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2020 01 23 Task 3 Coordination Meeting
InaDJ edited this page Jan 23, 2020
6 revisions
- Contents
- Task 3 Coordination Meeting
- Building modelling subgroup meeting
- Network modelling subgroup meeting
Date: January 23, 2020, 4pm Brussels time (CET)
- WP3.2 Application – case study template – Alessandro
- WP3.1 Destest
- Buildings
- First building
- New model of Lien in Trnsys
- Comparison of solar radiation from Enora, Alessandro, Ina
- Different occupant behavior
- Comparison of results from Enora, Alessandro, Ina
- Renovations
- Comparison of results from Enora, Ina
- Office building
- Show where to find the description
- Discuss the description
- Who will model?
- First building
- Network
- First layout: update?
- New layout: update?
- Results
- Where to store?
- How to compare?
- Document by Hicham available here
- Buildings
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- Conference ID: 2060349
Present: Dirk Saelens, Ina De Jaeger (notes), Michael Mans, Alessandro Maccarini, Vasco Zeferina, Hicham Johra, Katy Hinkelman, Lien De Backer
Excused: Enora Garreau, Annelies Vandermeulen
- Alessandro proposes his template
- Status of the project
- Dirk does not really agree to include projects that have not yet started
- Modelica libraries and simulation tools
- Dirk wonders if co-simulation will also be included in the applications > open question
- Dirk: is there something on how the models are created? Automatically or not? E.g. from GIS, from BIM?
- Circulate to participants in Project 1
- Dirk: not outside of Project 1?
- Status of the project
- Who committed to fill in the template?
- Ina (template seems fine)
- Katy (template seems fine)
- First building
- New model of Lien in Trnsys
- The annual energy demand is lower compared to the others (also visible in profile plot of December)
- Lien:
- Air infiltration: currently, ACH set to 0.4/20; it should be set to 0.4 > this was not clear from the documentation !
- Capacity of furniture: capacity of air is multiplied by 5, so OK
- Air temperature is taken to control the heating system, so OK
- Peak power is set, so limited to 16.5 kW (=8+8.5), so OK
- Lien:
- The one-hour shift in the profiles is still there for some libraries
- The annual energy demand is lower compared to the others (also visible in profile plot of December)
- Comparison of solar radiation from Enora, Alessandro, Ina
- First of all, IDA ICE in the legend is wrong, this is the solar radiation of Alessandro in Buildings library
- Buildings seems to be very low, but we think that there is only the error of the units: W or W/m², so multiply by 5.6 and we think it'll be better. New plots should be made to have a better view
- Diffuse radiation
- Annual curves:
- Diffuse radiation in IDEAS is way lower for north and west compared to DIMOSIM
- For a week:
There is a peak in north and east diffuse in the morning In IDEAS, Buildings seems to have it too (so is in the weather reader of Modelica?)
This peak shouldn't be there! Should be checked!!
Lien will check in Trnsys (Dirk has confidence in this implemetation)
East: peak is always earlier in IDEAS than in DIMOSIM
North, south: peaks are aligned between DIMOSIM and IDEAS
- Do both DIMOSIM and IDEAS use the same model? Ina thinks they both use the Perez model.
- Annual curves:
- Direct radiation
- Annual curves:
- South seems a bit lower in Modelica
- West seems definetely lower in Modelica
- Annual curves:
- Scatter plots
- Seem very similar between Buildings and IDEAS
- Proposal: compare total incoming solar radiation (not over time, but total solar radiation)
- If the difference is only 5%, then it is fine (then the peaks are not too bad)
- Solar radiation of DIMOSIM seems 30% higher, so energy demand should be lower, but it is higher. This needs to be checked when the total solar radiation is calculated
- New model of Lien in Trnsys
- Different occupant behavior
- Comparison of results from Enora, Alessandro, Ina
- Annual energy demand
- OK for occupant 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 14, 15
- Not for occupant 3 (DIMOSIM too high), 4 (DIMOSIM too low), 7 (DIMOSIM too low), 8 (DIMOSIM too high, but IDEAS disappeared on the plots?), 9 (DIMOSIM too high), 10 (DIMOSIM too low), 13 (DIMOSIM too high), 16 (DIMOSIM too low)
- There is not really a consistency for the stochastic occupant > Look into it
- Buildings and IDEAS are in better accordance (although still 3000 kWh difference !)
- It is always more or less the same for all occupant profiles, always 2000-3000 kWH, which was also already there for the standard occupant, so stochastic occupant is still OK
- How to calculate the difference: absolute values plus or min compared to the standard occupant, so start with substracting the reference case, for every occupant and every library !
- Annual energy demand
- Comparison of results from Enora, Alessandro, Ina
- Renovations
- Comparison of results from Enora, Ina
- First, ISO occupant
- 2000s ISO > A lot of difference (DIMOSIM way higher than IDEAS, 7650 kWh vs 4900 kWh)
- 2010s ISO > A lot of difference (DIMOSIM way higher than IDEAS, 5550 kWh vs 2250 kWh)
- Maybe add the reference to the plots, so the differences will seem smaller, that will put this into perspective
- Then, stochastic occupant
- 2000s > did not yet take a look
- 2010s > results are better aligned than for the ISO occupant !
- OK for occupant 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
- A bit less for occupant 2, 4, 11
- Add more variants to the plots, so original cases and insulations and occupant
- First, ISO occupant
- Comparison of results from Enora, Ina
- Office building
- Dirk has comments and will send them to Michael
- Occupant behaviour should be decided on
- What is marked in red, can be modelled as proposed
- More details on the windows are needed (U-value?)
- Who will model?
- Arash (IDEAS)
- Michael (AixLib)
- Vasco (Energy+)
- Alessandro (Buildings)
- Hicham (???)
- New layouts: 8 buildings and 32 buildings
- Check if the simulation errors scale the same
- Who will model?
- Michael, Alessandro, Katy (maybe)
- Where to store?
- Michael sent an e-mail to Michael W, but no news yet
- How to compare?
- Document by Hicham available here
- Dirk:
- Interesting way of calculating
- Proposes an additional metric: goodness-of-fit for the temperatures (e.g. documents by Paul Strachan, who looked into simulations to mimic the Twin houses in Holskirchen (real buildings) (if you don't find the document, send an e-mail to Dirk)
- Hicham: it makes sense, but does not know yet how (RMSE maybe?)
- Ina:
- Is it currently automated?
- Hicham: it is in Excel, but it might be a good idea to have it in Python
- Dirk:
- Document by Hicham available here
- Who's attending?
- Lien, Alessandro, Dirk, Ina, Arash
- Michael is not sure yet
- Ina
- Change ACH in case report 1 to enhance the clarity
- Solar radiation
- Calculate total solar radiation for each library
- Send example of solar radiation to Lien
- Include solar radiation profile of Lien (Trnsys)
- Include solar radiation profile of Alessandro in a better way
- Check the peak in the morning in IDEAS/Buildings, is it also in Trnsys?
- Occupant behaviour & renovations
- Calculate measure (substract the reference case, so you can easily see the differences!)
- Setup Doodle for next meeting (beginning of March)
- Lien
- Re-simulate first building with changed infiltration rate
- Export solar radiation from Trnsys > use the Perez model (Ina will send data format)
- Michael
- Circulate the definition of the office building
- Communicate where to store the data once you know more
- Dirk
- Send remarks on office building to Michael
- Coordination meeting: here
Present: Excused:
Present: Excused: