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2025.03.19 Release

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@BillyONeal BillyONeal released this 21 Mar 18:42
· 56 commits to master since this release

Total port count: 2564

Total port count per triplet (tested):

triplet ports available
x86-windows 2346
x64-windows 2463
x64-windows-release 2463
x64-windows-static 2329
x64-windows-static-md 2381
x64-uwp 1375
arm64-windows 2057
arm64-windows-static-md 2036
arm64-uwp 1339
x64-osx 2322
arm64-osx 2246
x64-linux 2445
arm-neon-android 1730
x64-android 1806
arm64-android 1774

The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:

In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:

The following 40 ports have been added:
port version
aravis 0.8.34
arrow-adbc 16
asock 1.0.7
audioengine 1.1
boost-parser 1.87.0#1
flatcc 0.6.1
gdbm 1.24
gegl 0.4.54
ggml 2025-02-12
graaf 1.1.1
gz-cmake 4.1.1
gz-common 6.0.2
gz-fuel-tools 10.0.0
gz-gui 9.0.0
gz-math 8.1.0
gz-msgs 11.0.2
gz-physics 8.0.0
gz-plugin 3.0.0
gz-rendering 9.0.0
gz-sensors 9.0.0
gz-tools 2.0.1
gz-transport 14.0.0
gz-utils 3.1.0
icecream-cpp 1.0.0
implot3d 0.2
intrusive-shared-ptr 1.6
libaribcaption 1.1.1
libmypaint 1.6.1
liquid-dsp 1.7.0
llama-cpp 4743
morphologica 3.4.4
ms-gdk 2410.1.1897
mypaint-brushes 1.3.1
nanoarrow 0.6.0
qlementine 1.1.2
qlementine-icons 1.7.1
red0124-ssp 1.8.0
safetyhook 0.6.5
sdformat 15.1.1
sdl3-ttf 3.1.0
The following 408 ports have been updated:
port original version new version
ada-url 2.9.2 3.2.1
amd-amf 1.4.35 1.4.36
anari 0.12.1 0.13.1
ankurvdev-embedresource 0.0.11 0.0.12
apriltag 3.4.2 3.4.3
arrayfire 3.8.0#7 3.8.0#8
arrow 19.0.0#1 19.0.1
asio-grpc 3.4.1 3.4.2
async-mqtt 10.0.0 10.1.0
autodock-vina 1.2.6 1.2.6#1
avcpp 2.4.0 2.6.0
avro-c 1.11.3 1.12.0
azure-core-cpp 1.14.1 1.15.0
azure-storage-common-cpp 12.9.0 12.10.0
azure-storage-cpp 7.5.0#6 7.5.0#7
azure-storage-files-shares-cpp 12.12.0 12.13.0
babl 0.1.110 0.1.110#2
baresip-libre 3.19.0 3.20.0
bcg729 1.1.1#3 1.1.1#4
blake3 1.5.4 1.6.0
blpapi 3.24.6 3.25.1
boost 1.86.0#1 1.87.0#1
boost-accumulators 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-algorithm 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-align 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-any 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-array 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-asio 1.86.0 1.87.0#1
boost-assert 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-assign 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-atomic 1.86.0 1.87.0#1
boost-beast 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-bimap 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-bind 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-build 1.86.0#1 1.87.0
boost-callable-traits 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-charconv 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-chrono 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-circular-buffer 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-cmake 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-cobalt 1.86.0#1 1.87.0#1
boost-compat 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-compute 1.86.0 1.87.0#1
boost-concept-check 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-config 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-container 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-container-hash 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-context 1.86.0 1.87.0#1
boost-contract 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-conversion 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-convert 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-core 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-coroutine 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-coroutine2 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-crc 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-date-time 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-describe 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-detail 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-dll 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-dynamic-bitset 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-endian 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-exception 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-fiber 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-filesystem 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-flyweight 1.86.0 1.87.0#1
