the Scholar-dev Fedora web interface from your computer:

  1. your-computer:~$ ssh -L 8983:localhost:1234
  2. [SSHAP1PRD01L ~]$ ssh libschdwl1.private -L 1234:libschdal1.private:8983
  3. In your browser visit http://localhost:8983

In the example above:

  • Your computer = localhost
  • jump server for DEV =
  • web server = libschdwl1.private
  • Solr server = libschdal1.private
  • Solr port = 8983
  • Dummy port = 1234 (you can use whatever port number you want above 1024)