MC Trade Bot is a QOL discord bot for traders on MC. You can easily report scammers and check for their status. The bot stores UUIDs which ignores player IGN changes.
I play on MC servers that don't have trade plugins. This means that I would have to drop first or get a middle man to trade. Doing it could cause me to get scammed, so I made a bot that logs reports and lets people check if someone is a scammer.
- Make sure you have Java 8 Development Kit and Intellij installed
- Clone the repository
- Import it into Intellij
- Run the Gradle sync task (it should do it automatically)
- Configure the config (in com.udu3324.main.Config)
- Run the bot using Gradle run task (tasks>application>run)
- (optional)
- If you want a portable jar to run in terminal
- Run the Gradle task runShadow
// Bot Token
public static String token = "";
// The Role Allowed To Accept, Reject, And Delete Reports
public static String staffRoleID = "";
// Channels That The Commands Will Work In
public static String reportChannelID = "";
public static String checkChannelID = "";
// Command Prefix
public static final String prefix = ">";
Member Commands
>help - shows help embed
>check [player-ign/uuid] - checks if they are a scammer
>report [player-ign/uuid] - [what they stole] - [youtube link] - creates a report
>ping - shows time delay between you and the bot
Staff Commands
>accept [ign/uuid] - accepts the scammer report
>reject [ign/uuid] - rejects the scammer report
(in case if you accidentally accepted a bad scammer report)
>delete [ign/uuid] - deletes a confirmed scammer report
You can contribute to MC Trade Bot by creating issues and pull requests.