Releases: microsoft/vcpkg
Releases Β· microsoft/vcpkg
2025.03.19 Release
Total port count: 2564
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2346 |
x64-windows |
2463 |
x64-windows-release |
2463 |
x64-windows-static |
2329 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2381 |
x64-uwp |
1375 |
arm64-windows |
2057 |
arm64-windows-static-md |
2036 |
arm64-uwp |
1339 |
x64-osx |
2322 |
arm64-osx |
2246 |
x64-linux |
2445 |
arm-neon-android |
1730 |
x64-android |
1806 |
arm64-android |
1774 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
The following 40 ports have been added:
port |
version |
aravis |
0.8.34 |
arrow-adbc |
16 |
asock |
1.0.7 |
audioengine |
1.1 |
boost-parser |
1.87.0#1 |
flatcc |
0.6.1 |
gdbm |
1.24 |
gegl |
0.4.54 |
ggml |
2025-02-12 |
graaf |
1.1.1 |
gz-cmake |
4.1.1 |
gz-common |
6.0.2 |
gz-fuel-tools |
10.0.0 |
gz-gui |
9.0.0 |
gz-math |
8.1.0 |
gz-msgs |
11.0.2 |
gz-physics |
8.0.0 |
gz-plugin |
3.0.0 |
gz-rendering |
9.0.0 |
gz-sensors |
9.0.0 |
gz-tools |
2.0.1 |
gz-transport |
14.0.0 |
gz-utils |
3.1.0 |
icecream-cpp |
1.0.0 |
implot3d |
0.2 |
intrusive-shared-ptr |
1.6 |
libaribcaption |
1.1.1 |
libmypaint |
1.6.1 |
liquid-dsp |
1.7.0 |
llama-cpp |
4743 |
morphologica |
3.4.4 |
ms-gdk |
2410.1.1897 |
mypaint-brushes |
1.3.1 |
nanoarrow |
0.6.0 |
qlementine |
1.1.2 |
qlementine-icons |
1.7.1 |
red0124-ssp |
1.8.0 |
safetyhook |
0.6.5 |
sdformat |
15.1.1 |
sdl3-ttf |
3.1.0 |
The following 408 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
ada-url |
2.9.2 |
3.2.1 |
amd-amf |
1.4.35 |
1.4.36 |
anari |
0.12.1 |
0.13.1 |
ankurvdev-embedresource |
0.0.11 |
0.0.12 |
apriltag |
3.4.2 |
3.4.3 |
arrayfire |
3.8.0#7 |
3.8.0#8 |
arrow |
19.0.0#1 |
19.0.1 |
asio-grpc |
3.4.1 |
3.4.2 |
async-mqtt |
10.0.0 |
10.1.0 |
autodock-vina |
1.2.6 |
1.2.6#1 |
avcpp |
2.4.0 |
2.6.0 |
avro-c |
1.11.3 |
1.12.0 |
azure-core-cpp |
1.14.1 |
1.15.0 |
azure-storage-common-cpp |
12.9.0 |
12.10.0 |
azure-storage-cpp |
7.5.0#6 |
7.5.0#7 |
azure-storage-files-shares-cpp |
12.12.0 |
12.13.0 |
babl |
0.1.110 |
0.1.110#2 |
baresip-libre |
3.19.0 |
3.20.0 |
bcg729 |
1.1.1#3 |
1.1.1#4 |
bde | | |
blake3 |
1.5.4 |
1.6.0 |
blpapi |
3.24.6 |
3.25.1 |
boost |
1.86.0#1 |
1.87.0#1 |
boost-accumulators |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-algorithm |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-align |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-any |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-array |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-asio |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0#1 |
boost-assert |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-assign |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-atomic |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0#1 |
boost-beast |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-bimap |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-bind |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-build |
1.86.0#1 |
1.87.0 |
boost-callable-traits |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-charconv |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-chrono |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-circular-buffer |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-cmake |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-cobalt |
1.86.0#1 |
1.87.0#1 |
boost-compat |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-compute |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0#1 |
boost-concept-check |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-config |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-container |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-container-hash |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-context |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0#1 |
boost-contract |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-conversion |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-convert |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-core |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-coroutine |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-coroutine2 |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-crc |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-date-time |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-describe |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-detail |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-dll |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-dynamic-bitset |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-endian |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-exception |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-fiber |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-filesystem |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-flyweight |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0#1 |
boost-foreach |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-format |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-function |
1.86.0#1 |
1.87.0 |
boost-function-types |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-functional |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-fusion |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-geometry |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-gil |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-graph |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-graph-parallel |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-hana |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-headers |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-heap |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-histogram |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-hof |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-icl |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-integer |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-interprocess |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0#1 |
boost-interval |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-intrusive |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-io |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-iostreams |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-iterator |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-json |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0#1 |
boost-lambda |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-lambda2 |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-leaf |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-lexical-cast |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0#1 |
boost-local-function |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-locale |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-lockfree |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0#1 |
boost-log |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-logic |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-math |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-metaparse |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-move |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-mp11 |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-mpi |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-mpl |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-msm |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-multi-array |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-multi-index |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-multiprecision |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-mysql |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0#1 |
boost-nowide |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-numeric-conversion |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-odeint |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-optional |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0#1 |
boost-outcome |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-parameter |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-parameter-python |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-pfr |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-phoenix |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-poly-collection |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-polygon |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-pool |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-predef |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-preprocessor |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-process |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0#1 |
boost-program-options |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-property-map |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-property-map-parallel |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-property-tree |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-proto |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-ptr-container |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-python |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-qvm |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-random |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-range |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-ratio |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-rational |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-redis |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-regex |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0#1 |
boost-safe-numerics |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-scope |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-scope-exit |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-serialization |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-signals2 |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-smart-ptr |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-sort |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-spirit |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-stacktrace |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-statechart |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-static-assert |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-static-string |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-stl-interfaces |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-system |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-test |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-thread |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-throw-exception |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-timer |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-tokenizer |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-tti |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-tuple |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-type-erasure |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-type-index |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-type-traits |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-typeof |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-ublas |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-uninstall |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-units |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-unordered |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0#1 |
boost-url |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-utility |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-uuid |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-variant |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-variant2 |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-vmd |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-wave |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-winapi |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-xpressive |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boost-yap |
1.86.0 |
1.87.0 |
boringssl |
2024-09-13 |
2024-09-13#1 |
breakpad |
2023-06-01#2 |
2024-02-16 |
bw-tempdir |
1.0.0 |
1.0.1 |
c4core |
0.2.1 |
0.2.5 |
cairo |
1.18.2 |
1.18.2#1 |
cimg |
3.4.1 |
3.5.2 |
cli11 |
2.4.2#1 |
2.5.0 |
clipper2 |
1.4.0 |
1.5.2 |
cnats |
3.9.2 |
3.10.1 |
cocoyaxi |
3.0.0#1 |
2024-09-04 |
colmap |
3.11.1#2 |
3.11.1#3 |
cpp-httplib |
0.18.7 |
0.20.0 |
cpp-pinyin |
1.0.0 |
1.0.2 |
cppitertools |
2.1#3 |
2.2 |
cppmicroservices |
3.8.4 |
3.8.6 |
cpprestsdk |
2.10.19#2 |
2.10.19#3 |
cpptrace |
0.7.5 |
0.8.1 |
cpputest |
2019-9-16#3 |
4.0 |
cpr |
1.11.1 |
1.11.2 |
crow |
1.2.0 | |
cudnn |
7.6.5#14 |
7.6.5#15 |
dartsim |
6.15.0#1 |
6.15.0#3 |
daw-header-libraries |
2.118.0 |
2.123.2 |
daw-json-link |
3.29.2 |
3.30.2 |
dbus |
1.15.8#5 |
1.16.2#1 |
directx-dxc |
2024-07-31#2 |
2025-02-20#1 |
directxmath |
2024-12-02 |
2024-12-02#1 |
double-conversion |
3.3.0 |
3.3.0#1 |
dpp |
10.0.35 |
10.1.0#1 |
drogon |
1.9.9 |
1.9.10 |
duckdb |
1.2.0 |
1.2.1#1 |
ecal |
5.13.2 |
5.13.3 |
etl |
20.39.4 |
20.40.0 |
exiv2 |
0.28.3#2 |
0.28.5 |
fast-float |
8.0.0#1 |
8.0.2 |
fastcdr |
2.2.4 |
2.2.6 |
fastdds |
3.1.2 |
3.1.2#1 |
fbthrift |
2025.02.10.00 |
2025.03.10.00 |
fcl |
0.7.0#3 |
0.7.0#4 |
ffmpeg |
7.1#2 |
7.1.1#1 |
fizz |
2025.02.10.00 |
2025.03.10.00 |
flann |
2019-04-07#7 |
2022-10-28 |
flashlight-cuda |
0.3#6 |
0.3#7 |
flatbuffers |
25.1.21 |
25.2.10 |
flecs |
4.0.4 |
4.0.5 |
fltk |
1.3.9#2 |
1.3.11 |
fluidsynth |
2.4.3 |
2.4.4 |
folly |
2025.02.10.00 |
2025.03.10.00 |
freeglut |
3.4.0#3 |
3.6.0 |
functions-framework-cpp |
1.2.0 |
1.2.0#1 |
gdal |
3.10.1#1 |
3.10.2 |
gettext |
0.22.5#1 |
0.22.5#2 |
gettext-libintl |
0.22.5#2 |
0.22.5#3 |
gexiv2 |
0.14.3 |
0.14.3#1 |
giflib |
5.2.2 |
5.2.2#1 |
glaze |
4.4.1 |
5.0.0 |
glew |
2.2.0#5 |
2.2.0#6 |
godot-cpp |
4.3 |
4.4 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.35.0#1 |
2.36.0 |
gperf |
3.1#6 |
3.1#7 |
graphviz |
10.0.1#2 |
10.0.1#3 |
grpc |
1.70.1 |
1.71.0 |
gtsam |
4.2.0 |
4.2.0#1 |
gz-cmake3 |
3.4.1#5 |
3.4.1#6 |
gz-common5 |
5.4.1#3 |
5.4.1#4 |
gz-fuel-tools8 |
8.1.0 |
8.1.0#1 |
gz-gui7 |
7.2.1 |
7.2.1#1 |
gz-math7 |
7.3.0 |
7.3.0#1 |
gz-msgs9 |
9.5.0 |
9.5.0#1 |
gz-physics6 |
6.5.1#1 |
6.5.1#3 |
gz-plugin2 |
2.0.1 |
2.0.1#1 |
gz-rendering7 |
7.4.1#1 |
7.4.1#2 |
gz-sensors7 |
7.3.0 |
7.3.0#1 |
gz-tools2 |
2.0.0#1 |
2.0.0#2 |
gz-transport12 |
12.2.1 |
12.2.1#1 |
gz-utils2 |
2.0.0 |
2.0.0#1 |
hareflow |
0.1.1 |
0.1.1#1 |
harfbuzz |
10.2.0#2 |
10.2.0#3 |
hello-imgui |
1.6.0 |
1.6.0#3 |
highfive |
2.10.0 |
2.10... |
Read more
2025.02.14 Release
Total port count: 2558
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2344 |
x64-windows |
2457 |
x64-windows-release |
2458 |
x64-windows-static |
2323 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2374 |
x64-uwp |
1372 |
arm64-windows |
2058 |
arm64-windows-static-md |
2037 |
arm64-uwp |
1337 |
arm64-osx |
2231 |
x64-osx |
2308 |
x64-linux |
2435 |
arm-neon-android |
1719 |
x64-android |
1791 |
arm64-android |
1761 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
Thank you @autoantwort @j-mie and @JavierMatosD !
The following 38 ports have been added:
port |
version |
babl |
0.1.110 |
casadi |
3.6.7#1 |
duckdb |
1.2.0 |
eipscanner |
1.3.0 |
gexiv2 |
0.14.3 |
json-glib |
1.10.6 |
libmultisense |
6.1.0 |
liboqs |
0.12.0 |
libshout |
2.4.6 |
lwlog |
1.3.0 |
oscpack |
1.1.0 |
p-ranav-glob |
0.0.1 |
plutosvg |
0.0.4#1 |
plutovg |
0.0.12 |
projectm |
4.1.4 |
sdl3-image |
3.2.0 |
steam-audio |
4.5.3#1 |
suitesparse-amd |
3.3.3 |
suitesparse-btf |
2.3.2 |
suitesparse-camd |
3.3.3 |
suitesparse-ccolamd |
3.3.4 |
suitesparse-cholmod |
5.3.0 |
suitesparse-colamd |
3.3.4 |
suitesparse-config |
7.8.3 |
suitesparse-cxsparse |
4.4.1 |
suitesparse-graphblas |
9.3.1 |
suitesparse-klu |
2.3.5 |
suitesparse-lagraph |
1.1.4 |
suitesparse-ldl |
3.3.2 |
suitesparse-mongoose |
3.3.4 |
suitesparse-paru |
1.0.0 |
suitesparse-rbio |
4.3.4 |
suitesparse-spex |
3.2.1 |
suitesparse-spqr |
4.3.4 |
suitesparse-umfpack |
6.3.5 |
vmaware-vm-detection |
2.0 |
wildcards |
1.4.0 |
winpixevent |
1.0.240308001 |
The following 314 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
abseil |
20240722.0 |
20250127.0 |
ade |
0.1.2d |
0.1.2e |
air-ctl |
1.1.2#2 |
1.1.2#3 |
aliyun-oss-c-sdk |
3.10.1 |
3.11.2 |
amqpcpp |
4.3.26 |
4.3.27 |
anari |
0.10.0 |
0.12.1 |
argparse |
3.1 |
3.2 |
aricpp |
1.1.3 |
1.2.1 |
arrow |
18.1.0 |
19.0.0#1 |
asmjit |
2024-06-28 |
2025-01-22 |
async-mqtt |
9.0.2 |
10.0.0 |
atk |
2.38.0#8 |
2.38.0#9 |
autodock-vina |
1.2.5#3 |
1.2.6 |
awlib |
2024-04-06 |
2024-04-06#1 |
aws-c-cal |
0.8.1 |
0.8.1#1 |
azure-data-tables-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.5 |
1.0.0-beta.6 |
baresip-libre |
3.18.0 |
3.19.0 |
bgfx |
1.128.8808-482 |
1.129.8866-491 |
blend2d |
2024-07-08 |
2024-11-23 |
boost-function |
1.86.0 |
1.86.0#1 |
botan |
3.6.1 |
3.7.1 |
buck-yeh-bux |
1.10.2 |
1.11.1 |
c-ares |
1.34.4 |
1.34.4#1 |
ceres |
2.2.0 |
2.2.0#1 |
cgns |
4.4.0 |
4.5.0 |
clap-cleveraudio |
1.2.2 |
1.2.3 |
cnats |
3.8.2 |
3.9.2 |
colmap |
3.11.1 |
3.11.1#2 |
conjure-enum |
1.1.0 |
1.1.0#1 |
cpp-httplib |
0.18.3 |
0.18.7 |
cpuid |
0.7.0 |
0.7.0#1 |
crashpad |
2024-04-11#5 |
2024-04-11#7 |
curl |
8.11.1 |
8.12.1 |
dartsim |
6.12.2#3 |
6.15.0#1 |
daw-header-libraries |
2.114.1 |
2.118.0 |
daw-utf-range |
2.2.5 |
2.2.5#1 |
directx-headers |
1.614.1 |
1.615.0 |
directx12-agility |
1.614.1#1 |
1.615.0 |
dv-processing |
1.7.9#2 |
1.7.9#3 |
eabase |
2.09.12#3 |
2024-08-18 |
eastl |
3.21.12 |
3.21.23 |
etcd-cpp-apiv3 |
0.15.4#1 |
0.15.4#3 |
exprtk |
2022-01-01#2 |
0.0.3 |
fast-float |
6.1.6 |
8.0.0#1 |
fastdds |
3.1.0 |
3.1.2 |
fbthrift |
2025.01.06.00 |
2025.02.10.00 |
fizz |
2025.01.06.00 |
2025.02.10.00 |
flatbuffers |
24.12.23 |
25.1.21 |
flecs |
4.0.3 |
4.0.4 |
flint |
2.9.0 |
2.9.0#1 |
fluidsynth |
2.4.2 |
2.4.3 |
folly |
2025.01.06.00 |
2025.02.10.00 |
freetype-gl |
2022-01-17#3 |
1.0 |
frugally-deep |
0.16.0 |
0.16.3 |
g2o |
2024-12-14#2 |
2024-12-14#3 |
gdal |
3.10.0#2 |
3.10.1#1 |
gdk-pixbuf |
2.42.12#1 |
2.42.12#2 |
geogram |
1.9.2 |
1.9.3 |
glaze |
4.2.3 |
4.4.1 |
glew |
2.2.0#4 |
2.2.0#5 |
glibmm |
2.78.1 |
2.80.1 |
gobject-introspection |
1.72.0#8 |
1.72.0#9 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.33.0 |
2.35.0#1 |
graphene |
1.10.8#2 |
1.10.8#4 |
grpc |
1.68.2 |
1.70.1 |
gstreamer |
1.24.7#3 |
1.24.12 |
gtest |
1.15.2 |
1.16.0 |
gtk |
4.16.3 |
4.16.3#2 |
gtk3 |
3.24.38#1 |
3.24.43 |
harfbuzz |
10.1.0 |
10.2.0#2 |
hdf5 | | |
hypre |
2.29.0#1 |
2.32.0 |
imgui |
1.91.6 |
1.91.8#2 |
intel-mkl |
2023.0.0#4 |
2023.0.0#5 |
itay-grudev-singleapplication |
3.5.1 |
3.5.2 |
itk |
5.4.0#1 |
5.4.0#2 |
jasper |
4.2.4 |
4.2.4#1 |
jhasse-poly2tri |
2023-12-27 |
2023-12-27#1 |
json-c |
2023-08-12 |
0.18-20240915 |
jsoncons |
1.1.0 |
1.2.0 |
jsonnet |
0.20.0 |
0.20.0#1 |
juce |
8.0.4#1 |
8.0.4#2 |
kfr |
6.0.2 |
6.0.3 |
level-zero |
1.20.0 |
1.20.2 |
lexbor |
2.3.0 |
2.4.0 |
libassuan |
2.5.7 |
3.0.1 |
libbson |
1.29.2 |
1.30.0 |
libcaer |
3.3.15#1 |
3.3.15#2 |
libdatachannel |
0.21.2#1 |
0.22.4 |
libdivide |
5.1 |
5.2.0 |
libdjinterop |
0.22.1 |
0.24.3 |
libebur128 |
1.2.6#2 |
1.2.6#3 |
libenvpp |
1.4.1 |
1.5.1 |
libexif |
0.6.24#3 |
0.6.25 |
libgcrypt |
1.10.2 |
1.11.0 |
libgit2 |
1.8.0#1 |
1.9.0#1 |
libgwenhywfar |
5.6.0#5 |
5.12.0 |
libheif |
1.19.5#2 |
1.19.5#3 |
libjuice |
1.5.4 |
1.5.8 |
libmagic |
5.46 |
5.46#1 |
libmaxminddb |
1.11.0 |
1.12.2 |
libmem |
5.0.4 |
5.0.4#1 |
libopenmpt |
0.7.10 |
0.7.13 |
libosmium |
2.20.0#1 |
2.21.0 |
libpng |
1.6.44 |
1.6.46 |
libpqxx |
7.9.2 |
7.10.0 |
librtmp |
2019-11-11#4 |
2024-03-01#1 |
libssh2 |
1.11.1 |
1.11.1#1 |
libtar |
1.2.20 |
1.2.20#1 |
libtommath |
1.3.0 |
1.3.0#1 |
libtorch |
2.1.2#9 |
2.1.2#11 |
libtorrent |
2.0.10 |
2.0.11 |
libuv |
1.49.2 |
1.50.0 |
libxlsxwriter |
1.1.8#1 |
1.2.0 |
libxslt |
1.1.42 |
1.1.42#1 |
libzip |
1.10.1 |
1.11.3#1 |
lilv |
0.24.24#1 |
0.24.26 |
lionkor-commandline |
2.2.0 |
2.4.2 |
llfio |
2024-09-05 |
2025-01-13 |
llgi |
2023-12-19 |
2023-12-19#1 |
loguru |
2.1.0#4 |
2.1.0#5 |
luajit |
2023-01-04#5 |
2023-01-04#6 |
luau |
0.651 |
0.660 |
lunarg-vulkantools | |
1.4.304.1 |
lunasvg |
2.4.1 |
3.1.1 |
manif |
2023-07-17 |
0.0.5 |
mbedtls |
3.6.1 |
3.6.2 |
mdl-sdk |
2024.0.4#1 |
2024.1 |
mesa |
24.0.7#2 |
24.0.7#3 |
mimicpp |
5 |
6 |
miniupnpc |
2.3.7 |
2.3.0 |
mongo-c-driver |
1.29.2 |
1.30.0 |
mosquitto |
2.0.18 |
2.0.20 |
mpi |
1#4 |
1#5 |
msquic |
2.4.7#1 |
2.4.7#3 |
mujoco |
2.3.2#1 |
3.2.7 |
mujs |
1.3.5 |
1.3.6 |
mvfst |
2025.01.06.00 |
2025.02.10.00 |
nanobind |
2.2.0 |
2.5.0 |
nanoflann |
1.6.3 |
1.7.0 |
neon2sse |
2021-09-16 |
2024-11-24 |
nlopt |
2.8.0 |
2.10.0 |
nng |
1.9.0 |
1.10.1 |
ntf-core |
2.1.0#1 |
2.5.4 |
numcpp |
2.12.1#2 |
2.14.0 |
octave |
9.3.0 |
9.3.0#2 |
oniguruma |
6.9.9 |
6.9.10 |
onnx |
1.16.2#1 |
1.17.0#1 |
onnx-optimizer |
0.3.19 |
0.3.19#1 |
open62541 |
1.3.15 |
1.3.15#2 |
open62541pp |
0.16.0 |
0.17.0 |
openal-soft |
1.24.1 |
1.24.2 |
opencv |
4.10.0 |
4.10.0#2 |
opencv2 | | |
opencv3 |
3.4.18#17 |
3.4.20 |
opencv4 |
4.10.0#3 |
4.10.0#5 |
openimageio | | |
openjpeg |
2.5.2#1 |
2.5.3 |
openmpi |
4.1.6#1 |
4.1.7 |
openssl |
3.4.0#1 |
3.4.1 |
opensubdiv |
3.5.0#2 |
3.5.0#3 |
opentelemetry-cpp |
1.18.0 |
1.19.0 |
opentelemetry-cpp-contrib-version |
2024-11-14 |
2025-02-03 |
openvino |
2024.4.0#6 |
2025.0.0 |
openxr-loader |
1.0.34#1 |
1.1.45 |
orc |
2.0.0 |
2.1.0 |
osg |
3.6.5#25 |
3.6.5#26 |
osgearth |
3.7 |
3.7#1 |
paho-mqtt |
1.3.13#1 |
1.3.14 |
paho-mqttpp3 |
1.4.1#1 |
1.5.0 |
pango |
1.54.0 |
1.56.1#1 |
parallel-hashmap |
1.4.0 |
2.0.0 |
pcl |
1.14.1#3 |
1.14.1#4 |
pdal |
2.8.3 |
2.8.4 |
pdal-dimbuilder |
2.8.3 |
2.8.4 |
phnt |
2024-05-22 |
2025-02-05 |
poco |
1.14.0 |
1.14.0#2 |
portaudio |
19.7#5 |
19.7#6 |
presentmon |
2.1.1 |
2.3.0 |
protobuf |
5.29.2 |
5.29.3 |
protobuf-c |
1.5.0 |
1.5.1 |
protozero |
1.7.1 |
1.8.0 |
proxy |
3.1.0 |
3.2.0 |
proxygen |
2025.01.06.00 |
2025.02.10.00 |
pugixml |
1.14 |
1.15 |
pulsar-client-cpp |
3.5.1#1 |
3.7.0 |
python3 |
3.11.10#1 |
3.11.11 |
qca |
2.3.7#2 |
2.3.7#3 |
qoixx |
2022-12-07 |
0.1.7 |
qt |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qt-advanced-docking-system |
4.3.1 |
4.4.0 |
qt3d |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qt5-webengine |
5.15.16 |
5.15.16#2 |
qt5compat |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtactiveqt |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtapplicationmanager |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtbase |
6.8.1#1 |
6.8.2#1 |
qtcharts |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtcoap |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtconnectivity |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtdatavis3d |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtdeclarative |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtdeviceutilities |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtdoc |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtgraphs |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtgrpc |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qthttpserver |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtimageformats |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtinterfaceframework |
6.8.1#1 |
6.8.2 |
qtlanguageserver |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtlocation |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtlottie |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtmqtt |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtmultimedia |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtnetworkauth |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtopcua |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtpositioning |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtquick3d |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtquick3dphysics |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtquickeffectmaker |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtquicktimeline |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtremoteobjects |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtscxml |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtsensors |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtserialbus |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qtserialport |
6.8.1 |
6.8.2 |
qts... |
Read more
2025.01.13 Release
Total port count: 2524
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2315 |
x64-windows |
2422 |
x64-windows-static |
2294 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2344 |
x64-uwp |
1346 |
arm64-windows |
2029 |
arm64-windows-static-md |
2010 |
arm64-uwp |
1312 |
arm64-osx |
2191 |
x64-osx |
2273 |
x64-linux |
2399 |
arm-neon-android |
1690 |
x64-android |
1764 |
arm64-android |
1732 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
The following 12 ports have been added:
port |
version |
kdreports |
2.3.0 |
kdstatemachineeditor |
2.0.0 |
lely-core |
2.3.5 |
lief |
0.16.1 |
marchingcubecpp |
2023-09-11 |
meekrosoft-fff |
1.1 |
orange-math |
1.0.1 |
ruapu |
0.1.0 |
sdflib |
2024-09-06 |
ucoro |
1.0 |
vcpkg-make |
2024-12-27 |
webui |
2.4.2 |
The following 177 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
7zip |
24.09 |
24.09#1 |
alembic |
1.8.7 |
1.8.8 |
allegro5 | | |
alsa |
1.2.13 |
1.2.13#1 |
angle |
chromium_5414#9 |
chromium_5414#10 |
aom |
3.9.1 |
3.11.0 |
apache-datasketches |
5.0.2 |
5.1.0 |
armadillo |
14.0.3 |
14.2.2 |
asio-grpc |
3.4.0 |
3.4.1 |
audiofile |
1.1.1 |
1.1.2 |
aurora-au |
0.3.5#1 |
0.4.1 |
aws-sdk-cpp |
1.11.467 |
1.11.474 |
bddisasm |
2.1.5 |
2.2.0 |
behaviortree-cpp |
4.3.7 |
4.6.2 |
benchmark |
1.9.0 |
1.9.1 |
bit7z |
4.0.8 |
4.0.9#1 |
bitserializer |
0.70 |
0.75 |
boost |
1.86.0 |
1.86.0#1 |
boost-cobalt |
1.86.0 |
1.86.0#1 |
bshoshany-thread-pool |
4.1.0 |
5.0.0 |
buck-yeh-bux-sqlite |
1.0.1 |
1.0.5 |
bullet3 |
3.25#2 |
3.25#3 |
c-ares |
1.34.3 |
1.34.4 |
calceph |
4.0.3 |
4.0.4 |
capnproto |
1.0.2#2 |
1.1.0 |
catch2 |
3.7.1 |
3.8.0 |
coin-or-cbc |
2024-06-04 |
2024-06-04#1 |
cpp-peglib |
1.9.0 |
1.9.1 |
cpp-timsort |
3.0.0 |
3.0.1 |
cppmicroservices |
3.7.6#1 |
3.8.4 |
cpptrace |
0.7.3 |
0.7.5 |
cuda-api-wrappers |
0.7.1 |
0.8.0 |
curlpp |
2018-06-15#10 |
2018-06-15#11 |
dataframe |
3.3.0 |
3.4.0 |
date |
2024-05-14 |
3.0.3 |
daxa |
3.0.2#1 |
3.0.3 |
dcmtk |
3.6.9 |
3.6.9#1 |
deniskovalchuk-libftp |
1.4.0#1 |
1.4.1 |
directx12-agility |
1.614.1 |
1.614.1#1 |
dlpack |
0.8 |
1.0 |
dp-thread-pool |
0.6.2#1 |
0.7.0 |
drogon |
1.9.8 |
1.9.9 |
eigen3 |
3.4.0#4 |
3.4.0#5 |
fastio |
2024-07-05 |
2024-12-05 |
fbthrift |
2024.12.09.00 |
2025.01.06.00 |
ffmpeg |
7.1#1 |
7.1#2 |
fizz |
2024.12.09.00 |
2025.01.06.00 |
flatbuffers |
24.3.25 |
24.12.23 |
fluidsynth |
2.4.1 |
2.4.2 |
folly |
2024.12.09.00 |
2025.01.06.00 |
g2o |
2023-08-06#1 |
2024-12-14#2 |
gazebo |
2022-01-20#5 |
11.15.1 |
geogram |
1.8.3#3 |
1.9.2 |
geographiclib |
2.4 |
2.5 |
glaze |
4.0.3 |
4.2.3 |
glslang |
15.0.0 |
15.1.0 |
gmime |
3.2.6#6 |
