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GENSIM software installation
Due to limited bandwidth that we may have at the workshop location, the software below should be downloaded and installed prior to the workshop.
While your computer is busy downloading and installing the software, you are invited to watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mvEUuc-sWE
As this is a very large download, it is important to download and install Dymola and the compiler prior to the workshop.
Install Dymola 2017 trial version from Dassault. The instructions to access the non-trial license for the training will be sent by email.
Dymola requires the installation of a C/C++ compiler. We suggest to use Visual Studio Express 2013, https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48131. Please note that Visual Studio Express 2015 (latest version) does not work with Dymola 2017.
See http://www.3ds.com/products-services/catia/products/dymola/c-compiler/ for more information. Please also see the Dymola release notes for the compiler installation, which can be accessed by opening Dymola and selecting "Help -> Documentation" and selecting "Dymola Release Notes".
To install the Linux 64 bit version of Dymola, proceed as follows:
- Register at the link at Dassault.
- Download Dymola 64 bit.
- Follow the installation instructions here or here.
Once you have completed, you should be able to open Dymola, go to the Simulation setup, Compiler tab and test your compiler as shown in the following screenshot:
- Annex60
- Please download the latest master of the Annex60 library. The library is hosted at https://github.com/iea-annex60/modelica-annex60 .
- Buildings library
- Please download version 3.0.0, or the latest version from the development master will also work. Installation instructions can be found here.
- AixLib
- Please download version 0.3.2. Using the development master is also fine. The library is hosted at https://github.com/RWTH-EBC/AixLib.
- The latest version of IDEAS may be downloaded from IDEAS develop.
- BuildingSystems
- Please download the latest development master, no official release has been published yet.
- ExternData
- The library ExternData can be used to read values from XML, JSON, INI, XLSX or MAT files. Please download the latest master.
- Python
- A Python distribution is necessary to use the automation tools. Some of the tools need Python 3.x and some need 2.7.x, so please install both. A Python 2.7 distribution is included in the JModelica platform. For Python 3.5 we recommend the Anaconda Python distribution, it is a cross-platform integrated development environment which provides all the necessary framework for scientific computing. The standard installer is free. For Windows users, WinPython should also work well. WinPython can be used a portable app, no installation required.
- BuildingsPy (Python 2.7)
- The BuildingsPy package provides functions to run Modelica simulations using Dymola and process their output files. Participants can follow installation instructions on the webpage.
- PyFMI (Python 2.7)
- PyFMI is a Python package for loading and interacting with Functional Mock-Up Units (FMUs). It allows exchange of dynamic models with any Modelica simulation platform. Warning: PyFMI is only compatible with Python 2.7. If your IDE is a 3.5 Python installation, you will need a separate 2.7 distribution. The JModelica platform includes one, along with the PyFMI package and all its requirements.
- TEASER (Python 3.5)
- TEASER is a Python package for model parameterization and model generation. It allows the option to integrate statistical data if only sparse data is available. TEASER's documentation including installation instructions be found here. The project itself is hosted at https://github.com/RWTH-EBC/TEASER. For the workshop it is not mandatory to have TEASER installed, but you could follow the software's presentation while playing around with your own installation.
- ModelicaRes (Python ??)
- For analyzing results within the TEASER workshop, we rely on ModelicaRes, a Python package to load and plot Modelica results files. For installation instructions see ModelicaRes.
- CoTeTo
- The Code Templating Tool is used to read information from various sources and print out code using a templating engine. It is written in Python and has a GUI based on pyQt4. CoTeTo is developed at https://github.com/UdK-VPT/CoTeTo .
- FZKViewer
- The FZKViewer is used to visualize the sematic data models IFC, CityGML und gbXML. IF FZKViewer complains about missing files, install the Visual Studio C++ Redistributable Package from Microsoft. Any other IFC viewer is also fine, e.g. the Constructivity Model Viewer or the Solibri Model Viewer.
- CityGML example files
- From the list of CityGML example files please download the Ettenheim v0.4.0 example. Please also download the single house LoD3 sample file.
- IFC example files
- From the list of IFC example files please download the Schependomlaan example as well as the EnEff-BIM Usecase 5.0.
- XML Notepad
- The XML Notepad provides a simple intuitive User Interface for browsing and editing XML documents. Any other XML Viewer should work as well, e.g. Mindfusion XML Viewer.