Wanted a tool that would auto inject Scylla Hide into whatever process being debugged using IDA's remote debugger without having to manually re-inject each time the debuggeed instance gets restarted.
- Finds the running instance of IDA's remote debugger by process name
- Looks for child processes that are not conhost.exe
- Waits 5 seconds after identifiying a process
- Injects Scylla Hide into the processing using ScyllaHide's injector executable
- Sleeps for 2 seconds before repeating the process
Tested from a Linux machine with golang version 1.21.3
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o bin/remote_ida_scylla_inject.exe main.go
Might need to run go get github.com/xorhex/remote_ida_scylla_inject
once it if complains about missing go.sum
The following components built from or found in the
on Github:
- InjectorCLIx86.exe
- HookLibraryx86.dll
- InjectorCLIx64.exe
- HookLibraryx64.dll
Usage of remote_ida_scylla_inject:
-debugger string
The process name of IDA's remote debugger (default "win64_remote64.exe")
-delay int
The number of seconds to wait before injecting the scylla dll into the process once found. This is to make sure the executable gets a chance to load properly before the injection occurs. (default 5)
-hookdll string
The Scylla HookDll
-injector string
The Scylla CLI Injector
Keep running, monitoring for IDA's debugger versus exiting when not found.
-sleep int
The number of seconds to sleep between looking for new ida debugger child processes to inject into. (default 2)
remote_ida_scylla_inject.exe -injector <PATH TO>\InjectorCLIx86.exe -hookdll <PATH TO>\HookLibraryx86.dll
The injector and hooklibrary need to match the bittness of the binary being executed by IDA (not the bittness of IDA's remote debugger).
To start remote_ida_scylla_inject
before starting the remote IDA debugger, pass the -monitor
flag as well.