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Brian Wuest edited this page Sep 11, 2022 · 10 revisions

General Information

This is a pre-made structure with a complex recipe and is intended for a middle to late game storage building. There are 2 variants. The first is a basic storage and crafting building. It has a total of 24 double chests and about 16 Furnaces and Crafting tables. The second is a more advanced (an expensive) version where it also includes multiple brewing stations and enchanting tables.

The structure which is generated has the dimensions of 16 blocks high, 16 blocks wide and 16 blocks long (16x16x16). There are a total of 3 floors.

  1. The basement
    1. This is a storage floor, there are multiple chests, furnaces and crafting tables here.
  2. The first floor
    1. This is the second storage floor, just like the basement there are multiple chests, furnaces and crafting tables here.
  3. The second floor
    1. In the basic version there is nothing in this floor so it's up to the player to decorate or add other blocks/machines.
    2. In the advanced version there are brewing stations and fully upgraded enchanting tables.

Item Configuration

The item configuration is very straightforward and can be seen below.

Item Config


The recipe for this item is very complex. You will need the following: 4 Double Compressed Stone 2 Double Compressed Glowstone 1 Triple Compressed Glowstone 1 Compressed Chest

Item Config

Structure Pictures

This section contains various screen shots of the warehouse. The house generated uses the default "cyan" stained glass color.


This is the outside of the structure. Note: These are iron doors which means you need to provide your own levers, buttons or pressure pads.

Item Config

First Floor

Here are various pictures of the first floor. Item Config Item Config


Here are various pictures of the basement. Item Config Item Config

Second Floor

Here are various pictures of the second floor. Item Config

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