3.2.15#1 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.32.0 |
2.33.0 |
gstreamer |
1.24.7#1 |
1.24.7#3 |
gumbo |
0.10.1#6 |
0.12.3 |
gz-common5 |
5.4.1#2 |
5.4.1#3 |
imageinfo |
2024-08-05 |
2024-12-02 |
imgui |
1.91.5 |
1.91.6 |
ismrmrd |
1.14.1 |
1.14.1#1 |
itpp |
4.3.1#11 |
4.3.1#12 |
jemalloc |
5.3.0#1 |
5.3.0#2 |
joltphysics |
5.2.0 |
5.2.0#1 |
jsoncons |
0.177.0 |
1.1.0 |
juce |
8.0.4 |
8.0.4#1 |
kdsingleapplication |
1.1.0 |
1.1.0#1 |
kealib |
1.6.0 |
1.6.1 |
kubazip |
0.2.6 |
0.3.3 |
leptonica |
1.84.1#1 |
1.85.0 |
level-zero |
1.17.45 |
1.20.0 |
libassert |
2.1.2 |
2.1.4 |
libb2 |
0.98.1#6 |
0.98.1#7 |
libbacktrace |
2023-11-30#1 |
2024-11-30 |
libbson |
1.29.1 |
1.29.2 |
libcap |
2.71 |
2.73 |
libdeflate |
1.22 |
1.23 |
libgpg-error |
1.47 |
1.51 |
libheif |
1.19.5#1 |
1.19.5#2 |
libical |
3.0.18 |
3.0.19 |
libidn2 |
2.3.7#1 |
2.3.7#2 |
libjpeg-turbo |
3.1.0 |
3.1.0#1 |
libmagic |
5.45#3 |
5.46 |
libmem |
5.0.2 |
5.0.4 |
libmupdf |
1.24.11 |
1.25.2 |
libnick |
2024.11.1 |
2025.1.0 |
libobfuscate |
2024-02-11 |
2024-07-10 |
libremidi |
4.5.0 |
4.5.0#1 |
libsecret |
0.21.4 |
0.21.4#1 |
libsmb2 |
2023-08-11 |
6.2 |
libtorch |
2.1.2#7 |
2.1.2#9 |
libwebp |
1.4.0#1 |
1.5.0 |
libxcrypt |
4.4.36#1 |
4.4.36#2 |
libxdf |
0.99.8 |
0.99.9 |
lilv |
0.24.24 |
0.24.24#1 |
llvm |
18.1.6#3 |
18.1.6#4 |
log4cxx |
1.3.0 |
1.3.1 |
ls-qpack |
2.5.5 |
2.6.0 |
magic-enum |
0.9.7 |
0.9.7#1 |
mimicpp |
4 |
5 |
mlpack |
4.5.0 |
4.5.1 |
mongo-c-driver |
1.29.1#1 |
1.29.2 |
mongo-cxx-driver |
3.11.0 |
4.0.0 |
msh3 |
0.6.0#1 |
0.8.0 |
msquic |
2.4.5#1 |
2.4.7#1 |
muparser |
2.3.4 |
2.3.5 |
mvfst |
2024.12.09.00 |
2025.01.06.00 |
nanoflann |
1.6.2 |
1.6.3 |
nanojsonc |
1.0.0 |
1.1.0 |
nanoprintf |
0.3.4 |
0.5.3 |
nghttp3 |
1.6.0 |
1.7.0 |
ngtcp2 |
1.9.1 |
1.10.0 |
nu-book-zxing-cpp |
2.2.1 |
2.3.0 |
nyan-lang |
0.3 |
0.3.1 |
octave |
9.2.0#1 |
9.3.0 |
ogre |
14.3.1 |
14.3.2 |
onnx |
1.16.2 |
1.16.2#1 |
opencl |
v2024.05.08 |
2024.10.24 |
opencv4 |
4.10.0#1 |
4.10.0#3 |
openexr |
3.3.1 |
3.3.2 |
openfbx |
2024-05-08 |
2024-05-08#1 |
openh264 |
2021-03-16#4 |
2.5.0 |
openssl |
3.4.0 |
3.4.0#1 |
openvino |
2024.4.0#5 |
2024.4.0#6 |
paraview |
5.12.1#2 |
5.12.1#3 |
pdal |
2.8.1 |
2.8.3 |
pdal-dimbuilder |
2.8.1 |
2.8.3 |
perfetto |
48.1 |
49.0 |
physx |
5.3.0#1 |
5.5.0 |
poco |
1.13.3#1 |
1.14.0 |
prometheus-cpp |
1.2.4 |
1.3.0 |
protobuf |
5.29.1 |
5.29.2 |
proxsuite |
0.6.4 |
0.6.7 |
proxygen |
2024.12.09.00 |
2025.01.06.00 |
qtbase |
6.8.1 |
6.8.1#1 |
qtinterfaceframework |
6.8.1 |
6.8.1#1 |
recycle |
6.0.0 |
7.0.0 |
reflectcpp |
0.16.0 |
0.17.0 |
rocksdb |
9.8.4 |
9.10.0#1 |
rtlsdr |
2020-04-16#4 |
2.0.2 |
ryu |
2.0#9 |
2.0#10 |
scenepic |
1.1.0#1 |
1.1.1 |
sdl2 |
2.30.10 |
2.30.11 |
sdl2-image |
2.8.2#2 |
2.8.4 |
sentry-native |
0.7.16 |
0.7.17 |
sleef |
3.5.1#4 |
3.7 |
spirv-headers | | |
sse2neon |
1.7.0 |
1.8.0 |
stringzilla |
3.10.5 |
3.11.3 |
taskflow |
3.8.0 |
3.9.0 |
tgui |
1.6.1 |
1.7.0 |
tinyexr |
1.0.8 |
1.0.9 |
tinygltf |
2.9.3 |
2.9.4 |
unicorn |
2.0.1 |
2.1.1 |
usd |
24.8#1 |
24.11 |
utf8-range |
5.28.3 |
5.29.1 |
utfcpp |
4.0.5 |
4.0.6 |
v-hacd |
3.2.0#4 |
4.1.0 |
vcpkg-tool-meson |
1.6.0 |
1.6.1 |
vincentlaucsb-csv-parser |
2.2.3#1 |
2.3.0 |
vsgxchange |
1.0.5#1 |
1.1.4#1 |
vtk |
9.3.0-pv5.12.1#5 |
9.3.0-pv5.12.1#6 |
vtk-dicom |
0.8.16#1 |
0.8.16#2 |
wangle |
2024.12.09.00 |
2025.01.06.00 |
wildmidi |
0.4.5 |
0.4.6 |
winsparkle |
0.8.1 |
0.8.3 |
wolfssl |
5.7.4#1 |
5.7.6 |
x264 |
0.164.3108 |
0.164.3108#1 |
xsimd |
13.0.0#1 |
13.1.0 |
yalantinglibs |
0.3.10 |
0.3.11 |
yoga |
3.1.0 |
3.2.1 |
zfp |
1.0.0#2 |
1.0.1 |
zix |
0.4.2 |
0.4.2#1 |
zlib-ng |
2.2.2 |
2.2.3#1 |
The following 4 ports have been removed:
port |
casadi |
libgpod |
shiva |
thor |
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2024.12.16...2025.01.13
2024.12.16 Release
Total port count: 2516
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2297 |
x64-windows |
2403 |
x64-windows-static |
2276 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2323 |
x64-uwp |
1327 |
arm64-windows |
2006 |
arm64-windows-static-md |
1987 |
arm64-uwp |
1295 |
arm64-osx |
2173 |
x64-osx |
2250 |
x64-linux |
2376 |
arm-neon-android |
1665 |
x64-android |
1743 |
arm64-android |
1710 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
The following 12 ports have been added:
port |
version |
bw-tempdir |
1.0.0 |
cthash |
2024-11-16 |
deniskovalchuk-libftp |
1.4.0#1 |
kdsingleapplication |
1.1.0 |
libmem |
5.0.2 |
manifold |
3.0.0 |
reflectcpp |
0.16.0 |
spatial-hash |
1.0.0 |
vst3sdk |
v3.7.12_build_20 |
wolf-midi |
1.0.1 |
yalantinglibs |
0.3.10 |
zix |
0.4.2 |
The following 309 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
7zip |
24.08#1 |
24.09 |
ace |
8.0.1 |
8.0.2 |
alsa |
1.2.11#2 |
1.2.13 |
antlr4 |
4.13.2 |
4.13.2#1 |
arpack-ng |
3.9.1 |
3.9.1#1 |
arrow |
18.0.0 |
18.1.0 |
asio-grpc |
3.2.1 |
3.4.0 |
avisynthplus |
3.7.3 |
3.7.3#1 |
avro-cpp |
1.12.0 |
1.12.0#2 |
aws-c-auth |
0.7.31 |
0.8.0 |
aws-c-cal |
0.7.4 |
0.8.1 |
aws-c-common |
0.9.30 |
0.10.6 |
aws-c-compression |
0.2.19 |
0.3.0 |
aws-c-event-stream |
0.4.3 |
0.5.0 |
aws-c-http |
0.8.10 |
0.9.2 |
aws-c-io |
0.14.18 |
0.15.3 |
aws-c-mqtt |
0.10.7 |
0.11.0 |
aws-c-s3 |
0.6.6 |
0.7.7 |
aws-c-sdkutils |
0.1.19 |
0.2.1 |
aws-checksums |
0.1.20 |
0.2.2 |
aws-crt-cpp |
0.28.3 |
0.29.7 |
aws-sdk-cpp |
1.11.428 |
1.11.467 |
azure-data-tables-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.4#1 |
1.0.0-beta.5 |
azure-kinect-sensor-sdk |
1.4.1#7 |
1.4.1#8 |
baresip-libre |
3.17.0 |
3.18.0 |
blas |
2023-04-14#1 |
2023-04-14#2 |
brpc |
1.11.0 |
1.11.0#1 |
buck-yeh-bux |
1.9.0 |
1.10.2 |
c-ares |
1.34.2 |
1.34.3 |
calceph |
4.0.1 |
4.0.3 |
capnproto |
1.0.2#1 |
1.0.2#2 |
ceres |
2.1.0#5 |
2.2.0 |
chartdir |
7.0.0#7 |
7.0.0#8 |
colmap |
3.10 |
3.11.1 |
comms |
4.0.0 |
5.2.7 |
commsdsl |
6.3.3 |
6.3.4 |
concurrencpp |
0.1.7#1 |
0.1.7#2 |
configcat |
4.0.3 |
4.0.4 |
cpp-httplib |
0.18.0 |
0.18.3 |
cppgraphqlgen |
4.5.7#1 |
4.5.7#2 |
cpptrace |
0.7.2 |
0.7.3 |
cpr |
1.11.0 |
1.11.1 |
cpuid |
0.6.4 |
0.7.0 |
crashpad |
2024-04-11#4 |
2024-04-11#5 |
curl |
8.11.0#1 |
8.11.1 |
dav1d |
1.4.3 |
1.5.0 |
dcmtk |
3.6.8#9 |
3.6.9 |
directxmath |
2024-10-15 |
2024-12-02 |
discordcoreapi |
2.0.7 |
2.0.8 |
drogon |
1.9.7 |
1.9.8 |
duilib |
2019-04-28#5 |
2019-04-28#6 |
easyhook |
2.7.7097.0#8 |
2.7.7097.0#9 |
efsw |
1.4.0 |
1.4.1 |
etcd-cpp-apiv3 |
0.15.4 |
0.15.4#1 |
expat |
2.6.3 |
2.6.4 |
fbthrift |
2024.11.04.00 |
2024.12.09.00 |
ffnvcodec | | |
fizz |
2024.11.04.00 |
2024.12.09.00 |
fltk |
1.3.9#1 |
1.3.9#2 |
fluidsynth |
2.4.0 |
2.4.1 |
folly |
2024.11.04.00#1 |
2024.12.09.00 |
fontconfig |
2.15.0#1 |
2.15.0#2 |
freeopcua |
20190125#7 |
20190125#8 |
g2o |
2020-02-07#6 |
2023-08-06#1 |
gdal |
3.10.0 |
3.10.0#2 |
ginkgo |
1.8.0 |
1.9.0 |
glaze |
3.6.1 |
4.0.3 |
gmp |
6.3.0#1 |
6.3.0#2 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.31.0 |
2.32.0 |
grpc |
1.65.5 |
1.68.2 |
gstreamer |
1.24.7 |
1.24.7#1 |
h5py-lzf |
2022-05-24 |
3.12.1 |
halide |
18.0.0 |
18.0.0#1 |
hello-imgui |
1.5.2 |
1.6.0 |
iceoryx |
2.0.6 |
2.0.6#1 |
ignition-common1 |
1.1.1#4 |
1.1.1#5 |
igraph |
0.10.15 |
0.10.15#1 |
iir1 |
1.9.5 |
1.9.5#1 |
imgui |
1.91.0 |
1.91.5 |
imgui-node-editor |
0.9.3#1 |
0.9.3#2 |
imgui-sfml |
2.6 |
2.6#1 |
joltphysics |
5.1.0#2 |
5.2.0 |
jsonifier |
0.9.97 |
0.9.98 |
juce |
7.0.12 |
8.0.4 |
kdalgorithms |
1.3 |
1.4 |
kdbindings |
1.0.5 |
1.1.0 |
kddockwidgets |
2.1.0 |
2.1.0#1 |
kdsoap |
2.2.0 |
2.2.0#1 |
kealib |
1.5.3 |
1.6.0 |
kerbal |
2024.8.1 |
2024.11.1 |
kf5plotting |
5.98.0 |
5.98.0#1 |
kf5texteditor |
5.98.0#1 |
5.98.0#2 |
krb5 |
1.21.3#1 |
1.21.3#2 |
lcms |
2.14 |
2.16 |
libavif |
1.1.1 |
1.1.1#1 |
libbson |
1.29.0 |
1.29.1 |
libcbor |
0.11.0 |
0.11.0#1 |
libdshowcapture |
0.6.0#3 |
0.6.0#4 |
libdwarf |
0.11.0 |
0.11.1 |
libe57format |
3.1.1 |
3.2.0 |
libfabric |
1.13.2#2 |
1.22.0 |
libfido2 |
1.15.0 |
1.15.0#1 |
libfreenect2 |
0.2.1#1 |
0.2.1#2 |
libgit2 |
1.8.0 |
1.8.0#1 |
libheif |
1.18.2 |
1.19.5#1 |
libiconv |
1.17#4 |
1.17#5 |
libjpeg-turbo |
3.0.4 |
3.1.0 |
libjxl |
0.11.0 |
0.11.1 |
libmediainfo |
24.11 |
24.12 |
libmikmod | | |
libmupdf |
1.24.10 |
1.24.11 |
libnick |
2024.11.0 |
2024.11.1 |
libpopt |
1.16#17 |
1.16#18 |
libprotobuf-mutator |
1.3 |
1.3#1 |
librabbitmq |
0.14.0 |
0.15.0 |
libressl |
4.0.0 |
4.0.0#1 |
librsvg |
2.40.20#11 |
2.40.21 |
librttopo |
1.1.0#8 |
1.1.0#9 |
libsbml |
5.20.2 |
5.20.4 |
liburing |
2.7#1 |
2.8 |
libwebm | | |
libxfont |
2.0.5 |
2.0.5#1 |
libxml2 |
2.11.9 |
2.13.5#1 |
libxslt |
1.1.37#4 |
1.1.42 |
lilv |
0.24.10#2 |
0.24.24 |
live555 |
2024-10-24#1 |
2024-11-28 |
llvm |
18.1.6#1 |
18.1.6#3 |
lv2 |
1.18.2#1 |
1.18.10#1 |
magic-enum |
0.9.6#1 |
0.9.7 |
mailio |
0.23.0 |
0.24.0 |
marble |
24.08.2 |
24.08.2#1 |
materialx |
1.39.1#1 |
1.39.1#2 |
mchehab-zbar |
0.23.90#5 |
0.23.93 |
mdl-sdk |
2024.0.4 |
2024.0.4#1 |
meshoptimizer |
0.21 |
0.22 |
mongo-c-driver |
1.29.0 |
1.29.1#1 |
mongoose |
7.15 |
7.16 |
mpg123 |
1.32.7 |
1.32.9#1 |
mvfst |
2024.11.04.00 |
2024.12.09.00 |
mysql-connector-cpp |
8.0.32#2 |
9.1.0#3 |
ngtcp2 |
1.8.1 |
1.9.1 |
nrf-ble-driver |
4.1.4#1 |
4.1.4#2 |
nsync |
1.29.2 |
1.29.2#1 |
ogdf |
2022-06-30 |
2022-06-30#1 |
ompl |
1.6.0#2 |
1.6.0#3 |
omplapp |
1.5.1#5 |
1.5.1#6 |
open62541 |
1.3.14#1 |
1.3.15 |
open62541pp |
0.15.0 |
0.16.0 |
openal-soft |
1.23.1#2 |
1.24.1 |
openblas |
0.3.28 |
0.3.28#1 |
opencv4 |
4.10.0 |
4.10.0#1 |
openfbx |
2022-07-18 |
2024-05-08 |
openimageio | | |
openmvg |
2.0#11 |
2.1#1 |
opentelemetry-cpp |
1.17.0#1 |
1.18.0 |
opentelemetry-cpp-contrib-version |
2024-06-17 |
2024-11-14 |
openturns |
1.20#2 |
1.24 |
openvino |
2024.4.0#3 |
2024.4.0#5 |
openxr-loader |
1.0.31 |
1.0.34#1 |
otl |
4.0.478 |
4.0.480 |
pcre |
8.45#6 |
8.45#7 |
pdcurses |
3.9#6 |
3.9#7 |
physx |
5.3.0 |
5.3.0#1 |
pipewire |
1.2.6 |
1.2.7 |
plibsys |
0.0.4#7 |
0.0.5 |
poco |
1.13.3 |
1.13.3#1 |
proj |
9.5.0 |
9.5.1 |
protobuf |
5.26.1 |
5.29.1 |
protopuf |
2.2.1 |
3.0.0 |
proxy |
3.0.0 |
3.1.0 |
proxygen |
2024.11.04.00 |
2024.12.09.00 |
ptex |
2.4.3 |
2.4.3#1 |
python3 |
3.11.10 |
3.11.10#1 |
qt |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qt3d |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qt5 |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-3d |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-activeqt |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-androidextras |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-base |
5.15.15#1 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-charts |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-connectivity |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-datavis3d |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-declarative |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-doc |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-gamepad |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-graphicaleffects |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-imageformats |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-location |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-macextras |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-mqtt |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-multimedia |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-networkauth |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-purchasing |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-quickcontrols |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-quickcontrols2 |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-remoteobjects |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-script |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-scxml |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-sensors |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-serialbus |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-serialport |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-speech |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-svg |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-tools |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-translations |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-virtualkeyboard |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-wayland |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-webchannel |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-webengine |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-webglplugin |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-websockets |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-webview |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-winextras |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-x11extras |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5-xmlpatterns |
5.15.15 |
5.15.16 |
qt5compat |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtactiveqt |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtapplicationmanager |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtbase |
6.7.3#1 |
6.8.1 |
qtcharts |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtcoap |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtconnectivity |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtdatavis3d |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtdeclarative |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtdeviceutilities |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtdoc |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtgraphs |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtgrpc |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qthttpserver |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtimageformats |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtinterfaceframework |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtlanguageserver |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtlocation |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtlottie |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtmqtt |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtmultimedia |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtnetworkauth |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtopcua |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtpositioning |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtquick3d |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtquick3dphysics |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtquickeffectmaker |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtquicktimeline |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtremoteobjects |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtscxml |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtsensors |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtserialbus |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtserialport |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtshadertools |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtspeech |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtsvg |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qttools |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qttranslations |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtvirtualkeyboard |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtwayland |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtwebchannel |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtwebengine |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtwebsockets |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qtwebview |
6.7.3 |
6.8.1 |
qwtw |
3.1.0#3 |
3.1.0#4 |
rapidfuzz |
3.0.5 |
3.1.1 |
raylib |
5.0#2 |
5.5 |
realsense2 |
2.56.2 |
2.56.2#2 |
restclient-cpp |
2022-02-09 |
2024-01-09 |
restinio |
0.7.2 |
0.7.3 |
rocksdb |
9.7.2 |
9.8.4 |
rtabmap | | |
s2n |
1.5.5 |
1.5.9 |
scotch |
7.0.5 |
7.0.5#1 |
sdbus-cpp |
2.0.0 |
2.1.0 |
sdl2 |
2.30.9 |
2.30.10 |
sdl3 |
3.1.6-preview#1 |
3.1.6-preview#2 |
sentencepiece |
0.2.0 |
0.2.0#1 |
sentry-native |
0.7.12 |
0.7.16 |
serd |
0.30.4#2 |
0.32.2 |
sese |
2.3.0#2 |
2.3.0#3 |
shader-slang |
2024.14.3 |
2024.15.2 |
shiftmedia-libgnutls |
3.8.7#1 |
3.8.7#2 |
sord |
0.16.4#2 |
0.16.16 |
spdlog |
1.15.0 |
1.15.0#1 |
sqlcipher |
4.6.1 |
4.6.1#1 |
sqlite3 |
3.47.0#2 |
3.47.2 |
sratom |
0.6.16 |
0.6.16#1 |
stxxl |
2018-11-15#8 |
2018-11-15#9 |
taglib |
2.0#2 |
2.0.2 |
tesseract |
5.5.0 |
5.5.0#1 |
tgui |
1.1.0#1 |
1.6.1 |
thorvg |
0.15.3 |
0.15.6 |
tomsolver |
1.0.0 |
1.0.1 |
trantor |
1.5.21 |
1.5.22 |
unordered-dense |
4.4.0 |
4.5.0 |
upa-url |
1.0.1 |
1.0.2 |
usd |
24.8 |
... |
Read more
2024.11.16 Release
Total port count: 2508
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
Unknown, build exceeded 48 hours |
x64-windows |
2389 |
x64-windows-static |
2259 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2305 |
x64-uwp |
1319 |
arm64-windows |
1978 |
arm64-uwp |
1287 |
arm64-osx |
2152 |
x64-osx |
2234 |
x64-linux |
2362 |
arm-neon-android |
1646 |
x64-android |
1722 |
arm64-android |
1695 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
The following 20 ports have been added:
port |
version |
bark |
0.3.0 |
casadi |
3.6.7 |
cpp-kana |
1.0.0 |
cpp-pinyin |
1.0.0 |
delaunator-cpp |
1.0.0 |
fixed-containers |
2024-09-19 |
gameinput |
0.2303.22621.3038 |
libaec |
1.1.3 |
libdvdnav |
6.1.1 |
libdvdread |
6.1.3 |
luau |
0.651 |
pdal-dimbuilder |
2.8.1 |
qmex |
2024-10-31 |
rlottie |
2024-08-26 |
sdl3 |
3.1.6-preview#1 |
serf |
1.3.10 |
tomsolver |
1.0.0 |
vcpkg-tool-castxml |
0.6.5 |
vulkan-extensionlayer | |
webthing-cpp |
1.0.5 |
The following 185 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
7zip |
24.08 |
24.08#1 |
aliyun-oss-cpp-sdk |
1.10.0#2 |
1.10.0#4 |
allegro5 | | |
arcus |
4.10.0#3 |
4.10.0#4 |
armadillo |
12.8.4#1 |
14.0.3 |
arrow |
17.0.0 |
18.0.0 |
asio |
1.31.0 |
1.32.0 |
asio-grpc |
3.2.0 |
3.2.1 |
asyncplusplus |
1.1#2 |
1.2 |
aurora-au |
0.3.5 |
0.3.5#1 |
azure-core-cpp |
1.14.0#1 |
1.14.1 |
azure-identity-cpp |
1.10.0#2 |
1.10.1 |
azure-messaging-eventhubs-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.9#2 |
1.0.0-beta.10 |
azure-storage-common-cpp |
12.8.0#1 |
12.9.0 |
azure-storage-files-shares-cpp |
12.11.0#1 |
12.12.0 |
baresip-libre |
3.15.0 |
3.17.0 |
basisu |
1.16.4 |
1.50.0 |
bgfx |
1.128.8786-481 |
1.128.8808-482 |
bitmagic |
7.13.4 |
7.13.4#1 |
boost-build |
1.86.0 |
1.86.0#1 |
botan |
3.5.0#1 |
3.6.1 |
brpc |
1.10.0 |
1.11.0 |
buck-yeh-bux |
1.8.1 |
1.9.0 |
c-ares |
1.34.1 |
1.34.2 |
caf |
1.0.1 |
1.0.2 |
cairo |
1.18.0#1 |
1.18.2 |
capnproto |
1.0.2 |
1.0.2#1 |
cgal |
6.0 |
6.0.1 |
cli |
2.1.0 |
2.2.0 |
cppfs |
1.3.0#3 |
1.3.0#4 |
cpr |
1.10.5#2 |
1.11.0 |
curl |
8.10.1 |
8.11.0#1 |
darknet |
2022-03-06#4 |
2024-10-10 |
daw-header-libraries |
2.106.0 |
2.114.1 |
daw-json-link |
3.24.0 |
3.29.2 |
dcmtk |
3.6.8#8 |
3.6.8#9 |
directxmesh |
2024-09-04 |
2024-10-28 |
directxtex |
2024-09-04 |
2024-10-28 |
directxtk |
2024-09-04 |
2024-10-28 |
directxtk12 |
2024-09-04 |
2024-10-28 |
dpp |
10.0.33 |
10.0.35 |
ecm |
6.4.0 |
6.7.0 |
edflib |
1.26 |
1.27 |
elements |
2022-12-07 |
2024-09-12 |
elfutils |
0.191 |
0.192 |
enet |
1.3.17#2 |
1.3.18 |
entt |
3.13.2 |
3.14.0 |
ezc3d |
1.5.7 |
1.5.11 |
faiss |
1.7.4#1 |
1.8.0 |
fastgltf |
0.7.2 |
0.8.0 |
fastlz |
2021-05-10#2 |
2024-08-02 |
fastor |
2021-11-22#1 |
0.6.4 |
fbthrift |
2024.10.07.00 |
2024.11.04.00 |
ffmpeg |
7.0.2#5 |
7.1#1 |
fizz |
2024.10.07.00 |
2024.11.04.00 |
flecs |
4.0.2 |
4.0.3 |
fluidsynth |
2.3.6 |
2.4.0 |
flux |
2023-08-25 |
0.4.0 |
folly |
2024.10.07.00 |
2024.11.04.00#1 |
gaussianlib |
2023-02-17 |
2024-11-03 |
gdal |
3.9.3 |
3.10.0 |
geos |
3.13.0 |
3.13.0#1 |
glew |
2.2.0#3 |
2.2.0#4 |
gmp |
6.3.0 |
6.3.0#1 |
gmsh |
4.12.2#1 |
4.13.1 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.30.0 |
2.31.0 |
gperftools |
2.10#1 |
2.16 |
gpgmm |
0.0.4 |
0.1.2#1 |
grpc |
1.60.0#1 |
1.65.5 |
gsl-lite |
0.41.0 |
0.42.0 |
gtk |
4.14.0#1 |
4.16.3 |
halide |
17.0.1#1 |
18.0.0 |
harfbuzz |
10.0.1 |
10.1.0 |
hdf5 | | |
igraph |
0.10.13 |
0.10.15 |
influxdb-cxx |
0.7.2 |
0.7.2#1 |
itk |
5.4.0 |
5.4.0#1 |
joltphysics |
5.1.0#1 |
5.1.0#2 |
launch-darkly-server |
2.8.6#2 |
2.9.3 |
libarchive |
3.7.7 |
3.7.7#2 |
libassert |
2.1.1 |
2.1.2 |
libbson |
1.28.1 |
1.29.0 |
libcap |
2.70 |
2.71 |
libfido2 |
1.14.0 |
1.15.0 |
libleidenalg |
0.10.0#1 |
0.11.1 |
libmediainfo |
24.6 |
24.11 |
libmodplug | | |
libmysql |
8.0.39 |
8.0.40 |
libnick |
2024.10.0 |
2024.11.0 |
libodb-sqlite |
2.4.0#12 |
2.4.0#13 |
libpng |
1.6.43#3 |
1.6.44 |
libressl |
3.9.2#2 |
4.0.0 |
librtpi |
1.0.0#1 |
1.0.1 |
libssh2 |
1.11.0#2 |
1.11.1 |
libunwind |
1.8.1#1 |
1.8.1#3 |
libvpx |
1.13.1#3 |
1.13.1#4 |
libxmlmm |
0.6.0#3 |
0.6.0#4 |
live555 |
2024-09-29 |
2024-10-24#1 |
log4cxx |
1.2.0 |
1.3.0 |
lzokay |
2020-07-30#2 |
2023-10-22 |
materialx |
1.39.1 |
1.39.1#1 |
matio |
1.5.27 |
1.5.27#1 |
mdl-sdk |
2021.1.2#5 |
2024.0.4 |
mimalloc |
2.1.7 |
2.1.7#1 |
mimicpp |
3 |
4 |
modern-cpp-kafka |
2023.03.07 |
2024.07.03 |
mongo-c-driver |
1.28.1 |
1.29.0 |
mp-units |
2.3.0 |
2.4.0#1 |
ms-gsl |
4.0.0#1 |
4.1.0 |
msgpack |
6.1.1 |
7.0.0 |
mvfst |
2024.10.07.00 |
2024.11.04.00 |
mygui |
3.4.3#1 |
3.4.3#3 |
nanobind |
1.9.2 |
2.2.0 |
nanoflann |
1.6.1 |
1.6.2 |
nettle |
3.10 |
3.10#1 |
nghttp2 |
1.63.0 |
1.64.0 |
ngtcp2 |
1.7.0#1 |
1.8.1 |
ogre |
14.2.2#1 |
14.3.1 |
open62541 |
1.3.12 |
1.3.14#1 |
opencv |
4.8.0#1 |
4.10.0 |
opencv2 | | |
opencv3 |
3.4.18#16 |
3.4.18#17 |
opencv4 |
4.8.0#22 |
4.10.0 |
openimageio | | |
openssl |
3.3.2#1 |
3.4.0 |
opentelemetry-cpp |
1.17.0 |
1.17.0#1 |
openvdb |
11.0.0 |
12.0.0 |
openvino |
2024.4.0#1 |
2024.4.0#3 |
otl |
4.0.476 |
4.0.478 |
pcl |
1.14.1#2 |
1.14.1#3 |
pdal |
2.5.3#3 |
2.8.1 |
pipewire |
1.2.5 |
1.2.6 |
protobuf |
4.25.1#1 |
5.26.1 |
proxygen |
2024.10.07.00 |
2024.11.04.00 |
qcoro |
0.10.0#1 |
0.11.0 |
qt5-base |
5.15.15 |
5.15.15#1 |
qtbase |
6.7.3 |
6.7.3#1 |
quill |
7.3.0 |
7.5.0 |
readline-win32 |
5.0#8 |
5.0#9 |
realsense2 |
2.54.2#3 |
2.56.2 |
rest-rpc |
0.12 |
0.12#1 |
robotraconteur |
1.2.3 |
1.2.4 |
rsm-bsa |
4.1.0 |
4.1.0#1 |
rtabmap | | |
rtmidi |
5.0.0#3 |
6.0.0 |
rubberband |
3.3.0#1 |
4.0.0 |
scnlib |
3.0.1 |
4.0.1 |
scotch |
7.0.3 |
7.0.5 |
sdl2 |
2.30.8 |
2.30.9 |
sentry-native |
0.7.10 |
0.7.12 |
sese |
2.3.0#1 |
2.3.0#2 |
sfml |
2.6.1 |
2.6.2 |
shader-slang |
2024.11 |
2024.14.3 |
shiftmedia-libgnutls |
3.8.4#3 |
3.8.7#1 |
so5extra |
1.6.1 |
1.6.2 |
sobjectizer |
5.8.2 |
5.8.3 |
spdlog |
1.14.1 |
1.15.0 |
sqlite-orm |
1.8.2#2 |
1.9 |
sqlite3 |
3.46.1 |
3.47.0#2 |
srpc |
0.10.3 |
0.10.3#1 |
str-view |
0.5.0 |
0.5.4 |
strong-type |
14 |
15 |
tbb |
2021.13.0 |
2022.0.0 |
tesseract |
5.4.1#1 |
5.5.0 |
thorvg |
0.14.10 |
0.15.3 |
tinyorm |
0.37.3 |
0.38.1 |
tl-optional |
2021-05-02 |
1.1.0 |
tmx |
1.4.0 |
1.10.0 |
turbobase64 |
2020-01-12#3 |
2023.8 |
usd |
24.5 |
24.8 |
utf8-range |
4.25.1 |
5.26.1 |
uvatlas |
2024-09-04 |
2024-10-29 |
uwebsockets |
20.67.0 |
20.70.0 |
vcpkg-tool-meson |
1.5.2 |
1.6.0 |
veigar |
1.2 |
1.4 |
vincentlaucsb-csv-parser |
2.2.3 |
2.2.3#1 |
vlpp | | |
vtk-dicom |
0.8.16 |
0.8.16#1 |
wangle |
2024.10.07.00 |
2024.11.04.00 |
winreg |
6.3.0 |
6.3.2 |
wolfssl |
5.7.2#3 |
5.7.4 |
xmlsec |
1.3.5 |
1.3.6 |
yomm2 |
1.5.2 |
1.6.0 |
zeroc-ice |
3.7.9#4 |
3.7.10 |
zoe |
3.2 |
3.5 |
The following 2 ports have been removed:
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2024.10.21...2024.11.16
2024.10.21 Release
Total port count: 2490
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2261 |
x64-windows |
2361 |
x64-windows-static |
2261 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2281 |
x64-uwp |
1307 |
arm64-windows |
1960 |
arm64-uwp |
1276 |
arm64-osx |
2132 |