boost-foreach 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-format 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-function 1.86.0#1 1.87.0
boost-function-types 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-functional 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-fusion 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-geometry 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-gil 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-graph 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-graph-parallel 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-hana 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-headers 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-heap 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-histogram 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-hof 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-icl 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-integer 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-interprocess 1.86.0 1.87.0#1
boost-interval 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-intrusive 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-io 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-iostreams 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-iterator 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-json 1.86.0 1.87.0#1
boost-lambda 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-lambda2 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-leaf 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-lexical-cast 1.86.0 1.87.0#1
boost-local-function 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-locale 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-lockfree 1.86.0 1.87.0#1
boost-log 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-logic 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-math 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-metaparse 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-move 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-mp11 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-mpi 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-mpl 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-msm 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-multi-array 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-multi-index 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-multiprecision 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-mysql 1.86.0 1.87.0#1
boost-nowide 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-numeric-conversion 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-odeint 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-optional 1.86.0 1.87.0#1
boost-outcome 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-parameter 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-parameter-python 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-pfr 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-phoenix 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-poly-collection 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-polygon 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-pool 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-predef 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-preprocessor 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-process 1.86.0 1.87.0#1
boost-program-options 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-property-map 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-property-map-parallel 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-property-tree 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-proto 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-ptr-container 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-python 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-qvm 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-random 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-range 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-ratio 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-rational 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-redis 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-regex 1.86.0 1.87.0#1
