Reflex is a tiny and fast reactive UI library.
- 🦋 Super lightweight and 0 dependency, about
- 🏎 Highly performant diffing algorithm
- 🔋 Batteries included with factory extensions
- ⚛️ Truly reactive, states are Signals by design
- 🔍 Fine grained DOM updates for even better performances, components are rendered only when needed
- 🤓 Typed JSX
- 🍰 Easy to learn
- 🤘️ HMR Support for Vite
- 🚀 Super fast hydration support
# Install with npm
npm i reflex-dom
import { h, render, state } from 'reflex-dom';
export function App (props) {
// State management
const counter = state(0);
const increment = () => counter.value ++;
const reset = () => counter.value = 0;
// Components returns a render function
return () => <div>
<h1>Hello from {} 👋</h1>
<button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>
<button onClick={reset}>Reset</button>
<span>Counter : {counter}</span>
render( <App name="Reflex" />, document.body );