x64-osx |
2209 |
x64-linux |
2336 |
arm-neon-android |
1635 |
x64-android |
1713 |
arm64-android |
1685 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
The following 7 ports have been added:
port |
version |
aurora-au |
0.3.5 |
libedit |
2024-08-08 |
librtpi |
1.0.0#1 |
mimicpp |
3 |
poselib |
2.0.4 |
ruckig |
0.14.0 |
tobias-loew-flags |
2024-09-10 |
The following 422 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
ace |
8.0.0 |
8.0.1 |
activemq-cpp |
3.9.5#16 |
3.9.5#17 |
aklomp-base64 |
0.5.1 |
0.5.2 |
alembic |
1.8.6 |
1.8.7 |
alpaka |
1.1.0 |
1.2.0 |
amd-amf |
1.4.33#1 |
1.4.35 |
antlr4 |
4.13.1 |
4.13.2 |
apr |
1.7.5#1 |
1.7.5#2 |
async-mqtt |
9.0.0 |
9.0.2 |
atomic-queue |
1.6.4 |
1.6.5 |
aws-c-common |
0.9.28 |
0.9.30 |
aws-c-mqtt |
0.10.6 |
0.10.7 |
aws-sdk-cpp |
1.11.410 |
1.11.428 |
azure-core-amqp-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.11 |
1.0.0-beta.11#1 |
azure-core-cpp |
1.13.0 |
1.14.0#1 |
azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.4#3 |
1.0.0-beta.4#5 |
azure-data-tables-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.4 |
1.0.0-beta.4#1 |
azure-identity-cpp |
1.9.0 |
1.10.0#2 |
azure-messaging-eventhubs-checkpointstore-blob-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.1#2 |
1.0.0-beta.1#4 |
azure-messaging-eventhubs-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.9 |
1.0.0-beta.9#2 |
azure-security-attestation-cpp |
1.1.0#4 |
1.1.0#6 |
azure-security-keyvault-administration-cpp |
4.0.0-beta.5 |
4.0.0-beta.5#1 |
azure-security-keyvault-certificates-cpp |
4.2.1#1 |
4.2.1#3 |
azure-security-keyvault-keys-cpp |
4.4.1#1 |
4.4.1#3 |
azure-security-keyvault-secrets-cpp |
4.2.1#1 |
4.2.1#3 |
azure-storage-blobs-cpp |
12.13.0 |
12.13.0#1 |
azure-storage-common-cpp |
12.8.0 |
12.8.0#1 |
azure-storage-files-datalake-cpp |
12.12.0 |
12.12.0#1 |
azure-storage-files-shares-cpp |
12.11.0 |
12.11.0#1 |
azure-storage-queues-cpp |
12.4.0 |
12.4.0#1 |
bde | | |
bond |
11.0.1#4 |
13.0.1 |
boost |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-accumulators |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-algorithm |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-align |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-any |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-array |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-asio |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-assert |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-assign |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-atomic |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-beast |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-bimap |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-bind |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-build |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-callable-traits |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-charconv |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-chrono |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-circular-buffer |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-cmake |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-cobalt |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-compat |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-compatibility |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-compute |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-concept-check |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-config |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-container |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-container-hash |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-context |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-contract |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-conversion |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-convert |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-core |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-coroutine |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-coroutine2 |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-crc |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-date-time |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-describe |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-detail |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-dll |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-dynamic-bitset |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-endian |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-exception |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-fiber |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-filesystem |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-flyweight |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-foreach |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-format |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-function |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-function-types |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-functional |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-fusion |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-geometry |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-gil |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-graph |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-graph-parallel |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-hana |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-headers |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-heap |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-histogram |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-hof |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-icl |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-integer |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-interprocess |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-interval |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-intrusive |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-io |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-iostreams |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-iterator |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-json |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-lambda |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-lambda2 |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-leaf |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-lexical-cast |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-local-function |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-locale |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-lockfree |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-log |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-logic |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-math |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-metaparse |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-move |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-mp11 |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-mpi |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-mpl |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-msm |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-multi-array |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-multi-index |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-multiprecision |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-mysql |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-nowide |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-numeric-conversion |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-odeint |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-optional |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-outcome |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-parameter |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-parameter-python |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-pfr |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-phoenix |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-poly-collection |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-polygon |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-pool |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-predef |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-preprocessor |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-process |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-program-options |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-property-map |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-property-map-parallel |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-property-tree |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-proto |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-ptr-container |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-python |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-qvm |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-random |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-range |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-ratio |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-rational |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-redis |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-regex |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-safe-numerics |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-scope |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-scope-exit |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-serialization |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-signals2 |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-smart-ptr |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-sort |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-spirit |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-stacktrace |
1.85.0#3 |
1.86.0 |
boost-statechart |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-static-assert |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-static-string |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-stl-interfaces |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-system |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-test |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-thread |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-throw-exception |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-timer |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-tokenizer |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-tti |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-tuple |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-type-erasure |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-type-index |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-type-traits |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-typeof |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-ublas |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-uninstall |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-units |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-unordered |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-url |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-utility |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-uuid |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-variant |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-variant2 |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-vmd |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-wave |
1.85.0#2 |
1.86.0 |
boost-winapi |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-xpressive |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boost-yap |