boost-safe-numerics 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-scope 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-scope-exit 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-serialization 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-signals2 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-smart-ptr 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-sort 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-spirit 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-stacktrace 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-statechart 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-static-assert 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-static-string 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-stl-interfaces 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-system 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-test 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-thread 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-throw-exception 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-timer 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-tokenizer 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-tti 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-tuple 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-type-erasure 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-type-index 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-type-traits 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-typeof 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-ublas 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-uninstall 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-units 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-unordered 1.86.0 1.87.0#1
boost-url 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-utility 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-uuid 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-variant 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-variant2 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-vmd 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-wave 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-winapi 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-xpressive 1.86.0 1.87.0
boost-yap 1.86.0 1.87.0
boringssl 2024-09-13 2024-09-13#1
breakpad 2023-06-01#2 2024-02-16
bw-tempdir 1.0.0 1.0.1
c4core 0.2.1 0.2.5
cairo 1.18.2 1.18.2#1
cimg 3.4.1 3.5.2
cli11 2.4.2#1 2.5.0
clipper2 1.4.0 1.5.2
cnats 3.9.2 3.10.1
cocoyaxi 3.0.0#1 2024-09-04
colmap 3.11.1#2 3.11.1#3
cpp-httplib 0.18.7 0.20.0
cpp-pinyin 1.0.0 1.0.2
cppitertools 2.1#3 2.2
cppmicroservices 3.8.4 3.8.6
cpprestsdk 2.10.19#2 2.10.19#3
cpptrace 0.7.5 0.8.1
cpputest 2019-9-16#3 4.0
cpr 1.11.1 1.11.2
crow 1.2.0
cudnn 7.6.5#14 7.6.5#15
dartsim 6.15.0#1 6.15.0#3
daw-header-libraries 2.118.0 2.123.2
daw-json-link 3.29.2 3.30.2
dbus 1.15.8#5 1.16.2#1
directx-dxc 2024-07-31#2 2025-02-20#1
directxmath 2024-12-02 2024-12-02#1
double-conversion 3.3.0 3.3.0#1
dpp 10.0.35 10.1.0#1
drogon 1.9.9 1.9.10
duckdb 1.2.0 1.2.1#1
ecal 5.13.2 5.13.3
etl 20.39.4 20.40.0
exiv2 0.28.3#2 0.28.5
fast-float 8.0.0#1 8.0.2
fastcdr 2.2.4 2.2.6
fastdds 3.1.2 3.1.2#1
fbthrift 2025.02.10.00 2025.03.10.00
fcl 0.7.0#3 0.7.0#4
ffmpeg 7.1#2 7.1.1#1
fizz 2025.02.10.00 2025.03.10.00
flann 2019-04-07#7 2022-10-28
flashlight-cuda 0.3#6 0.3#7
flatbuffers 25.1.21 25.2.10
flecs 4.0.4 4.0.5
fltk 1.3.9#2 1.3.11
fluidsynth 2.4.3 2.4.4
folly 2025.02.10.00 2025.03.10.00
freeglut 3.4.0#3 3.6.0
functions-framework-cpp 1.2.0 1.2.0#1
gdal 3.10.1#1 3.10.2
gettext 0.22.5#1 0.22.5#2
gettext-libintl 0.22.5#2 0.22.5#3
gexiv2 0.14.3 0.14.3#1
giflib 5.2.2 5.2.2#1
glaze 4.4.1 5.0.0
glew 2.2.0#5 2.2.0#6
godot-cpp 4.3 4.4
google-cloud-cpp 2.35.0#1 2.36.0
