A basic linker built with zig, that can link Elf64 files.
Project Naming and Inspiration
This project is named after The Legend of Zelda game series, and its aptly named protagonist, Link. In keeping with the common convention for linker names to end in 'ld'(examples: ld, lld, gold, mold), this project follows a similar pattern. Additionally, since it is written in Zig, the name begins with 'z'.
This is a small project I made to learn the basics of linking ELF files.
zig build
zig build run -- <path to files>
At the time of writing, only the second example can be tested out.
gcc -o examples/2/test.o examples/2/test.c -c
gcc -o examples/2/main.o examples/2/main.c -c
zig build run -- examples/2/test.o examples/2/main.o
gcc -o output.o zig-out/testbin.o
Using clang as your compiler should also work.
You can also check out /usr/include/elf.h