1.85.0#1 |
1.86.0 |
boringssl |
2023-10-13 |
2024-09-13 |
c-ares |
1.33.1 |
1.34.1 |
calceph |
4.0.0 |
4.0.1 |
cgal |
5.6.1#1 |
6.0 |
clap-cleveraudio |
1.2.0 |
1.2.2 |
conjure-enum |
1.0.1 |
1.1.0 |
cppad |
20240000.6 |
20240000.7 |
cpptrace |
0.7.1 |
0.7.2 |
ctbench |
1.3.4 |
1.3.4#1 |
cyclonedds |
0.10.4 |
0.10.5 |
cyclonedds-cxx |
0.10.4 |
0.10.5 |
dataframe |
3.2.0 |
3.3.0 |
daxa |
2.0.0 |
3.0.2#1 |
directx-dxc |
2024-07-31 |
2024-07-31#2 |
directxmath |
2024-02-14#1 |
2024-10-15 |
discordcoreapi |
2.0.6 |
2.0.7 |
dlib |
19.24#4 |
19.24.6 |
dpp |
10.0.31 |
10.0.33 |
ensmallen |
2.19.1 |
2.21.1 |
exiv2 |
0.28.3#1 |
0.28.3#2 |
fakeit |
2.4.0#3 |
2.4.1 |
fastcdr |
2.2.1 |
2.2.4 |
fastdds |
3.0.1 |
3.1.0 |
fbthrift |
2024.09.23.00 |
2024.10.07.00 |
ffmpeg |
7.0.2#4 |
7.0.2#5 |
ffnvcodec | | |
fizz |
2024.09.23.00 |
2024.10.07.00 |
folly |
2024.09.23.00#1 |
2024.10.07.00 |
freerdp |
3.4.0#3 |
3.8.0 |
frugally-deep |
0.15.31#1 |
0.16.0 |
gdal |
3.9.2 |
3.9.3 |
gdcm |
3.0.23 |
3.0.24 |
geos |
3.12.2 |
3.13.0 |
glaze |
3.4.1 |
3.6.1 |
glib |
2.78.4#4 |
2.80.0#1 |
glslang |
14.3.0 |
15.0.0 |
gmmlib |
22.3.20 |
22.5.2 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.29.0 |
2.30.0 |
guile |
3.0.9#1 |
3.0.10 |
hazelcast-cpp-client |
5.3.0 |
5.3.0#1 |
htscodecs |
1.6.0 |
1.6.1 |
htslib |
1.20 |
1.21 |
hwloc |
2.10.0#1 |
2.11.2 |
iceoryx |
2.0.5 |
2.0.6 |
imath |
3.1.11 |
3.1.12 |
ismrmrd |
1.13.7 |
1.14.1 |
jasper |
4.2.1 |
4.2.4 |
json-rpc-cxx |
0.3.1 |
0.3.2 |
jsonifier |
0.9.96 |
0.9.97 |
kdbindings |
1.0.3 |
1.0.5 |
libarchive |
3.7.6 |
3.7.7 |
libavif |
1.0.4#2 |
1.1.1 |
libbacktrace |
2023-11-30 |
2023-11-30#1 |
libbson |
1.28.0 |
1.28.1 |
libdeflate |
1.21 |
1.22 |
liberasurecode |
1.6.3 |
1.6.4 |
libgpiod |
2.1.2 |
2.1.3 |
libhv |
1.3.2 |
1.3.3 |
libical |
3.0.17 |
3.0.18 |
libics |
1.6.6 |
1.6.8 |
libjuice |
1.5.2 |
1.5.4 |
liblzma |
5.6.2 |
5.6.3 |
libmaxminddb |
1.9.1 |
1.11.0 |
libmidi2 |
0.12 |
0.13 |
libmupdf |
1.23.11 |
1.24.10 |
libnice |
0.1.21#2 |
0.1.22 |
libnice-gst |
0.1.21#4 |
0.1.22 |
libnick |
2024.9.2 |
2024.10.0 |
libopenmpt |
0.7.4#1 |
0.7.10 |
libpcap |
1.10.4#1 |
1.10.5 |
libraqm |
0.10.1 |
0.10.2 |
libraw |
0.21.2 |
0.21.3 |
librdkafka |
2.3.0#5 |
2.6.0 |
libressl |
3.9.2#1 |
3.9.2#2 |
libsoup |
3.4.4#1 |
3.6.0 |
libspatialindex |
1.9.3#3 |
2.0.0 |
libsvm |
3.32#1 |
3.35 |
libtorch |
... |
Read more
2024.09.30 Release
This release primarily exists to get this tool bugfix into a registry release: microsoft/vcpkg-tool#1501
Total port count: 2491
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2258 |
x64-windows |
2359 |
x64-windows-static |
2235 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2277 |
x64-uwp |
1304 |
arm64-windows |
1949 |
arm64-uwp |
1274 |
arm64-osx |
2130 |
x64-osx |
2208 |
x64-linux |
2333 |
arm-neon-android |
1631 |
x64-android |
1710 |
arm64-android |
1681 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
The following 5 ports have been added:
port |
version |
bit7z |
4.0.8 |
fastdds |
3.0.1 |
libcred |
1.0.0 |
libmysofa |
1.3.2 |
libvmaf |
3.0.0 |
The following 66 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
ada-url |
2.9.1 |
2.9.2 |
ampl-asl |
2020-11-11#3 |
2024-02-01 |
ampl-mp |
2020-11-11#4 |
2020-11-11#5 |
anari |
0.7.0#1 |
0.10.0 |
arrayfire |
3.8.0#6 |
3.8.0#7 |
arsenalgear |
2.1.0 |
2.1.1 |
assimp |
5.4.2 |
5.4.3 |
aws-c-mqtt |
0.10.5 |
0.10.6 |
aws-c-s3 |
0.6.5 |
0.6.6 |
aws-sdk-cpp |
1.11.405 |
1.11.410 |
azure-storage-blobs-cpp |
12.12.0 |
12.13.0 |
azure-storage-common-cpp |
12.7.0 |
12.8.0 |
azure-storage-files-datalake-cpp |
12.11.0 |
12.12.0 |
azure-storage-files-shares-cpp |
12.10.0 |
12.11.0 |
azure-storage-queues-cpp |
12.3.0 |
12.4.0 |
buck-yeh-bux |
1.8.0 |
1.8.1 |
cmark |
0.30.3 |
0.31.1 |
dimcli |
7.2.0 |
7.3.0 |
discount |
3.0.0a |
3.0.0d |
dxut |
11.31#3 |
11.32 |
etl |
20.38.10#1 |
20.39.4 |
faudio |
24.06 |
24.09 |
fbthrift |
2024.09.16.00 |
2024.09.23.00 |
fizz |
2024.09.16.00 |
2024.09.23.00 |
flecs |
4.0.1 |
4.0.2 |
fmt |
11.0.2 |
11.0.2#1 |
folly |
2024.09.16.00 |
2024.09.23.00#1 |
fontconfig |
2.15.0 |
2.15.0#1 |
fribidi |
1.0.15 |
1.0.16 |
gcem |
1.17.0 |
1.18.0 |
glib |
2.78.4#3 |
2.78.4#4 |
gloo |
20201203#3 |
20240626 |
godot-cpp |
4.2.1 |
4.3 |
harfbuzz |
9.0.0 |
10.0.1 |
hlslpp |
3.5 |
3.5.3 |
iir1 |
1.9.4 |
1.9.5 |
json5-parser |
1.0.0#6 |
1.0.0#7 |
level-zero |
1.17.28 |
1.17.45 |
libarchive |
3.7.5 |
3.7.6 |
libdjinterop |
0.21.0 |
0.22.1 |
libmidi2 |
0.11 |
0.12 |
libsrt |
1.5.3#2 |
1.5.3#3 |
libtommath |
1.2.1 |
1.3.0 |
libunwind |
1.8.1 |
1.8.1#1 |
libyuv |
1895#1 |
1896#1 |
live555 |
2024-06-26 |
2024-09-20 |
ls-qpack |
2.5.4#3 |
2.5.5 |
luafilesystem |
1.8.0#6 |
1.8.0#7 |
magma |
2.8.0 |
2.8.0#1 |
msh3 |
0.6.0 |
0.6.0#1 |
msquic |
2.3.6#2 |
2.4.4 |
mvfst |
2024.09.16.00 |
2024.09.23.00 |
openvino |
2024.3.0 |
2024.4.0 |
parallel-hashmap |
1.3.12 |
1.4.0 |
parson |
2022-11-13 |
2023-10-31 |
proxygen |
2024.09.16.00 |
2024.09.23.00 |
sentry-native |
0.7.9 |
0.7.10 |
sqlcipher |
4.6.0 |
4.6.1 |
sqlpp11 |
0.64 |
0.64#1 |
uwebsockets |
20.65.0 |
20.67.0 |
vcpkg-tool-meson |
1.5.1 |
1.5.2 |
wangle |
2024.09.16.00 |
2024.09.23.00 |
wavpack |
5.6.0#2 |
5.7.0 |
wmipp |
1.2.0 |
1.3.0 |
z3 |
4.13.0 |
4.13.2 |
zlmediakit |
2024-03-30#3 |
2024-09-29 |
The following 1 ports have been removed:
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2024.09.23...2024.09.30
Total port count: 2487
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2254 |
x64-windows |
2351 |
x64-windows-static |
2228 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2269 |
x64-uwp |
1303 |
arm64-windows |
1943 |
arm64-uwp |
1273 |
arm64-osx |
2121 |
x64-osx |
2201 |
x64-linux |
2325 |
arm-neon-android |
1625 |
x64-android |
1701 |
arm64-android |
1674 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
The following 13 ports have been added:
port |
version |
aliyun-oss-cpp-sdk |
1.10.0#2 |
bext-text |
2024-01-19 |
bluescarni-tanuki |
2024-08-17 |
cddlib |
0.94m |
curlcpp |
3.1#1 |
fenster |
2024-08-19 |
jigson |
0.1.3 |
lfreist-hwinfo |
2024-09-01 |
libdvdcss |
1.4.3 |
libusbp |
1.3.1 |
md4c |
0.5.2 |
msh3 |
0.6.0 |
upa-url |
1.0.0 |
The following 253 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
ada-url |
2.7.7 |
2.9.1 |
angelscript |
2.36.1#1 |
2.37.0 |
apr |
1.7.4#1 |
1.7.5#1 |
asio |
1.30.2 |
1.31.0 |
asio-grpc |
3.1.0 |
3.2.0 |
async-mqtt |
8.0.1 |
9.0.0 |
atomic-queue |
1.6.3 |
1.6.4 |
audit |
4.0.1 |
4.0.2 |
avro-cpp |
1.11.3 |
1.12.0 |
aws-c-auth |
0.7.22 |
0.7.31 |
aws-c-cal |
0.6.15 |
0.7.4 |
aws-c-common |
0.9.21 |
0.9.28 |
aws-c-compression |
0.2.18 |
0.2.19 |
aws-c-event-stream |
0.4.2 |
0.4.3 |
aws-c-http |
0.8.2 |
0.8.10 |
aws-c-io |
0.14.9 |
0.14.18 |
aws-c-mqtt |
0.10.4 |
0.10.5 |
aws-c-s3 |
0.5.10 |
0.6.5 |
aws-c-sdkutils |
0.1.16 |
0.1.19 |
aws-checksums |
0.1.18 |
0.1.20 |
aws-crt-cpp |
0.26.12 |
0.28.3 |
aws-sdk-cpp |
1.11.352 |
1.11.405 |
azure-core-amqp-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.10 |
1.0.0-beta.11 |
azure-kinect-sensor-sdk |
1.4.1#6 |
1.4.1#7 |
baresip-libre |
3.14.0 |
3.15.0 |
bdwgc |
8.2.6 |
8.2.8 |
benchmark |
1.8.5 |
1.9.0 |
bgfx |
1.128.8786-480 |
1.128.8786-481 |
blake3 |
1.5.1 |
1.5.4 |
blosc |
1.21.5 |
1.21.6 |
boinc |
8.0.3 |
8.0.4 |
boost-cmake |
1.85.0#1 |
1.85.0#2 |
buck-yeh-bux |
1.7.0 |
1.8.0 |
c-ares |
1.33.0 |
1.33.1 |
caf |
0.19.6 |
1.0.1 |
capstone |
5.0.1#1 |
5.0.3 |
cargs |
1.1.0 |
1.2.0 |
catch2 |
3.7.0 |
3.7.1 |
cimg |
3.4.0 |
3.4.1 |
cjson |
1.7.17 |
1.7.18 |
clblast |
1.6.1 |
1.6.3 |
clipper2 |
1.3.0#1 |
1.4.0 |
coin |
4.0.2#3 |
4.0.3 |
cpp-httplib |
0.16.2 |
0.18.0 |
cpp-peglib |
1.8.6 |
1.9.0 |
cpprealm |
2.1.0 |
2.2.0 |
cpprestsdk |
2.10.19#1 |
2.10.19#2 |
cpptrace |
0.6.3 |
0.7.1 |
cppwinrt |
2.0.240111.5 |
2.0.240405.15 |
crashpad |
2024-04-11#2 |
2024-04-11#4 |
cryptopp |
8.9.0 |
8.9.0#1 |
ctbench |
1.3.3 |
1.3.4 |
cuda-api-wrappers |
0.6.9 |
0.7.1 |
cudnn |
7.6.5#13 |
7.6.5#14 |
curl |
8.9.1#1 |
8.10.1 |
curlpp |
2018-06-15#9 |
2018-06-15#10 |
daw-utf-range |
2.2.4 |
2.2.5 |
debug-assert |
1.3.3#2 |
1.3.4 |
directx-headers |
1.614.0 |
1.614.1 |
directxmesh |
2024-06-04 |
2024-09-04 |
directxtex |
2024-06-04 |
2024-09-04 |
directxtk |
2024-06-04 |
2024-09-04 |
directxtk12 |
2024-06-04 |
2024-09-04 |
dpp |
10.0.30 |
10.0.31 |
drogon |
1.9.6 |
1.9.7 |
dtl |
1.20 |
1.21 |
enkits |
1.11#2 |
1.11#3 |
expat |
2.6.2#1 |
2.6.3 |
faiss |
1.7.4 |
1.7.4#1 |
fakeit |
2.4.0#2 |
2.4.0#3 |
fast-double-parser |
0.7.0 |
0.8.0 |
fast-float |
6.1.4 |
6.1.6 |
fbthrift |
2024.08.19.00 |
2024.09.16.00 |
ffmpeg |
7.0.2#3 |
7.0.2#4 |
fizz |
2024.08.19.00 |
2024.09.16.00 |
fluidsynth |
2.3.5 |
2.3.6 |
folly |
2024.08.19.00 |
2024.09.16.00 |
fontconfig |
2.14.2#2 |
2.15.0 |
freetype |
2.13.2#1 |
2.13.3 |
fribidi |
1.0.13 |
1.0.15 |
frozen |
1.1.1 |
1.2.0 |
ftgl |
2022-05-18#1 |
2.4.0#5 |
glaze |
3.2.5 |
3.4.1 |
glfw3 |
3.4 |
3.4#1 |
gmsh |
4.12.2 |
4.12.2#1 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.28.0 |
2.29.0 |
gstreamer |
1.22.5#8 |
1.24.7 |
gtl |
1.1.8 |
1.2.0 |
gtsam |
4.2a9#2 |
4.2.0 |
imguizmo |
2024-05-29 |
2024-05-29#1 |
joltphysics |
5.1.0 |
5.1.0#1 |
jsoncpp |
1.9.5#5 |
1.9.6 |
jwt-cpp |
0.7.0 |
0.7.0#1 |
kerbal |
2024.7.1 |
2024.8.1 |
ktx |
4.3.1#1 |
4.3.2 |
lest |
1.35.1#3 |
1.35.2 |
libarchive |
3.7.4 |
3.7.5 |
libassert |
2.1.0 |
2.1.1 |
libavif |
1.0.4#1 |
1.0.4#2 |
libbson |
1.27.5 |
1.28.0 |
libcap |
2.69#5 |
2.70 |
libconfuse |
2019-07-14#4 |
3.3 |
libdivide |
5.0#1 |
5.1 |
libdwarf |
0.10.1 |
0.11.0 |
libenvpp |
1.4.0 |
1.4.1 |
libftdi1 |
1.5#4 |
1.5#5 |
libgxps |
0.3.2#3 |
0.3.2#4 |
libheif |
1.17.6#2 |
1.18.2 |
libice |
1.0.10#1 |
1.1.1 |
libigl |
2.5.0#1 |
2.5.0#2 |
libjpeg-turbo |
3.0.3#1 |
3.0.4 |
libjxl |
0.10.2#4 |
0.11.0 |
libnick |
2024.8.3 |
2024.9.2 |
libosip2 |
5.3.1 |
5.3.1#1 |
libphonenumber |
8.13.31 |
8.13.45 |
libressl |
3.9.2 |
3.9.2#1 |
libstemmer |
2017-9#8 |
2021.2.2.0 |
libtorch |
2.1.2#5 |
2.1.2#6 |
liburing |
2.6#1 |
2.7#1 |
libusb |
1.0.27#1 |
1.0.27#2 |
libuv |
1.48.0 |
1.48.0#1 |
libyuv |
1857#1 |
1895#1 |
llfio |
2023-11-06 |
2024-09-05 |
llhttp |
9.2.0 |
9.2.1 |
loguru |
2.1.0#3 |
2.1.0#4 |
ls-qpack |
2.5.4 |
2.5.4#3 |
lua |
5.4.6 |
5.4.7 |
lunasvg |
2.4.0 |
2.4.1 |
mariadb-connector-cpp |
1.1.4 |
1.1.5 |
mathter |
1.1.2 |
2.0.0 |
mbedtls |
2.28.8 |
3.6.1 |
meshoptimizer |
0.20 |
0.21 |
microsoft-signalr |
0.1.0-alpha4#11 |
0.1.0-alpha4#12 |
mongo-c-driver |
1.27.5 |
1.28.0 |
mongo-cxx-driver |
3.10.2 |
3.10.2#1 |
mp-units |
2.2.0 |
2.2.1 |
mpg123 |
1.31.3#4 |
1.32.7 |
msquic |
2.3.5 |
2.3.6#2 |
mvfst |
2024.08.19.00 |
2024.09.16.00 |
nanoflann |
1.6.0 |
1.6.1 |
netcpp |
0.3.4 |
0.5.0 |
nghttp3 |
1.3.0 |
1.5.0#1 |
ngtcp2 |
1.6.0#2 |
1.7.0#1 |
nng |
1.7.3 |
1.8.0 |
oatpp-mbedtls |
1.3.0 |
1.3.0#1 |
octave |
9.2.0 |
9.2.0#1 |
onednn |
3.5.3 |
3.5.3#1 |
onnxruntime-gpu |
1.16.3 |
1.19.2 |
open62541 |
1.3.10 |
1.3.12 |
openal-soft |
1.23.1#1 |
1.23.1#2 |
opencascade |
7.8.1 |
7.8.1#1 |
openmvs |
2.1.0#5 |
2.1.0#6 |
openscap |
1.4.0 |
1.4.0#1 |
openssl |
3.3.1#1 |
3.3.2#1 |
openvpn3 |
3.7.0#2 |
3.10#1 |
opus |
1.5.1 |
1.5.2 |
outcome |
2.2.8 |
2.2.9 |
pcapplusplus |
23.9#1 |
24.9 |
pipewire |
1.0.4#1 |
1.0.4#3 |
proj |
9.4.1#1 |
9.4.1#2 |
projectm-eval |
1.0.0 |
1.0.0#1 |
proxy |
2.4.0 |
3.0.0 |
proxygen |
2024.08.19.00 |
2024.09.16.00 |
pybind11 |
2.13.4 |
2.13.6 |
qt5 |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-3d |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-activeqt |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-androidextras |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-base |
