xmake v2.9.7
New features
- #5813: Add
for rule - #5848: Support custom MSVC build tools, e.g. PortableBuildTools and msvc-wine
- #5880: Use msvc package to build project
- #5884: Add installtips for package
- #5894: Add package.merge_staticlibs policy to merge package libs
- #5948: Add
rule - #5911: Support for nuget packages
- #5817: Improve default pic for packages
- #5869: Add libstdc++ standard library modules support for gcc
- #5923: Solve the package version and configs conflict
Bugs fixed
- #5813: 为 rule 添加
- #5848: 支持自定义 MSVC 构建工具, PortableBuildTools 和 msvc-wine
- #5880: 支持使用 msvc 包去构建工程
- #5884: 为包添加自定义安装提示
- #5894: 添加 package.merge_staticlibs 策略去合并包安装的静态库
- #5948: 添加
规则 - #5911: 支持 nuget 包集成
Bugs 修复
What's Changed
- Add riscv64 support for Android NDK projects by @ifarbod in #5772
- fix error when generating cmake by @cmolocznik in #5779
- fix bindir #5776 by @waruqi in #5780
- fix linker and compiler flags by @waruqi in #5782
- fix: #5777 nvcc warning by @Aurorabili in #5785
- allow using zig cc to compile assembly by @wenxuanjun in #5787
- improve vs/vsxmake group by @waruqi in #5795
- fix package by @waruqi in #5803
- Improve user experience by @Elite-stay in #5804
- add before/after_config #5791 by @waruqi in #5813
- improve default pic for packages by @waruqi in #5817
- add kylin support for linuxos module by @jinke18 in #5834
- improve cmake flags by @waruqi in #5827
- Support custom vc build tools by @star-hengxing in #5823
- add wine run support by @star-hengxing in #5849
- fix
by @star-hengxing in #5851 - fix: reset locked repo before pulling by @qudix in #5853
- fix cmake flags by @waruqi in #5850
- feat(msys2): add
for better integration with Windows cmd and powershell by @DeepChirp in #5854 - improve pacman packages by @waruqi in #5855
- fix package linkgroups #5806 by @waruqi in #5866
- maybe a bug: batchcmds by @jinke18 in #5875
- add symlink support for installfiles when using xpack by @jinke18 in #5876
- Fix msvc-wine with cmake package by @star-hengxing in #5871
- Improve copy pdb with cmake & ninja package by @star-hengxing in #5877
- Improve msvc toolchain for package by @waruqi in #5880
- add debugsource param to rule utils.glsl2spv by @dddddjent in #5879
- Add support for libstdc++ standard library modules by @Juvwxyz in #5869
- fix cmake & mingw detect cross-compilation on windows by @star-hengxing in #5888
- fix gcc modules by @waruqi in #5887
- add unknown package tips by @waruqi in #5889
- fix gcc pcheaders by @waruqi in #5896
- improve QML Plugin by @Doekin in #5903
- fix gcc pch #5858 by @waruqi in #5902
- Fix clang module parallel compile error. by @vrecluse in #5899
- Improve to package deps by @waruqi in #5901
- Add Werror and dry-run flags for clang-format by @jj683 in #5908
- Obtain MinGW's path from LLVM_MINGW_DIR/ROOT by @ifarbod in #5909
- Fix meson package build by @star-hengxing in #5912
- Limit adding /subsystem:windows to link.exe by @ifarbod in #5910
- Fix tinycc asm toolset by @star-hengxing in #5914
- Pass --sdk to dependencies by @UE4SS in #5918
- Use ccache when debug cmake package by @star-hengxing in #5919
- Fix /sourceDependencies not on one line when using msvc-wine by @UE4SS in #5920
- Improve zigcc support by @Redbeanw44602 in #5921
- Solve the package configs conflict by @waruqi in #5923
- Merge staticlibs for package by @waruqi in #5927
- fix speed test under non-english linux. by @Redbeanw44602 in #5929
- Fix package.merge_staticlibs by @star-hengxing in #5936
- fix loongarch support under zig toolchain. by @Redbeanw44602 in #5943
- add rule lua-native-object by @Freed-Wu in #5948
- Improve protobuf test by @star-hengxing in #5955
- improve package envs by @waruqi in #5959
- rename luarocks.module to lua.module, platform.linux.driver to platform.linux.module by @Freed-Wu in #5953
- fix nsis #5952 by @waruqi in #5964
- Fix incorrect Zig-CC toolchain wrapper path on Windows by @Doekin in #5967
- improve to parse linux module flags by @waruqi in #5975
- Clang: fix target triple for MinGW by @Doekin in #5980
- Support for nuget packages by @waruqi in #5981
- Fix typos about lua.native-objects by @Freed-Wu in #5985
New Contributors
- @cmolocznik made their first contribution in #5779
- @Aurorabili made their first contribution in #5785
- @wenxuanjun made their first contribution in #5787
- @qudix made their first contribution in #5853
- @DeepChirp made their first contribution in #5854
- @dddddjent made their first contribution in #5879
- @Juvwxyz made their first contribution in #5869
- @Doekin made their first contribution in #5903
- @vrecluse made their first contribution in #5899
- @jj683 made their first contribution in #5908
- @UE4SS made their first contribution in #5918
Full Changelog: v2.9.6...v2.9.7