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oneDPL 2022.7.1 release

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@timmiesmith timmiesmith released this 02 Dec 16:46
· 158 commits to main since this release

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed a build error for the oneapi::dpl::sort_by_key algorithm when multiple calls are made to the algorithm
    with identically typed parameter lists.

Known Issues and Limitations

Existing Issues

See oneDPL Guide for other restrictions and known limitations.

  • histogram may provide incorrect results with device policies in a program built with -O0 option.
  • Inclusion of <oneapi/dpl/dynamic_selection> prior to <oneapi/dpl/random> may result in compilation errors.
    Include <oneapi/dpl/random> first as a workaround.
  • Incorrect results may occur when using oneapi::dpl::experimental::philox_engine with no predefined template
    parameters and with word_size values other than 64 and 32.
  • Incorrect results or a synchronous SYCL exception may be observed with the following algorithms built
    with -O0 option and executed on a GPU device: exclusive_scan, inclusive_scan, transform_exclusive_scan,
    transform_inclusive_scan, copy_if, remove, remove_copy, remove_copy_if, remove_if,
    partition, partition_copy, stable_partition, unique, unique_copy, and sort.
  • The value type of the input sequence should be convertible to the type of the initial element for the following
    algorithms with device execution policies: transform_inclusive_scan, transform_exclusive_scan,
    inclusive_scan, and exclusive_scan.
  • The following algorithms with device execution policies may exceed the C++ standard requirements on the number
    of applications of user-provided predicates or equality operators: copy_if, remove, remove_copy,
    remove_copy_if, remove_if, partition_copy, unique, and unique_copy. In all cases,
    the predicate or equality operator is applied O(n) times.
  • The adjacent_find, all_of, any_of, equal, find, find_if, find_end, find_first_of,
    find_if_not, includes, is_heap, is_heap_until, is_sorted, is_sorted_until, mismatch,
    none_of, search, and search_n algorithms may cause a segmentation fault when used with a device execution
    policy on a CPU device, and built on Linux with Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler 2025.0.0 and -O0 -g compiler options.
  • histogram algorithm requires the output value type to be an integral type no larger than 4 bytes
    when used with an FPGA policy.
  • Compilation issues may be encountered when passing zip iterators to exclusive_scan_by_segment on Windows.
  • For transform_exclusive_scan and exclusive_scan to run in-place (that is, with the same data
    used for both input and destination) and with an execution policy of unseq or par_unseq,
    it is required that the provided input and destination iterators are equality comparable.
    Furthermore, the equality comparison of the input and destination iterator must evaluate to true.
    If these conditions are not met, the result of these algorithm calls is undefined.
  • sort, stable_sort, sort_by_key, stable_sort_by_key, partial_sort_copy algorithms
    may work incorrectly or cause a segmentation fault when used a device execution policy on a CPU device,
    and built on Linux with Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler and -O0 -g compiler options.
    To avoid the issue, pass -fsycl-device-code-split=per_kernel option to the compiler.
  • Incorrect results may be produced by exclusive_scan, inclusive_scan, transform_exclusive_scan,
    transform_inclusive_scan, exclusive_scan_by_segment, inclusive_scan_by_segment, reduce_by_segment
    with unseq or par_unseq policy when compiled by Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler
    with -fiopenmp, -fiopenmp-simd, -qopenmp, -qopenmp-simd options on Linux.
    To avoid the issue, pass -fopenmp or -fopenmp-simd option instead.
  • Incorrect results may be produced by reduce, reduce_by_segment, and transform_reduce
    with 64-bit data types when compiled by Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler versions 2021.3 and newer
    and executed on a GPU device. For a workaround, define the ONEDPL_WORKAROUND_FOR_IGPU_64BIT_REDUCTION
    macro to 1 before including oneDPL header files.
  • std::tuple, std::pair cannot be used with SYCL buffers to transfer data between host and device.
  • std::array cannot be swapped in DPC++ kernels with std::swap function or swap member function
    in the Microsoft* Visual C++ standard library.
  • The oneapi::dpl::experimental::ranges::reverse algorithm is not available with -fno-sycl-unnamed-lambda option.
  • STL algorithm functions (such as std::for_each) used in DPC++ kernels do not compile with the debug version of
    the Microsoft* Visual C++ standard library.