5.15.14#2 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-charts |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-connectivity |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-datavis3d |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-declarative |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-doc |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-gamepad |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-graphicaleffects |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-imageformats |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-location |
5.15.14#1 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-macextras |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-mqtt |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-multimedia |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-networkauth |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-purchasing |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-quickcontrols |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-quickcontrols2 |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-remoteobjects |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-script |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-scxml |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-sensors |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-serialbus |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-serialport |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-speech |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-svg |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-tools |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-translations |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-virtualkeyboard |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-wayland |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-webchannel |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-webengine |
5.15.14#1 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-webglplugin |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-websockets |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-webview |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-winextras |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-x11extras |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qt5-xmlpatterns |
5.15.14 |
5.15.15 |
qtbase |
6.7.2#2 |
6.7.2#3 |
qtkeychain |
0.14.1 |
0.14.3 |
qtkeychain-qt6 |
0.14.1#1 |
0.14.3 |
qttools |
6.7.2 |
6.7.2#1 |
quill |
6.1.2 |
7.1.0 |
range-v3 |
0.12.0#3 |
0.12.0#4 |
rapidcsv |
8.82 |
8.83 |
rmlui |
5.1#1 |
6.0#1 |
rmqcpp |
1.0.0 |
1.0.0#1 |
roaring |
4.0.0 |
4.1.3 |
rocksdb |
9.2.1 |
9.6.1 |
sassc |
3.6.2 |
3.6.2#1 |
sdformat10 |
10.0.0#4 |
10.0.0#5 |
sdformat6 |
6.2.0#7 |
6.2.0#8 |
sdformat9 |
9.8.0#2 |
9.8.0#3 |
sdl2 |
2.30.6#1 |
2.30.7 |
seal |
4.1.1#2 |
4.1.2 |
sentry-native |
0.7.8 |
0.7.9 |
shader-slang |
2024.1.33 |
2024.11 |
shiftmedia-libgnutls |
3.8.4#2 |
3.8.4#3 |
simd |
6.1.139 |
6.1.140 |
simdjson |
3.10.0 |
3.10.1 |
simdutf |
5.3.4 |
5.5.0 |
simsimd |
1.4.0 |
5.4.1 |
skia |
127 |
129 |
slikenet |
2021-06-07#2 |
2021-06-07#3 |
snitch |
1.2.4 |
1.2.5 |
stb |
2023-04-11#1 |
2024-07-29#1 |
tcl |
core-9-0-a1#7 |
core-9-0-a1#8 |
tesseract |
5.4.1 |
5.4.1#1 |
thorvg |
0.14.6 |
0.14.10 |
tiff |
4.6.0#4 |
4.6.0#5 |
tinyexif |
2022-02-15 |
2024-09-03 |
tracy |
0.11.0 |
0.11.1#1 |
trantor |
1.5.20 |
1.5.21 |
uvatlas |
2024-06-05 |
2024-09-04 |
volk | |
1.3.295 |
wangle |
2024.08.19.00 |
2024.09.16.00 |
wil |
2024-01-22 |
1.0.240803.1 |
winreg |
6.2.0 |
6.3.0 |
wolfssl |
5.7.2#2 |
5.7.2#3 |
x86-simd-sort |
4.0 |
5.0 |
xsimd |
13.0.0 |
13.0.0#1 |
yara |
4.5.1#1 |
4.5.2#1 |
zimpl |
3.5.3 |
3.6.1 |
zug |
2021-04-23#1 |
2024-04-26 |
zyre |
2019-07-07#5 |
2024-04-10 |
zziplib |
0.13.73 |
0.13.78 |
New Contributors
Read more
Total port count: 2475
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2239 |
x64-windows |
2337 |
x64-windows-static |
2214 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2249 |
x64-uwp |
1293 |
arm64-windows |
1929 |
arm64-uwp |
1263 |
arm64-osx |
2105 |
x64-osx |
2185 |
x64-linux |
2306 |
arm-neon-android |
1608 |
x64-android |
1683 |
arm64-android |
1657 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
The following 20 ports have been added:
port |
version |
conjure-enum |
1.0.1 |
curlcpp |
3.1 |
cyrus-sasl |
2.1.28#2 |
dingo |
0.1.0 |
hlslpp |
3.5 |
htscodecs |
1.6.0 |
htslib |
1.20 |
level-zero |
1.17.28 |
lib3mf |
2.3.2 |
libsersi |
0.1.0 |
ls-qpack |
2.5.4 |
mariadb-connector-cpp |
1.1.4 |
netcpp |
0.3.4 |
nvidia-cutlass |
3.3.0 |
octave |
9.2.0 |
opentelemetry-cpp-contrib-version |
2024-06-17 |
str-view |
0.5.0 |
tevclient |
2023-12-04 |
via-httplib |
1.9.0 |
wabt |
1.0.36 |
The following 267 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
7zip |
24.06 |
24.08 |
ableton-link |
3.1.1#1 |
3.1.2 |
abseil |
20240116.2#3 |
20240722.0 |
angle |
chromium_5414#8 |
chromium_5414#9 |
aom |
3.8.1#1 |
3.9.1 |
arg-router |
1.4.0 |
1.4.0#1 |
argparse |
3.0 |
3.1 |
arrayfire |
3.8.0#5 |
3.8.0#6 |
arrow |
16.1.0#1 |
17.0.0 |
aubio |
2022-01-26#1 |
2024-01-03 |
azure-core-cpp |
1.12.0 |
1.13.0 |
azure-data-tables-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.3 |
1.0.0-beta.4 |
azure-identity-cpp |
1.8.0 |
1.9.0 |
azure-iot-sdk-c |
2024-06-24 |
2024-08-12 |
azure-security-attestation-cpp |
1.1.0#3 |
1.1.0#4 |
azure-security-keyvault-administration-cpp |
4.0.0-beta.4#1 |
4.0.0-beta.5 |
azure-storage-blobs-cpp |
12.11.0 |
12.12.0 |
azure-storage-common-cpp |
12.6.0 |
12.7.0 |
azure-storage-files-datalake-cpp |
12.10.0 |
12.11.0 |
azure-storage-files-shares-cpp |
12.9.0 |
12.10.0 |
azure-storage-queues-cpp |
12.2.0#1 |
12.3.0 |
azure-uamqp-c |
2024-06-24 |
2024-08-12 |
baresip-libre |
3.13.0 |
3.14.0 |
bddisasm |
2.1.4 |
2.1.5 |
benchmark |
1.8.3#3 |
1.8.5 |
bext-sml2 |
2024-02-02 |
2.0.0 |
bgfx |
1.127.8725-469#1 |
1.128.8786-480 |
bitsery |
5.2.3 |
5.2.4 |
blpapi |
3.20.2 |
3.24.6 |
boost-build |
1.85.0#1 |
1.85.0#2 |
boost-mpi |
1.85.0#1 |
1.85.0#2 |
boost-python |
1.85.0#1 |
1.85.0#2 |
boost-stacktrace |
1.85.0#2 |
1.85.0#3 |
botan |
3.3.0#2 |
3.5.0#1 |
breakpad |
2023-06-01#1 |
2023-06-01#2 |
brpc |
1.9.0#1 |
1.10.0 |
buck-yeh-bux |
1.6.8#1 |
1.7.0 |
buck-yeh-bux-mariadb-client |
1.0.3#1 |
1.0.4 |
bullet3 |
3.25#1 |
3.25#2 |
bxzstr |
1.2.1 |
1.2.2 |
bzip2 |
1.0.8#5 |
1.0.8#6 |
c-ares |
1.28.1 |
1.33.0 |
cachelib |
2024.07.08.00 |
2024.07.15.00 |
cairomm |
1.17.1#1 |
1.18.0 |
catch2 |
3.6.0 |
3.7.0 |
cli11 |
2.4.2 |
2.4.2#1 |
colmap |
3.9.1 |
3.10 |
commsdsl |
4.0.0 |
6.3.3 |
cpp-httplib |
0.16.0 |
0.16.2 |
cpp-sort |
1.15.0 |
1.16.0 |
cpp-timsort |
2.1.0 |
3.0.0 |
cppad |
20240000.2 |
20240000.6 |
cppgraphqlgen |
4.5.5 |
4.5.7#1 |
cpptrace |
0.6.2 |
0.6.3 |
crashpad |
2024-04-11#1 |
2024-04-11#2 |
cuda-api-wrappers |
0.6.9 |
0.7.1 |
cudnn |
7.6.5#12 |
7.6.5#13 |
curl |
8.8.0#3 |
8.9.1#1 |
cxxgraph |
2.0.0 |
4.1.0 |
dataframe |
3.1.0 |
3.2.0 |
dav1d |
1.4.0 |
1.4.3 |
dbg-macro |
0.5.1 |
0.5.1#1 |
dcmtk |
3.6.8#6 |
3.6.8#8 |
directx-dxc |
2024-05-28 |
2024-07-31 |
directx12-agility |
1.614.0 |
1.614.1 |
dpdk |
22.07#1 |
24.07 |
drogon |
1.9.5 |
1.9.6 |
dstorage |
1.2.2 |
1.2.3#1 |
dv-processing |
1.7.9#1 |
1.7.9#2 |
ecal |
5.12.0#1 |
5.13.2 |
ecm |
5.98.0 |
6.4.0 |
exiv2 |
0.28.1#1 |
0.28.3#1 |
fast-float |
6.1.1 |
6.1.4 |
fastgltf |
0.7.1 |
0.7.2 |
fbthrift |
2024.07.08.00 |
2024.08.19.00 |
ffmpeg |
6.1.1#10 |
7.0.2#3 |
fizz |
2024.07.08.00 |
2024.08.19.00 |
flecs |
3.2.11 |
4.0.1 |
fltk |
1.3.9 |
1.3.9#1 |
fmt |
10.2.1#2 |
11.0.2 |
folly |
2024.07.08.00 |
2024.08.19.00 |
functionalplus |
0.2.24 |
0.2.25 |
gdal |
3.9.1 |
3.9.2 |
gdk-pixbuf |
2.42.12 |
2.42.12#1 |
geographiclib |
2.3#1 |
2.4 |
geos |
3.11.3#1 |
3.12.2 |
glaze |
2.6.9 |
3.2.5 |
glslang |
14.2.0#1 |
14.3.0 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.26.0#1 |
2.28.0#1 |
grpc |
1.60.0 |
1.60.0#1 |
gtest |
1.14.0#1 |
1.15.2 |
hashids |
1.2.1 |
1.2.2 |
hello-imgui |
1.4.2#1 |
1.5.2 |
hffix |
1.3.0 |
1.4.1 |
highfive |
2.9.0 |
2.10.0 |
highs |
1.6.0#1 |
1.7.2 |
hypodermic |
2.5.3 |
2023-03-03 |
idyntree |
12.3.1 |
12.4.0 |
ijg-libjpeg |
9e#1 |
9e#2 |
imageinfo |
2024-02-21 |
2024-08-05 |
imgui |
1.90.7#1 |
1.91.0 |
joltphysics |
5.0.0#1 |
5.1.0 |
json-dto |
0.3.3 |
0.3.4 |
jsoncons |
0.176.0 |
0.177.0 |
jsoncpp |
1.9.5#4 |
1.9.5#5 |
jsonifier |
0.9.95 |
0.9.96 |
kddockwidgets |
2.0.0 |
2.1.0 |
kerbal |
2024.6.1 |
2024.7.1 |
kf5texteditor |
5.98.0 |
5.98.0#1 |
krb5 |
1.21.3 |
1.21.3#1 |
lastools |
2.0.2+20230206#1 |
2.0.3 |
libarchive |
3.7.2 |
3.7.4 |
libbson |
1.27.4 |
1.27.5 |
libcap |
2.69#5 |
2.70 |
libcerf |
1.13#4 |
2.4 |
libcoro |
0.11.1 |
0.12.1 |
libdatachannel |
0.21.1 |
0.21.2#1 |
libdeflate |
1.20#1 |
1.21 |
libdwarf |
0.9.1#1 |
0.11.0 |
libev |
4.33#2 |
4.33#3 |
libgnutls |
3.8.5#1 | |
libgxps |
0.3.2#3 |
0.3.2#4 |
libiconv |
1.17#3 |
1.17#4 |
libigl |
2.5.0 |
2.5.0#1 |
libjpeg-turbo |
3.0.3 |
3.0.3#1 |
libjuice |
1.4.2 |
1.5.2 |
libmidi2 |
0.10 |
0.11 |
libmodplug | | |
libmysql |
8.0.34#1 |
8.0.39 |
libnick |
2024.7.2 |
2024.8.3 |
libopenmpt |
0.7.4 |
0.7.4#1 |
libpng |
1.6.43#2 |
1.6.43#3 |
libpq |
16.2#1 |
16.4 |
libpqxx |
7.9.0 |
7.9.2 |
librdkafka |
2.3.0#2 |
2.3.0#5 |
libsquish |
1.15#13 |
1.15#14 |
libstemmer |
2017-9#8 |
2021.2.2.0 |
libsystemd |
256.2 |
256.4 |
libtorch |
2.1.2#3 |
2.1.2#5 |
liburing |
2.6 |
2.7 |
libuv |
1.46.0#1 |
1.48.0 |
libwebm | | |
libxkbcommon |
1.4.1#1 |
1.7.0 |
libxml2 |
2.11.8 |
2.11.9 |
lightgbm |
4.4.0 |
4.4.0#1 |
live555 |
2024-05-15 |
2024-06-26 |
llvm |
18.1.6 |
18.1.6#1 |
lmdb |
0.9.31 |
0.9.33 |
lockpp |
2.6 |
3.0 |
lunarg-vulkantools | | |
lunasvg |
2.3.9 |
2.4.1 |
lz4 |
1.9.4#2 |
1.10.0 |
magic-enum |
0.9.6 |
0.9.6#1 |
magma |
2.7.2 |
2.8.0 |
magnum |
2020.06#18 |
2020.06#19 |
marble |
24.02.0#1 |
24.07.90 |
mbedtls |
2.28.7 |
2.28.8 |
mfx-dispatch |
1.35.1#3 |
1.35.1#4 |
microsoft-signalr |
0.1.0-alpha4#8 |
0.1.0-alpha4#11 |
mimalloc |
2.1.2#3 |
2.1.7 |
minio-cpp |
0.2.0 |
0.3.0 |
miniupnpc |
2.2.6 |
2.3.7 |
miniz |
3.0.2 |
3.0.2#1 |
mlpack |
4.3.0 |
4.4.0 |
mongo-c-driver |
1.27.4 |
1.27.5 |
mongoose |
7.14 |
7.15 |
mozjpeg |
4.1.5 |
4.1.5#1 |
mp3lame |
3.100#14 |
3.100#15 |
mvfst |
2024.07.08.00 |
2024.08.19.00 |
nanoflann |
1.5.5 |
1.6.0 |
netgen |
6.2.2401#1 |
6.2.2401#2 |
nettle |
3.9.1 |
3.10 |
ngtcp2 |
1.6.0 |
1.6.0#2 |
ompl |
1.6.0#1 |
1.6.0#2 |
onednn |
3.4 |
3.5.3 |
open62541pp |
0.13.0 |
0.14.0 |
openal-soft |
1.23.1 |
1.23.1#1 |
opencl |
v2023.02.06#2 |
v2024.05.08 |
opencv3 |
3.4.18#15 |
3.4.18#16 |
opencv4 |
4.8.0#21 |
4.8.0#22 |
openexr |
3.2.3#1 |
3.2.4 |
openimageio | | |
openldap |
2.5.17#1 |
2.5.18 |
openscap |
1.3.7#3 |
1.4.0#1 |
opentelemetry-cpp |
1.16.0#1 |
1.16.1 |
openvino |
2024.2.0#1 |
2024.3.0 |
paho-mqttpp3 |
1.4.1 |
1.4.1#1 |
pcl |
1.14.1 |
1.14.1#1 |
perfetto |
46.0 |
47.0 |
pkgconf |
2.2.0 |
2.3.0 |
presentmon |
1.10.0#1 |
2.1.1 |
protobuf |
4.25.1 |
4.25.1#1 |
protobuf-c |
1.4.1#1 |
1.5.0 |
proxygen |
2024.07.08.00 |
2024.08.19.00 |
pybind11 |
2.13.1 |
2.13.5 |
qt-advanced-docking-system |
4.3.0 |
4.3.1 |
qt5-base |
5.15.14#1 |
5.15.14#2 |
qtbase |
6.7.2 |
6.7.2#2 |
qtwebchannel |
6.7.2 |
6.7.2#1 |
quantlib |
1.34 |
1.35 |
quill |
4.5.0 |
6.1.2 |
range-v3 |
0.12.0#2 |
0.12.0#3 |
range-v3-vs2015 |
20151130-vcpkg5#2 |
20151130-vcpkg5#3 |
rapidfuzz |
3.0.4 |
3.0.5 |
raylib |
5.0 |
5.0#1 |
rbdl |
3.3.0#6 |
3.3.0#7 |
re2 |
2024-06-01 |
2024-07-02 |
realm-core |
14.8.0 |
14.10.4 |
restc-cpp |
0.10.0#2 |
0.10.0#3 |
roaring |
4.0.0 |
4.1.1 |
robotraconteur |
1.2.1 |
1.2.2 |
rxqt |
bb2138c#1 |
d0b1535#1 |
saucer |
2.1.0 |
2.3.0#1 |
scintilla |
5.5.0 |
5.5.1 |
sciter-js | | |
sdl2 |
2.30.5#1 |
2.30.6#1 |
sdl2pp |
0.16.1#8 |
0.16.1#11 |
seacas |
2022-11-22#5 |
2022-11-22#7 |
sentry-native |
0.7.6 |
0.7.8 |
shader-slang |
2024.1.25 |
2024.1.33 |
shapelib |
1.6.0 |
1.6.1 |
shiftmedia-libgnutls |
3.7.6#4 |
3.8.4#2 |
shogun |
2023-12-19 |
2023-12-19#1 |
signalrclient |
1.0.0-beta1-9#5 |
1.0.0-beta1-9#6 |
simd |
5.3.128#1 |
6.1.139 |
simdjson |
3.9.4 |
3.10.0 |
simdutf |
5.2.8 |
5.4.15 |
small-gicp |
0.1.0 |
1.0.0 |
spirv-cross | | |
spirv-headers | | |
