All the exercise are inside the file main.js, the file contains the implementation of each, map, reduce, and filter.
Make sure you solve as many questions as you can, if you get stuck at one question, please move on to the other, and then come back to it.
- Previous work of any kind (yours, others', notes, blog posts...)
- Any resource not listed in the file for each exercise
- NO SLACK CHAT. Do not chat with others while doing the assessment
- Help Desk is not open for anything but logistics (forking/cloning/pushing)
Follow these steps:
- Make sure you have added and committed all your work
- Push up your work to your master branch
- Submit a Pull Request on your branch saying you have finished your work
- Talking to any other Person, aside from the Help-Desk
- Using phones
- Checking previous work or referencing old code
- Changing places without a permission
- Going out without a permission
- Checking any other resources other than the stated above in the Allowed Resources
- bad attitude in general