gperf 3.1#6 3.1#7
graphviz 10.0.1#2 10.0.1#3
grpc 1.70.1 1.71.0
gtsam 4.2.0 4.2.0#1
gz-cmake3 3.4.1#5 3.4.1#6
gz-common5 5.4.1#3 5.4.1#4
gz-fuel-tools8 8.1.0 8.1.0#1
gz-gui7 7.2.1 7.2.1#1
gz-math7 7.3.0 7.3.0#1
gz-msgs9 9.5.0 9.5.0#1
gz-physics6 6.5.1#1 6.5.1#3
gz-plugin2 2.0.1 2.0.1#1
gz-rendering7 7.4.1#1 7.4.1#2
gz-sensors7 7.3.0 7.3.0#1
gz-tools2 2.0.0#1 2.0.0#2
gz-transport12 12.2.1 12.2.1#1
gz-utils2 2.0.0 2.0.0#1
hareflow 0.1.1 0.1.1#1
harfbuzz 10.2.0#2 10.2.0#3
hello-imgui 1.6.0 1.6.0#3
highfive 2.10.0 2.10.1#1
highs 1.7.2 1.9.0
hlslpp 3.5.3 3.6
icu 74.2#4 74.2#5
ignition-modularscripts 2023-05-05 2025-02-27
imgui 1.91.8#2 1.91.9
imgui-sfml 2.6#1 3.0#1
influxdb-cxx 0.7.2#1 0.7.4
jasper 4.2.4#1 4.2.4#2
jhasse-poly2tri 2023-12-27#1 2023-12-27#2
joltphysics 5.2.0#1 5.3.0
jsoncons 1.2.0 1.3.0
ktx 4.3.2 4.3.2#1
lcm 1.4.0#6 1.4.0#7
lib3mf 2.3.2 2.4.1
libassert 2.1.4 2.1.5
libbson 1.30.0 1.30.1
libcbor 0.11.0#1 0.12.0
libcoro 0.12.1 0.14.1
libe57 1.1.332#4 1.1.332#5
libffi 3.4.6 3.4.7#1
libgeotiff 1.7.3#1 1.7.4
libiconv 1.17#5 1.18
libmupdf 1.25.2 1.25.4
libnick 2025.1.0 2025.3.3
libogg 1.3.5#1 1.3.5#2
libphonenumber 8.13.45 9.0.0
libslirp 4.8.0 4.9.0
libsrt 1.5.3#3 1.5.4
libtommath 1.3.0#1 1.3.0#2
libxcrypt 4.4.36#2 4.4.38
libxlsxwriter 1.2.0 1.2.1
loguru 2.1.0#5 2.1.0#6
luau 0.660 0.665
lunasvg 3.1.1 3.2.1#1
matio 1.5.27#1 1.5.28
meshoptimizer 0.22 0.23
miniaudio 0.11.21 0.11.22
minizip-ng 4.0.7 4.0.8
mnn 1.1.0#6 1.1.0#7
mongo-c-driver 1.30.0 1.30.1
mongoose 7.16 7.17
ms-gltf 2022-06-28#2 2024-09-05
ms-gsl 4.1.0 4.2.0
msquic 2.4.7#3 2.4.8
mujoco 3.2.7 3.3.0
mvfst 2025.02.10.00 2025.03.10.00
mysql-connector-cpp 9.1.0#3 9.1.0#4
nanoflann 1.7.0 1.7.1
nanopb 0.4.9 0.4.9#1
ncnn 20240102#1 20241226
nghttp2 1.64.0 1.65.0
nghttp3 1.7.0 1.8.0
ngtcp2 1.10.0 1.11.0
octave 9.3.0#2 9.4.0
ode 0.16.5 0.16.6
ompl 1.6.0#3 1.6.0#4
omplapp 1.5.1#6 1.6.0
onednn 3.5.3#1 3.7
openblas 0.3.28#1 0.3.29
opencascade 7.8.1#1 7.9.0
opencsg 1.6.0 1.7.0
openctm 1.0.3 1.0.3#1
opencv 4.10.0#2 4.10.0#3
opencv4 4.10.0#5 4.10.0#6
openh264 2.5.0 2.6.0
opentelemetry-cpp 1.19.0 1.19.0#2
otl 4.0.480 4.0.481
pangolin 0.9.2 0.9.3#1
pangomm 2.50.1#3 2.56.1#1
paraview 5.12.1#3 5.12.1#4
pcg 2021-04-06#2 2022-04-09
pcl 1.14.1#4 1.15.0#1
pcre2 10.43 10.45
pfring 8.4.0 8.8.0
pixman 0.43.4#1 0.44.2
plplot 5.15.0#2 5.15.0#4
plustache 0.4.0#4 0.4.0#5
plutosvg 0.0.4#1 0.0.6#1
plutovg 0.0.12 1.0.0
poco 1.14.0#2 1.14.1#1
polyclipping 6.4.2#12 6.4.2#13
proj 9.5.1 9.6.0
projectm-eval 1.0.0#1 1.0.1
proxy 3.2.0 3.2.1
proxygen 2025.02.10.00 2025.03.10.00
ptyqt 0.6.5 0.7.1
quill 8.1.1 8.2.0
qwtw 3.1.0#4 3.1.0#5
rapidhash 2024-06-08 1.0
rapidjson 2023-07-17#2 2025-02-26
reflectcpp 0.17.0 0.18.0
restinio 0.7.3 0.7.4
rmqcpp 1.0.0#1 1.0.0#2
robotraconteur 1.2.4 1.2.4#2
ryml 0.7.2 0.8.0
sail 0.9.6 0.9.8
salome-med-fichier 4.1.1#2 4.1.1#3
sdformat13 13.6.0 13.6.0#1
sdl2 2.30.12 2.32.2#1
sdl2-image 2.8.4 2.8.8#1
sdl2-ttf 2.22.0#1 2.24.0
sdl3 3.2.4 3.2.8
sdl3-image 3.2.0 3.2.4
sentry-native 0.7.20 0.8.1
sfgui 0.4.0#6 1.0.0
sfml 2.6.2 3.0.0#1
simd 6.1.142 6.1.147
simdjson 3.12.0 3.12.2
simdutf 6.1.1 6.3.1
skia 129#3 134#2
sleef 3.8 3.8#1
smf 0.1.1 0.2.0
sqlite3 3.49.0 3.49.1
stringzilla 3.11.3 3.12.3
tdscpp 20240707 20250301
tgbot-cpp 1.7.3 1.7.3#1
tgui 1.7.0 1.8.0#1
thorvg 0.15.9 0.15.11
tinycbor 0.6.0#1 0.6.1
tinyxml2 10.0.0 11.0.0
tracy 0.11.1#1 0.11.1#2
trantor 1.5.22 1.5.23
triton 2023-08-16 2025-02-15
upa-url 1.0.2 1.1.0
usearch 2.17.2 2.17.2#1
uwebsockets 20.71.0 20.74.0
valijson 1.0.2 1.0.4
vcpkg-make 2025-01-13#1 2025-02-08
vowpal-wabbit 9.10.0 9.10.0#2
vsg 1.1.8 1.1.10
vst3sdk v3.7.12_build_20#1 v3.7.12_build_20#2
vulkan-headers 1.4.304.1 1.4.304.1#1
vulkan-memory-allocator-hpp 3.1.0 3.1.0#1
wangle 2025.02.10.00 2025.03.10.00
webthing-cpp 1.0.5#1 1.2.0
workflow 0.10.9 0.11.8
wpilib 2023-08-24#1 2023-08-24#2
wt 4.11.2 4.11.3
x264 0.164.3108#1 0.164.3108#2
xbyak 7.23.1 7.24.2
xmlsec 1.3.6 1.3.7
yalantinglibs 0.3.11 0.4.0
yaml-cpp 0.8.0#1 0.8.0#2
z3 4.13.3 4.14.0
zpp-bits 4.4.17 4.5
zserge-webview 2023-04-15 0.12.0
zstd 1.5.6 1.5.7
zycore 1.5.0 1.5.1
zydis 4.1.0 4.1.1
The following 34 ports have been removed:

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2025.02.14...2025.03.19