spirv-reflect | | |
spirv-tools | | |
sqlite3 |
3.46.0#2 |
3.46.1 |
sqlitecpp |
3.3.1 |
3.3.2 |
stdexec |
2024-06-16#1 |
2024-06-16#2 |
thorvg |
0.13.2 |
0.14.6 |
tinygltf |
2.9.2 |
2.9.3 |
toml11 |
4.0.0 |
4.2.0 |
tracy |
0.10.0#2 |
0.11.0 |
trantor |
1.5.19 |
1.5.20 |
tvision |
2024-02-28 |
2024-05-22 |
upb |
4.25.1 |
4.25.1#1 |
usrsctp | | |
uwebsockets |
20.62.0 |
20.65.0 |
vcpkg-tool-meson |
1.3.2#8 |
1.5.1 |
volk | | |
vowpal-wabbit |
9.8.0#2 |
9.10.0 |
vsg |
1.1.2 |
1.1.7 |
vtk |
9.3.0-pv5.12.1#1 |
9.3.0-pv5.12.1#5 |
vulkan-headers | | |
vulkan-loader | | |
vulkan-sdk-components | | |
vulkan-tools | | |
vulkan-utility-libraries | | |
vulkan-validationlayers | | |
wangle |
2024.07.08.00 |
2024.08.19.00 |
wasmedge |
0.13.5#1 |
0.13.5#2 |
wg21-linear-algebra |
0.7.3 |
0.7.3#1 |
wolfssl |
5.7.2 |
5.7.2#2 |
wolftpm |
3.2.0 |
3.4.0 |
wpilib |
2023-08-24 |
2023-08-24#1 |
xaudio2redist |
1.2.11#2 |
1.2.11#4 |
xmlsec |
1.3.3#1 |
1.3.5 |
z4kn4fein-semver |
0.2.1 |
0.4.0 |
zeromq |
4.3.5#1 |
4.... |
Read more
Total port count: 2457
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2231 |
x64-windows |
2323 |
x64-windows-static |
2203 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2237 |
x64-uwp |
1285 |
arm64-windows |
1915 |
arm64-uwp |
1252 |
arm64-osx |
2090 |
x64-osx |
2170 |
x64-linux |
2293 |
arm-neon-android |
1593 |
x64-android |
1665 |
arm64-android |
1641 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
The following 17 ports have been added:
port |
version |
audit |
4.0.1 |
cpprealm |
2.1.0 |
fast-double-parser |
0.7.0 |
gsasl |
2.2.1 |
half |
2.2.0 |
libaio |
0.3.113 |
libcgroup |
3.1.0 |
lightgbm |
4.4.0 |
mathter |
1.1.2 |
micro-gl |
2024-06-18 |
msquic |
2.3.5 |
parsi |
0.1.0 |
small-gicp |
0.1.0 |
soapysdr |
0.8.1 |
spglib |
2.4.0 |
tdscpp |
20240707 |
vcpkg-get-python |
2024-06-08 |
The following 315 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
ableton-link |
3.1.1 |
3.1.1#1 |
abseil |
20240116.2 |
20240116.2#3 |
acl |
2.3.1#2 |
2.3.2 |
activemq-cpp |
3.9.5#15 |
3.9.5#16 |
apr |
1.7.4 |
1.7.4#1 |
arcus |
4.10.0#2 |
4.10.0#3 |
armadillo |
12.8.4 |
12.8.4#1 |
asmjit |
2023-03-25 |
2024-06-28 |
assimp |
5.4.0 |
5.4.2 |
async-mqtt |
5.1.1 |
8.0.1 |
aws-c-auth |
0.7.16 |
0.7.22 |
aws-c-cal |
0.6.10 |
0.6.15 |
aws-c-common |
0.9.14 |
0.9.21 |
aws-c-http |
0.8.1 |
0.8.2 |
aws-c-io |
0.14.6 |
0.14.9 |
aws-c-mqtt |
0.10.3 |
0.10.4 |
aws-c-s3 |
0.5.4 |
0.5.10 |
aws-c-sdkutils |
0.1.15 |
0.1.16 |
aws-crt-cpp |
0.26.4 |
0.26.12 |
aws-sdk-cpp |
1.11.285#3 |
1.11.352 |
azure-c-shared-utility |
2024-03-04#1 |
2024-06-24#1 |
azure-iot-sdk-c |
2024-05-21 |
2024-06-24 |
azure-uamqp-c |
2024-03-04 |
2024-06-24 |
azure-uhttp-c |
2024-03-04 |
2024-06-24 |
azure-umqtt-c |
2024-03-04 |
2024-06-24 |
baresip-libre |
3.12.0 |
3.13.0 |
blend2d |
2023-06-16#1 |
2024-07-08 |
blitz |
2020-03-25#6 |
2020-03-25#7 |
boinc |
8.0.2 |
8.0.3 |
bond |
10.0.0#3 |
11.0.1#4 |
botan |
3.3.0 |
3.3.0#2 |
braft |
2021-26-04#4 |
2021-26-04#5 |
brpc |
1.9.0 |
1.9.0#1 |
cachelib |
2024.06.10.00 |
2024.07.08.00 |
cartographer |
1.0.0#5 |
1.0.0#6 |
ccfits |
2.5#12 |
2.5#13 |
cctag |
1.0.2#7 |
1.0.4 |
cdt |
1.4.0 |
1.4.1 |
cfitsio |
3.49#5 |
3.49#6 |
chromium-base |
86.0.4199.1#5 |
86.0.4199.1#6 |
cimg |
3.3.2 |
3.4.0 |
cista |
0.14 |
0.15 |
cnats |
3.8.0 |
3.8.2 |
coin-or-cbc |
2023-02-01 |
2024-06-04 |
coin-or-osi |
2023-02-01 |
2024-04-16 |
coinutils |
2023-02-02#1 |
2024-04-08 |
configcat |
4.0.1 |
4.0.3 |
cpp-httplib |
0.15.3 |
0.16.0 |
cpptrace |
0.6.1 |
0.6.2 |
crashpad |
2024-04-11 |
2024-04-11#1 |
cserialport |
4.3.0#1 |
4.3.1 |
ctbignum |
2019-08-02#4 |
2019-08-02#5 |
curl |
8.8.0#1 |
8.8.0#3 |
date |
3.0.1#5 |
2024-05-14 |
dbus |
1.15.8#4 |
1.15.8#5 |
dcmtk |
3.6.8#5 |
3.6.8#6 |
directx-headers |
1.613.0 |
1.614.0 |
duktape |
2.7.0#1 |
2.7.0#2 |
easyhook |
2.7.7097.0#7 |
2.7.7097.0#8 |
ecal |
5.12.0 |
5.12.0#1 |
edflib |
1.25 |
1.26 |
expat |
2.6.2 |
2.6.2#1 |
expected-lite |
0.6.3 |
0.8.0 |
fastcdr |
1.1.0 |
2.2.1 |
fastio |
2023-11-06 |
2024-07-05 |
faudio |
24.03 |
24.06 |
fbgemm |
0.4.1 |
0.4.1#1 |
fbthrift |
2024.06.10.00 |
2024.07.08.00 |
ffmpeg |
6.1.1#7 |
6.1.1#10 |
fftw3 |
3.3.10#8 |
3.3.10#9 |
fizz |
2024.06.10.00 |
2024.07.08.00 |
folly |
2024.06.10.00 |
2024.07.08.00 |
fontconfig |
2.14.2#1 |
2.14.2#2 |
foonathan-memory |
0.7.3#1 |
0.7.3#2 |
freeglut |
3.4.0#2 |
3.4.0#3 |
freerdp |
3.4.0#2 |
3.4.0#3 |
gdal |
3.9.0 |
3.9.1 |
geogram |
1.8.3#2 |
1.8.3#3 |
gettext |
0.22.5 |
0.22.5#1 |
gettext-libintl |
0.22.5#1 |
0.22.5#2 |
ginkgo |
1.7.0 |
1.8.0 |
glib |
2.78.4#2 |
2.78.4#3 |
glm |
1.0.1#2 |
1.0.1#3 |
glog |
0.7.0#1 |
0.7.1 |
glslang |
14.2.0 |
14.2.0#1 |
gmmlib |
22.3.17 |
22.3.20 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.25.0 |
2.26.0#1 |
graphqlparser |
0.7.0#4 |
0.7.0#5 |
graphviz |
10.0.1#1 |
10.0.1#2 |
grpc |
1.51.1#3 |
1.60.0 |
gtk |
4.10.5#2 |
4.14.0#1 |
gtkmm |
4.10.0#1 |
4.14.0 |
guile |
3.0.9 |
3.0.9#1 |
gz-common5 |
5.4.1#1 |
5.4.1#2 |
gz-transport12 |
12.2.0 |
12.2.1 |
harfbuzz |
8.5.0#1 |
9.0.0 |
hayai |
2019-08-10#3 |
2019-08-10#4 |
hdf5 | | |
hidapi |
0.14.0 |
0.14.0#1 |
highway |
1.1.0 |
1.2.0 |
hpx |
1.10.0 |
1.10.0#1 |
hwloc |
2.10.0 |
2.10.0#1 |
icu |
74.2#2 |
74.2#4 |
ignition-msgs1 |
1.0.0#6 |
1.0.0#7 |
ignition-msgs5 |
5.3.0#6 |
5.3.0#7 |
ignition-msgs6 |
6.0.0#5 |
6.0.0#6 |
ignition-transport4 |
4.0.0#6 |
4.0.0#7 |
ignition-transport8 |
8.1.0#4 |
8.1.0#5 |
ignition-transport9 |
9.0.0#4 |
9.0.0#5 |
igraph |
0.10.12 |
0.10.13 |
imgui |
1.90.7 |
1.90.7#1 |
intel-mkl |
2023.0.0#3 |
2023.0.0#4 |
itk |
5.3rc02#1 |
5.4.0 |
kerbal |
2024.5.1 |
2024.6.1 |
krb5 |
1.21.2#4 |
1.21.3 |
libass |
0.17.2 |
0.17.3 |
libbson |
1.27.2 |
1.27.4 |
libcroco |
0.6.13#6 |
0.6.13#7 |
libevent |
2.1.12+20230128 |
2.1.12+20230128#1 |
libeventheader-decode |
1.3.3 |
1.4.0 |
libeventheader-tracepoint |
1.3.3 |
1.4.0 |
libgeotiff |
1.7.3 |
1.7.3#1 |
libheif |
1.17.6#1 |
1.17.6#2 |
libidn2 |
2.3.7 |
2.3.7#1 |
libjpeg-turbo |
3.0.2 |
3.0.3 |
libjxl |
0.10.2#3 |
0.10.2#4 |
liblas |
1.8.1#14 |
1.8.1#15 |
liblsquic |
3.3.2 |
3.3.2#1 |
liblzma |
5.4.4 |
5.6.2 |
libmediainfo |
24.5 |
24.6 |
libnick |
2024.6.5 |
2024.7.2 |
liborigin |
3.0.2#2 |
3.0.3 |
libosmscout |
1.1.1#4 |
1.1.1#5 |
libprotobuf-mutator |
1.1 |
1.3 |
librdkafka |
2.3.0#1 |
2.3.0#2 |
libressl |
3.8.2 |
3.9.2 |
librsvg |
2.40.20#10 |
2.40.20#11 |
libsigcpp |
3.6.0 |
3.6.0#1 |
libsodium |
1.0.20#1 |
1.0.20#3 |
libspatialite |
5.1.0#1 |
5.1.0#2 |
libsrt |
1.5.3#1 |
1.5.3#2 |
libssh |
0.10.5#1 |
0.10.6 |
libssh2 |
1.11.0#1 |
1.11.0#2 |
libsvm |
3.32 |
3.32#1 |
libsystemd |
255#2 |
256.2 |
libtorch |
2.1.2#2 |
2.1.2#3 |
libtracepoint |
1.3.3#1 |
1.4.0 |
libtracepoint-control |
1.3.3#1 |
1.4.0 |
libtracepoint-decode |
1.3.3 |
1.4.0 |
libwebsockets |
4.3.2 |
4.3.3#1 |
libxml2 |
2.11.7 |
2.11.8 |
libxslt |
1.1.37#3 |
1.1.37#4 |
libyuv |
1857 |
1857#1 |
lz4 |
1.9.4#1 |
1.9.4#2 |
magic-enum |
0.9.5 |
0.9.6 |
marble |
24.02.0 |
24.02.0#1 |
mathgl |
8.0.1#6 |
8.0.1#7 |
mimalloc |
2.1.2#2 |
2.1.2#3 |
minizip |
1.3.1 |
1.3.1#1 |
minizip-ng |
4.0.5 |
4.0.7 |
mnn |
1.1.0#5 |
1.1.0#6 |
mongo-c-driver |
1.27.2 |
1.27.4 |
mongo-cxx-driver |
3.10.1 |
3.10.2 |
monkeys-audio |
10.08#1 |
10.08#2 |
mp-units |
2.1.1 |
2.2.0 |
msdfgen |
1.11.0 |
1.12 |
mvfst |
2024.06.10.00 |
2024.07.08.00 |
mysql-connector-cpp |
8.0.32#1 |
8.0.32#2 |
nanomsg |
1.2.1#1 |
1.2.1#2 |
nanopb |
0.4.8 |
0.4.8#1 |
nativefiledialog-extended |
1.1.1 |
1.2.0 |
nghttp3 |
1.1.0 |
1.3.0 |
nlohmann-json |
3.11.3 |
3.11.3#1 |
numcpp |
2.12.1#1 |
2.12.1#2 |
ogre |
14.2.2 |
14.2.2#1 |
omniorb |
4.3.0#2 |
4.3.0#3 |
ompl |
1.6.0 |
1.6.0#1 |
openblas |
0.3.27 |
0.3.27#1 |
opencolorio |
2.2.1#2 |
2.2.1#3 |
opencv3 |
3.4.18#14 |
3.4.18#15 |
opencv4 |
4.8.0#19 |
4.8.0#21 |
openimageio | | |
openmvg |
2.0#10 |
2.0#11 |
openscap |
1.3.7#2 |
1.3.7#3 |
openssl |
3.3.1 |
3.3.1#1 |
opentelemetry-cpp |
1.14.2#2 |
1.16.0#1 |
openvino |
2024.1.0 |
2024.2.0#1 |
osgearth |
3.4#1 |
3.4#3 |
paho-mqttpp3 |
1.3.2 |
1.4.1 |
paraview |
5.12.0 |
5.12.1#2 |
pipewire |
1.0.4 |
1.0.4#1 |
pocketpy |
1.4.5 |
1.4.6#1 |
polyhook2 |
2024-02-08 |
2024-06-03 |
presentmon |
1.10.0 |
1.10.0#1 |
proj |
9.4.1 |
9.4.1#1 |
protobuf |
3.21.12#3 |
4.25.1 |
proxygen |
2024.06.10.00 |
2024.07.08.00 |
pulsar-client-cpp |
3.5.1 |
3.5.1#1 |
pybind11 |
2.12.0#1 |
2.13.1 |
python3 |
3.11.8#2 |
3.11.8#4 |
qca |
2.3.7#1 |
2.3.7#2 |
qpid-proton |
0.38.0#1 |
0.38.0#2 |
qt |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qt3d |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qt5-base |
5.15.14 |
5.15.14#1 |
qt5-webengine |
5.15.14 |
5.15.14#1 |
qt5compat |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtactiveqt |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtapplicationmanager |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtbase |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtcharts |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtcoap |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtconnectivity |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2#1 |
qtdatavis3d |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtdeclarative |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtdeviceutilities |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtdoc |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtgraphs |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtgrpc |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qthttpserver |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtimageformats |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtinterfaceframework |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtlanguageserver |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtlocation |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtlottie |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtmqtt |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtmultimedia |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtnetworkauth |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtopcua |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtpositioning |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtquick3d |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtquick3dphysics |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtquickeffectmaker |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtquicktimeline |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtremoteobjects |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtscxml |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtsensors |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2#1 |
qtserialbus |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtserialport |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtshadertools |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtspeech |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtsvg |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qttools |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qttranslations |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtvirtualkeyboard |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtwayland |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtwebchannel |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtwebengine |
6.7.0#4 |
6.7.2 |
qtwebsockets |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
qtwebview |
6.7.1 |
6.7.2 |
quill |
4.4.0 |
4.5.0 |
rapidcsv |
8.80 |
8.82 |
rapidfuzz |
3.0.2 |
3.0.4 |
re2 |
2024-04-01#2 |
2024-06-01 |
ring-span-lite |
0.6.0#1 |
0.7.0 |
roaring |
3.0.1 |
4.0.0 |
robin-map |
1.2.2 |
1.3.0 |
rocksdb |
9.1.0 |
9.2.1 |
ryml |
0.5.0 |
0.5.0#1 |
s2n |
1.4.8 |
1.4.16 |
sail |
0.9.5 |
0.9.5#1 |
scnlib |
2.0.2#3 |
3.0.1 |
sdbus-cpp |
1.5.0 |
2.0.0 |
sdl2 |
2.30.3 |
2.30.5#1 |
sese |
2.1.2 |
2.2.0#... |
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